6 research outputs found

    Oil and tocopherol contents in lineseed variety NS Primus

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    Lan je uljarica koja ima veliku primenu u medicini, ishrani ljudi i životinja i drugim granama industrije. Ogled sa sortom lana NS Primus izveden je na parcelama Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, u Bačkom Petrovcu, u tri ponavljanja. Sorta NS Primus ostvarila je u proseku visok prinos zrna i ulja. Prosečan sadržaj ulja u zrnu za testirane sorte iznosio je 40,55%. Povoljnija godina za sintezu ulja bila je suÅ”na, 2017. godina. Sadržaj ukupnih tokoferola u ulju sorte NS Primus bio je ralativno visok i iznosio je 280,25 mg/L. Ī³ - tokoferol je činio 100 % od ukupno prisutnih tokoferola. Relativno visok sadržaj ukupnih tokoferola doprinosi nutritivnoj vrednosti ispitivanog ulja lana.Linseed is a oil plant which has great application in medicine, human and animal nutrition and in other branches of industry. Experiment with linseed variety NS Primus was carried out on parcels of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, in Backi Petrovac, in three repetitions. NS Primus variety made an average of high grain and oil yield in average. Average oil content in the seed for tested varieties was 40.55. Favorable year for synthesis of oil it was dry 2017. Total tocopherol content in the oil of the NS Primus variety was being relatively high and was 280.25 mg/L. Ī³-tocopherol made 100% of total present tocopherol. The relatively high content of total tocopherol contributed to the nutritive value of the examined flax oil

    Retrospective Analysis of Six Years of Acute Flaccid Paralysis Surveillance and Polio Vaccine Coverage Reported by Italy, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Albania, North Macedonia, Malta, and Greece

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    Here we analyzed six years of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) surveillance, from 2015 to 2020, of 10 countries linked to the WHO Regional Reference Laboratory, at the Istituto Superiore di SanitĆ , Italy. The analysis also comprises the polio vaccine coverage available (2015ā€“2019) and enterovirus (EV) identification and typing data. Centralized Information System for Infectious Diseases and Laboratory Data Management System databases were used to obtain data on AFP indicators and laboratory performance and countriesā€™ vaccine coverage from 2015 to 2019. EV isolation, identification, and typing were performed by each country according to WHO protocols. Overall, a general AFP underreporting was observed. Non-Polio Enterovirus (NPEV) typing showed a high heterogeneity: over the years, several genotypes of coxsackievirus and echovirus have been identified. The polio vaccine coverage, for the data available, differs among countries. This evaluation allows for the collection, for the first time, of data from the countries of the Balkan area regarding AFP surveillance and polio vaccine coverage. The need, for some countries, to enhance the surveillance systems and to promote the polio vaccine uptake, in order to maintain the polio-free status, is evident

    Prima, realizovana sorta sirka metlaŔa

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    Ovo je realizovana sorta sirka metlaŔa Prima.račun br. MPF22-3123 od 18.04.2022. godin

    Prima, sorta sirka metlaŔa

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    Sorta sirka metlaŔa Prima priznata je od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, Ŕumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije.ReŔenje broj 320-44-02838/2/2020-11 od 28.03.2022. godine

    Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Parents and Pediatricians Regarding Antibiotic Use among Children: Differences in Relation to the Level of Education of the Parents in the Republic of Srpska Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Antibiotics are often misused, especially for the treatment of upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) in children, where their use is unnecessary and leads to antimicrobial resistance. This study sought to explore the knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) of parents and pediatricians on the use of antibiotics among children and whether the level of education of parents has an impact on their KAP. The research was carried out among 1459 parents of children under 6 years of age and among 18 pediatricians. Sixty percent of pediatricians (61.1%) were prescribed antibiotics daily in their practice. Most of the surveyed parents (98.4%) state that doctors are their main source of information when deciding on the use of antibiotics in the treatment of their children. Parents with a higher level of education use television less often as a source of information when making this decision compared to parents with a lower level of education (p = 0.039, i.e., p = 0.003). The majority of parents (80.7%) knew that Panklav (amoxicillin/clavulanic acid) is an antibiotic, while 52.5% identified Pancef (cefixime) as an antibiotic. Parents with a higher level of education correctly identified antibiotics significantly more often (p < 0.001). This study shows that in the Republic of Srpska, parents have adequate knowledge about antibiotics, especially those with a higher level of education, who show better KAP when it comes to antibiotic use