92 research outputs found

    Geometric phases in superconducting qubits beyond the two-level-approximation

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    Geometric phases, which accompany the evolution of a quantum system and depend only on its trajectory in state space, are commonly studied in two-level systems. Here, however, we study the adiabatic geometric phase in a weakly anharmonic and strongly driven multi-level system, realised as a superconducting transmon-type circuit. We measure the contribution of the second excited state to the two-level geometric phase and find good agreement with theory treating higher energy levels perturbatively. By changing the evolution time, we confirm the independence of the geometric phase of time and explore the validity of the adiabatic approximation at the transition to the non-adiabatic regime.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Electromagnetically induced transparency on a single artificial atom

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    We present experimental observation of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) on a single macroscopic artificial "atom" (superconducting quantum system) coupled to open 1D space of a transmission line. Unlike in a optical media with many atoms, the single atom EIT in 1D space is revealed in suppression of reflection of electromagnetic waves, rather than absorption. The observed almost 100 % modulation of the reflection and transmission of propagating microwaves demonstrates full controllability of individual artificial atoms and a possibility to manipulate the atomic states. The system can be used as a switchable mirror of microwaves and opens a good perspective for its applications in photonic quantum information processing and other fields

    Geometric Phase and Non-Adiabatic Effects in an Electronic Harmonic Oscillator

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    Steering a quantum harmonic oscillator state along cyclic trajectories leads to a path-dependent geometric phase. Here we describe an experiment observing this geometric phase in an electronic harmonic oscillator. We use a superconducting qubit as a non-linear probe of the phase, otherwise unobservable due to the linearity of the oscillator. Our results demonstrate that the geometric phase is, for a variety of cyclic trajectories, proportional to the area enclosed in the quadrature plane. At the transition to the non-adiabatic regime, we study corrections to the phase and dephasing of the qubit caused by qubit-resonator entanglement. The demonstrated controllability makes our system a versatile tool to study adiabatic and non-adiabatic geometric phases in open quantum systems and to investigate the potential of geometric gates for quantum information processing

    Microwave-controlled generation of shaped single photons in circuit quantum electrodynamics

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    Large-scale quantum information processors or quantum communication networks will require reliable exchange of information between spatially separated nodes. The links connecting these nodes can be established using traveling photons that need to be absorbed at the receiving node with high efficiency. This is achievable by shaping the temporal profile of the photons and absorbing them at the receiver by time reversing the emission process. Here, we demonstrate a scheme for creating shaped microwave photons using a superconducting transmon-type three-level system coupled to a transmission line resonator. In a second-order process induced by a modulated microwave drive, we controllably transfer a single excitation from the third level of the transmon to the resonator and shape the emitted photon. We reconstruct the density matrices of the created single-photon states and show that the photons are antibunched. We also create multipeaked photons with a controlled amplitude and phase. In contrast to similar existing schemes, the one we present here is based solely on microwave drives, enabling operation with fixed frequency transmons

    Dynamics of coherent and incoherent emission from an artificial atom in a 1D space

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    We study dynamics of an artificial two-level atom in an open 1D space by measuring evolution of its coherent and incoherent emission. States of the atom -- a superconducting flux qubit coupled to a transmission line -- are fully controlled by resonant excitation microwave pulses. The coherent emission -- a direct measure of superposition in the atom -- exhibits decaying oscillations shifted by π/2\pi/2 from oscillations of the incoherent emission, which, in turn, is proportional to the atomic population. The emission dynamics provides information about states and properties of the atom. By measuring the coherent dynamics, we derive two-time correlation function of fluctuations and, using quantum regression formula, reconstruct the incoherent spectrum of the resonance fluorescence triplet, which is in a good agreement with the directly measured one.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
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