14 research outputs found

    Pelaksanaan Penyidikan Tindak Pidana Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas yang Menyebabkan Matinya Korban Berdasarkan Undang-undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009 Tentang Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Jalan

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    Violation of traffic signs were done by the driver in the jurisdiction Pelalawan Resort is one of the causes of most cases of traffic accidents. Thus, the driver in this case should be held accountable as expressly by law enforcement (police) on the act of doing. Firmness that can be realized by doing the investigation on the accident that happened to pelalu can be prosecuted. However, it was evident when players can slip away from the law. The purpose of this thesis, namely; First, law enforcement against drivers who because of negligence has caused other people died in traffic accidents, in Region Resort Pelalawan Secondly, bottlenecks in the implementation of the law enforcement investigation does peace between the offender, the victim and the Traffic Police which resulted in the accident died cross, Third, efforts are being made to overcome the obstacles in the implementation of the law enforcement investigation that resulted in the driver of another person died in a traffic accident. This type of research can be classified as socio-juridical, because in this study the authors directly conduct research on the location or place studied in order to provide a complete and clear picture of the problem under study. In this study, source of data is the primary data, secondary data, and tertiary data, data collection techniques in this study with interview, questionnaire, and the study of literature. From the results of this study lead to death of the victim is a criminal matter and should be resolved in court. But in addition to the completion of the trial court, in this case also is very well known way of resolving the dispute resolution and of course family or deliberation is done outside the court. In everyday practice as the police investigator handling the case especially in traffic that cause others die can accept the settlement made out of court even though the case including the regular offense. Suggestion to write, so that the police be more assertive in dealing with cases like this

    Peran Kepolisian dalam Menanggulangi Pengendara Sepeda Motor oleh Anak Menurut Undang-undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009 Tentang Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Jalan di Wilayah Hukum Kota Pekanbaru

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    Used motorcycles ranging from the lower class to the upper class. The advent of the automatic type motorcycle is also a factor, the broader coverage of motorcycle users. The number of children who ride motorcycles increased, especially school children. They thought that riding a motorcycle to school is very efficient, not too late, more efficient, and ease in transportation.From the research, there are three main things that can be inferred. First, the role of the police in tackling motorcyclists by children in the jurisdiction of the city of Pekanbaru performed the role of pre-emptive, preventive and repressive. Second, the barriers faced by the police in tackling motorcyclists by children in the jurisdiction of the city of Pekanbaru comes from internal factors and external factors. Third, the polices efforts in tackling motorcyclists by children in the jurisdiction of the city of Pekanbaru is the traffic police work together with the schools and provide socialization and education. Advice Author, First, The traffic police unit should improve and maximize performance. Second, add to the traffic police personnel unit and expand its facilities. Third, the traffic police work together with the schools and provide socialization and education, parents to better supervise the children in their environment.Keywords: Role-Police - Motorists - Motorcycle Childre

    Pelaksanaan Penyidikan Tindak Pidana Perdagangan Orang oleh Perwira Unit Penyidik Unit Pelayanan Perempuan dan Anak di Kepolisian Daerah Riau

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    In writing this paper, the authors discuss the implementation of the criminal investigations of human trafficking by Perwira Unit Penyidik Unit PPA Polda Riau. Writing in background mode the background by the affluance of trafficking in persons especially women and children are very diverse, ranging from the promised jobs, kidnapping victims, debt bondage and deception. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the implementation of criminal investigations of trafficking in persons and know the obstacles faced by Panit Idik Unit PPA and solutions in the implementation of criminal investigations of human trafficking. In this thesis, the writer uses sociological research methods. Nature of the research used is descriptive, providing a clear picture of the implementation of the criminal investigations of trafficking in persons by Panit Idik Unit PPA Polda Riau. Results of qualitative research conducted by analysis and use deductive method, the decomposition problem from general spesific. From the reseearch it can be concluded that the obstacles faced by the Perwira Unit Penyidik Unit PPA in that implementation of the investigation is divided into internal factors and external factors.Internal factors consists of less cost factor, a factor that is less infratructure and personel factors are insufficient in number.External factors consists of factors of vitims and people who still do not understand the importance of law in the implementattion process of ivestigation.Keyword: Implementation Investigations Panit Idik Unit PPA Criminal offense of trafficking in person

    Penegakan Hukum Bagi Pengemudi Kendaraan Roda Dua Dibawah Umur tanpa Surat Izin Mengemudi di Wilayah Hukum Polisi Resor Kota Pekanbaru Berdasarkan Undang-undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009 Tentang Lalu Lintas Angkutan Jalan

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    Some indication of the type of violations that exist , the perpetrators of school kids who drive a motor vehicle often occur in Pekanbaru , many teenage son who has not duly deserves to bring their own motor vehicles and ironically this problem plus the rider was not wearing a safety helmet . Logically , any violation of any kind has always been not seen by traffic police , this incident seems to have a common - ordinary course , any violation in doing school children / adolescents are more likely not safe alias problem when violations are done by children school / teen always looks traffic police officers . Law enforcement for drivers under the age of two-wheeled vehicle without a driver's license in the jurisdiction in Pekanbaru Police still have not been successful , as in the city of Pekanbaru there are still many children who brought the age of driving a two-wheeled motor vehicle that does not have a driver's license in the enforcement Barriers law for drivers under the age of two-wheeled vehicle without a driver's license is still weak oversight made by the parents , and the lack of legal knowledge of the parents , so the giving vehicles to young children , but it is also still a lack of knowledge and society pehamanan khususnyaa children children who are still under the age of traffic rules then efforts are being made to overcome the barriers in law enforcement for drivers under the age of two-wheeled vehicle without a driver's license , to socialize about traffic rules , ban for motorcyclists under age , and as a result the resulting feels need to be implemented

    Peranan Penyidik Kepolisian Resor Siak Dalam Mengungkap Tindak Pidana Menggunakan Senjata Api

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    In the beginning the use of firearms is only allowed for certain apparatus with the provisions and controls are tight, especially in the field of defence and security. As the development era that has begun to lack of surveillance conducted by law enforcement officers in cracking down on rampant circulation up illegal firearms that have been circulating in the community, which resulted in the occurrence of the crime using firearms. Licensing the ownership of firearms have been regulated in such a way in terms of legislation. Based on the description that has been described above, the author argues for the analytically descriptive regarding the role of the investigating of the Siak Resort Police in exposing the crime using firearms.This legal research suggests the outline of three problems as follows: 1) how did the Siak Resort Police investigator's role in exposing the crime using firearms?, 2) what are the obstacles of the Siak Resort Police investigator in exposing the crime using firearms?, and 3) how the Siak Resort Police investigator attempt to overcome the obstacles in exposing the crime using firearms? This research use sociological, juridical methods which are: applying research approaches to the study of perception and behavior of legal persons (human and legal entity) and the community as well as the effectiveness of the enactment of positive law in the community, where the author direct research on the location or place that is examined in order to give a complete and clear picture of the problems in a thorough the Siak Resort Police investigator's role in uncovering the crime using firearms.Legal research is then analyzed the role of the Siak Resort Police investigator in exposing the crime using firearms where the leading sector on Reserse Criminal Unit (Satreskrim) at the Siak Resort Police (Polres Siak) and coordinate with other entities such as the Security Intelligence Unit (Satintelkam) and the active participation of all elements of society, the obstacles encountered is the number of elements in the community who still feel frightened to report any event or incident a criminal offence who uses a firearm, and concrete efforts made by Police investigators, among others in the form of the Siak Resort Police construction and/or socialization to all elements of society to improve environmental safety systems in order to cope with the increasing swakarsa crime using firearms

    Tinjauan Kriminologis terhadap Penyalahgunaan Narkotika Dikalangan Pelajar di Wilayah Hukum Polisi Resort Kota Pekanbaru

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    Adolescence is transition periode, where at the time of such instability is often the case that emotional and psychological well. That's what makes teenagers or students often perform deviant behavior such as juvenile delinquency said. Juvenile delinquency is a collection of various teenage behavior that is socially unacceptable causing criminal action. Juvenile delinquency is a lot going such as smoking, fighting, and narcotics. The number teenagers who fall into drug abuse to environmental factors such as promiscuity is not supervised parents, from broken home, as well curiosity so try using narcotics. Based on above description essay aims to determine the factors that cause crime drug abuse among students in the jurisdiction Police Resort Pekanbaru, know modus operandi the drug abuse, determine effort Police made Pekanbaru to the prevention and drug abuse among students.This type of research is conducted legal research Sociological. The data used is primary data collected directly from the writing of this paper the author uses research methods that are field, The results; First, the factors influence occurrence of the crime of drug abuse in Pekanbaru, among others : the first factor is less parental attention , and felt alienated, second factor environment in which people live, and the third is the taste factor curious and try that led to the crime of drug abuse. The modus operandi of perpetrators criminal acts committed by drug abuse among adolescents narotics easily obtained and used at night, Third prevention efforts and precautions taken handling crime of drug abuse among adolescents in Pekanbaru with preventive and repressive

    Tinjauan Yuridis Peranan Bank, Kepolisian Dan Ppatk Dalam Mencegah Dan Memberantas Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang

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    Money laundering is a criminal act which arise with the development of advanced science and technology, well as utilizing the the financial system includes banking system to conceal or obscure the origins of the proceeds from of money laundering. Money laundering is a huge loss impact so it requires inter-agency cooperation to prevent and eradicate it. Bank, Police, and INTRAC has essential role in preventing and combating money laundering.The purpose of writing this essay to discuss several issues that is how the role of the Bank, Police, and INTRAC in Preventing and Combating money laundering, how the INTRAC relations with other law enforcement institutions as well as the constraints faced by the Bank, Police, and INTRAC in preventing and combating criminal acts of money laundering and also the efforts by the Bank, Police, and INTRAC in overcoming those constraints. This research is a normative study with qualitative descriptive characteristicsThe results of this study is the role of the Bank, Police, and INTRAC is essential in the prevention and combating of money laundering and the three parties needs to perform their duties and functions in order to prevention and combat money laundering goes well, INTRAC need additional authority which an investigations authority in order to use INTRAC Analysis results can be used as evidence to start an investigation of money laundering crimes act ,in their roles has few constraints which must be solved by them.The authors suggested enhance the synergy between the parties that contribute in preventing and combating money laundering, revision of Law No. 8 of 2010, the implementation of a single identity number, and the improvement of the quality of each of the parties that contribute in the prevention and combating money launderin