4 research outputs found

    Kompleks mitral kapak patolojilerin onarımı: Uğraşmaya değer mi?

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    Introduction: Mitral valve (MV) repair is preferred over replacement for its benefits of preservation of ventricular function, lower operative mortality, superior long-term survival, and avoidance of anticoagulation. In this study, we aimed to review the repair techniques of complex MV pathologies and their outcomes. Patients and Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 56 patients (mean age 41.8 ± 16.5 years; 33 males) who underwent repair of complex MV pathologies. 44 patients had pure mitral regurgitation (MR), and 12 (21.4%) had mixed mitral disease (mitral stenosis (MS) + MR). Preoperative and operative characteristics, postoperative MR severity, operative mortality, and midterm survival were examined for each patient. Results: There was only one early death (30-day mortality: 1.8%) due to postoperative low cardiac output syndrome. The procedures were successful in all patients who underwent MV repair. Transthoracic echocardiography examinations revealed no/trivial MR in 74.6% and mild MR in 21.8% of patients at discharge. Late follow-up was obtained in 55 patients. The mean follow-up period of patients was 47.9 ± 23.1 months. Mortality developed in one (1.8%) patient with Marfan syndrome who had acute aortic dissection three years after MV surgery. During follow-up visits, mitral repair procedures were successful in 49 (90.7%) patients. Four (7.4%) patients presented with moderate MR. Only one (1.9%) patient needed reoperation because of severe MR. Conclusion: This study showed that repair of complex MV pathologies provides excellent surgical outcomes. Repair of complex MV pathologies is safe and highly effective, but operations require considerable surgical experience.Giriş: Ventrikül fonksiyonun korunması, daha az cerrahi mortaliteye sahip olması, üstün uzun dönem survey ve antikoagülan kullanımının önlenmesi gibi üstünlükleri nedeniyle mitral kapak onarımı replasmana daha çok tercih edilmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, kompleks mitral kapak patolojilerin onarım teknikleri ve sonuçları sunmaktır. Hastalar ve Yöntem: Retrospektif olarak kompleks mitral kapak patolojilerin onarımı geçiren 56 hasta incelendi (ortalama yaş 41.8 ± 16.5 yıl; 33 erkek). Kırk dört hastada saf mitral yetmezliği varken, 12 (%21.4) hastada miks mitral kapak hastalığı (mitral darlığı + mitral yetmezliği) vardı. Preoperatif ve operatif özellikleri, postoperatif mitral yetmezliği derecesi, cerrahi mortalite ve orta dönem sonuçları her hasta için araştırıldı. Bulgular: Postoperatif düşük kardiyak debi sendromuna bağlı bir hastada erken mortalite (30 gün mortalite: %1.8) görüldü. Mitral kapak onarımı ameliyatı olan bütün hastalarda mitral onarım prosedürleri başarılı olmuştur. Hastalar taburcu olduğunda yapılan ekokardiyografik değerlendirmede %74.6’sında hiç/eser yetersizlik ve %21.8’inde hafif yetersizlik saptandı. 55 hastada geç dönem takibi yapıldı. Hastalarımızın ortalama takip süresi 47.9 ± 23.1 aydı. Geç mortalite mitral kapak onarımından 3 yıl sonra akut aort diseksiyonu nedeniyle ameliyata alınan marfan sendromlu bir hastada gözlendi. Takipler sırasında yapılan ekokardiyografik değerlendirmede hastaların %90.7 (49 hasta)’sinde hiç ya da hafif yetersizlik gözlendi. Orta yetersizlik gözlenen 4 (%7.4) hastada tıbbi tedavi uygulandı. İleri yetersizlik gözlenen 1 (%1.9) hastada reoperasyon uygulandı. Sonuç: Çalışmamız kompleks mitral kapak patolojilerin onarımının sonuçları mükemmel olduğunu gösterdi. Kompleks mitral kapak patolojilerin onarım teknikleri güvenli ve sonuçları son derece etkindir, fakat ameliyatlarda yeterli cerrahi tecrübe gereklidir

    Effectiveness of artificial neochordae implantation in tricuspid valve repair

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    WOS: 000470726100009PubMed ID: 31236073Various techniques for treating tricuspid regurgitation have been described; however, because of scarce data about the long-term outcomes of different repairs, the optimal technique has not been established. We evaluated the effectiveness and durability of artificial neochordae implantation in the treatment of tricuspid regurgitation. From 2009 through 2014, 507 patients underwent tricuspid valve repair at our institution. Of those, 48 patients implanted with artificial neochordae were included in our study. The median age of the participants was 62 years (range, 4-77 yr) and 50% were women. Thirty patients (63%) were in New York Heart Association functional class III, and 11 (23%) were in class II. The cause of tricuspid regurgitation was functional in 33 patients (69%) and rheumatic in 15 (31%). In 46 patients, neochordae implantation was performed in addition to Kay annuloplasty (n= 13) or ring annuloplasty (n= 33). Forty-two patients were discharged from the hospital with absent or mild tricuspid regurgitation. The mean follow-up period was 44.3 +/- 20.2 months. Follow-up echocardiograms revealed that tricuspid regurgitation was absent, minimal, or mild in 38 patients (80.8%), moderate in 7, and severe in 2. Our results indicate that the use of artificial neochordae implantation as an adjunct procedure to annuloplasty leads to effective and durable repair in comparison with conventional techniques for treating tricuspid regurgitation

    The Score for Allergic Rhinitis study in Turkey, 2020

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    International audienceObjective: This study aimed to determine how prevalent allergic rhinitis (AR) is in Turkey and to compare the current prevalence with the figures obtained 10 years earlier.Methods: This study included 9,017 participants. The minimum number of participants required from each center was determined via a stratified sampling technique according to regional demographic characteristics as ascertained from the last census. For each region, both men and women were administered the score for allergic rhinitis (SFAR) questionnaire and a score for each participant was calculated based on the responses supplied.Results: A total of 9,017 individuals (55.3% men and 44.7% women) took part in this study. Of these, 94.4% were urban residents and 5.6% lived in a rural setting. Of the men, 38.5% self-reported as suffering from AR. The corresponding figure in women was 40.5%. The overall prevalence of AR, as deduced on the basis of the SFAR, was found to be 36.7%. Comparing the prevalence in different regions, we found that AR was the least prevalent in the Black Sea region with a frequency of 35.8%. The highest prevalence was in the Mediterranean region, where the prevalence was 37.7%. There was no statistical significance in the apparent differences in prevalence between different geographical regions. Despite this, however, there was a clear increase in the frequency of AR over the preceding decade. This increase was most pronounced in the South-Eastern Anatolian region, where the frequency rose from 21.0% to 36.9%.Conclusion: Our results indicate that there has been a marked increase in the prevalence of AR in every region in Turkey over the last 10 years. This could be related to living conditions in urban environments. Alterations in lifestyle, urban living, air pollution causing impairments in immune defense mechanisms, and other aspects of modern lifestyles may account for the increase in AR in Turkey