Oil and tocopherol contents in lineseed variety NS Primus


Lan je uljarica koja ima veliku primenu u medicini, ishrani ljudi i životinja i drugim granama industrije. Ogled sa sortom lana NS Primus izveden je na parcelama Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, u Bačkom Petrovcu, u tri ponavljanja. Sorta NS Primus ostvarila je u proseku visok prinos zrna i ulja. Prosečan sadržaj ulja u zrnu za testirane sorte iznosio je 40,55%. Povoljnija godina za sintezu ulja bila je sušna, 2017. godina. Sadržaj ukupnih tokoferola u ulju sorte NS Primus bio je ralativno visok i iznosio je 280,25 mg/L. γ - tokoferol je činio 100 % od ukupno prisutnih tokoferola. Relativno visok sadržaj ukupnih tokoferola doprinosi nutritivnoj vrednosti ispitivanog ulja lana.Linseed is a oil plant which has great application in medicine, human and animal nutrition and in other branches of industry. Experiment with linseed variety NS Primus was carried out on parcels of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, in Backi Petrovac, in three repetitions. NS Primus variety made an average of high grain and oil yield in average. Average oil content in the seed for tested varieties was 40.55. Favorable year for synthesis of oil it was dry 2017. Total tocopherol content in the oil of the NS Primus variety was being relatively high and was 280.25 mg/L. γ-tocopherol made 100% of total present tocopherol. The relatively high content of total tocopherol contributed to the nutritive value of the examined flax oil

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