306 research outputs found

    An Analysis of Security and Service Quality Toward Purchase Decision on E-commerce and Its Implications of Consumer Loyalty

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    In the marketing world, especially through internetmarketing or what is known as e-commerce, an e-marketercannot ignore the role of the online shop as a medium fortheir marketing communications, where marketingactivities via e-commerce is currently being favorable bythe people in Indonesia. However transaction through ecommercehas the fairly high riskpotential. Therefore thefactor of security and service quality become a benchmarkon purchasing decisions through e-commerce. The purposeof this study is to analyzewhether security factordirectlyinfluences purchasing decisions through e-commerce,service quality factor directly influences purchasingdecisions through e-commerce, security and service qualityfactor directly influences purchasing decisions through ecommerce,as well as security and service qualityfactorgives significant effect on e-commerce consumer loyalty.This research was conducted by taking samples of ecommerceusers in Indonesiawhich were most active topurchase online products or services in 2014

    Silage Quality of Sorghum Harvested at Different Times and Its Combination with Mixed Legumes or Concentrate Evaluated in Vitro

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    The experiment was designed to evaluate the silage quality of sorghum forage varieties of Citayam and BMR 3.6 strain at different harvesting times and the effectiveness of a legumes addition as a concentrate substitute in sorghum forage silage-based diets on in vitro fermentability using rumen fluid of beef cattle. Experimental design for silage quality was completely randomized design with 2 x 3 factorial, i.e., forage sorghum types (Citayam and BMR 3.6) and time of harvesting the forage sorghum (85, 95, and 105 d). Experimental design for in vitro fermentability and digestibility was randomized block design with 2 x 2 factorial arrangement, i.e. types of ration (with 2 levels i.e., a mixture of legumes and concentrate) and types of sorghum forage silages (with 2 levels i.e., Citayam and BMR 3.6). All silages had a good odor, color, and texture. Silage of sorghum harvested at 105 d had better grades and was selected for in vitro studies. The treatment had no effect on pH and organic matter digestibility. BMR 3.6 based silage had greater values of NH3, total VFA, rumen microbial population, methane, and dry matter digestibility. Substitution of concentrate with a mixture of legumes did not affect fermentability, microbe population and digestibility in the rumen. Silage of sorghum strain BMR 3.6 harvested at 105 d had a very good quality and mixing with legumes could replace concentrate in forage sorghum silage based diet on in vitro fermentability and digestibility using beef cattle rumen fluid

    Pengaruh Pelatihan Terhadap Kompetensi Dan Kinerja (Studi Pada Karyawan Departemen Research and Development Pt.gatra Mapan Malang)

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    The purpose of this study was to describe and analyze the influence of On The Job Training Methods Training for Employee Competence, To describe and analyze the effect on Employee Competency Training Materials, To describe and analyze the effect of Training Methods On The Job Training the Employee Performance, To describe and analyze the effect on Employee Performance Training Content, and To describe and analyze the effect on Employee Performance Employee Competency. This research is explanatory research conducted in the Department of Research and Development PT. Gatra Mapan Malang, primary data obtained from questionnaires. Respondents of this study distributed by the total of all employees in the department of Research and Development, amounting to 58 respondents. Data analysis methods used are descriptive statistical analysis and path analysis. The results showed the effect of Training Methods On the Job Training significantly influence employee competence variables; Training Materials influential significantly to the Employee Competence; influences Training Methods On the Job Training significantly influence employee performance variable; the effect of training materials significantly influence employee performance variable; Effect of Employee Competency variable significantly influence employee to variable Employee Performance

    Penyakit Ginjal Kronik Derajat V

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    Latar Belakang. Penyakit ginjal kronik merupakan suatu keadaan patologis dengan berbagai penyebab yang mengakibatkan penurunan fungsi ginjal secara progresif dan kemudian berakhir pada gagal ginjal. Jumlah penyakit ginjal kronik sudah bertambah banyak dari tahun ke tahun. Jumlah kejadiannya di dunia tahun 2009 menurut USRDS terutama di Amerika rata-rata prevalensinya 10-13% atau sekitar 25 juta orang yang terkena penyakit ginjal kronik. Sedangkan di Indonesia tahun 2009 prevalensinya 12,5% atau 18 juta orang dewasa yang terkena penyakit ginjal kronik. Kasus. Tn. K umur 59 puluh tahun mengeluh kedua kakinya membengkak serta merasa buang air kecil hanya satu kali sehari dan jumlahnya sedikit berwarna kuning jernih sejak 5 bulan yang lalu. Kedua kelopak mata bengkak jika bangun tidur. Didapatkan TD 180/100 mmHg, kedua mata anemis kanan dan kiri serta kedua tungkai edema. Hemogloinbin 6,4 mg/dl, albumin 3,0 gr/dl, ureum 236 mg/dl, creatinin 15,2 mg/dl. Terapi diet rendah protein, kebutuhan jumlah kalori, transfusi darah paked red cell, alkali (sodium bicarbonat), alpha agonist, antagonis reseptor H2 dan diuretic. Simpulan. Hipertensi kronis yang tidak terkontrol dapat mengakibatkan berbagai komplikasi kerusakan organ target seperti penyakit ginjal kronis. [Medula Unila.2014;2(3):21-30

    Layanan Informasi Lokasi Event Menggunakan Lbs Berbasis Jquery Mobile

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    Banyaknya peristiwa event (acara) yang terjadi disuatu tempat belum dapat memberikan hasil yang baik dalam penyebaran dan publikasi informasi kepada orang banyak, hal ini juga memberikan kesan kurang berhasilnya peran pihak penyelenggara yang biasa disebut event organizer (EO). Peran media sangat membantu dalam penyampaian informasi, namun tidak semua media informasi dapat memberikan informasi yang tepat kepada pihak/peserta event.Hal ini juga membutuhkan biaya yang besar dan SDM yang kompeten dalam publikasinya. Dengan hadirnya media internetdan mobile saat ini yang semakin meningkat jumlah penggunanya dan ekonomis,diharap mampu menjadi media publikasi yang dapat memberikan kemajuan dan ketepatan dalam penyampaian informasi kepada pihak/peserta event.Subjek penelitian adalah pemanfaatan teknologi internet dan mobile untuk memberikan informasi lokasi event yang meliputi informasi peta lokasi event dengan tampilan LBS, pencarian manual event, informasi event terbaru dan kategori event. Sistem layanan informasi ini diharapkan dapat menjadi sarana publikasi guna memaksimalkan peran EO dalam penyampaian informasi dan komunikasi kepada pihak/peserta event. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode observasi dan studi pustaka. Tahap perancangan meliputi perancangan UML (Unified Modeling Language) dan perancangan antarmuka (user interface). Tahap implementasi aplikasi menggunakan PHP dan jquery mobile framework.Untuk tahap pengujian terbagi menjadi pengujian fungsionalitas yakni menggunakan metode SIT dan UAT dan pengujian kinerja aplikasi (performance test). Pengujian kinerja aplikasi memberikan hasil: page weight 242.6 Kb, responsetime 1.16 detik, dengan Yslow Grade B dan scoreperformance 89 yang mengidentifikasikan aplikasi yang dibangun cepat dan ringan. Hasil akhir penelitian ini adalah terwujudnya sebuah aplikasi web berbasis jquery mobile dengan menggunakan dan memanfaatkan teknologi LBS, GPS, dan layanan Google Maps API yang dapat memberikan informasi detail lokasi dan kemudahan dalam pengaksesan lokasi event yang akan dikunjungi

    Mobilitas Sosial Petani Karet ke Pertambangan Emas tanpa Izin di Desa Koto Tuo Kecamatan Batang Peranap Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu

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    The location of the research is the village of Koto Tuo District of Batang Peranap Indragiri Hulu. Considerations for selecting the location of this study was due to gold mining is an illegal job without permission is prohibited, when compared to the work of farmers and others. The researchers aimed to describe and mencarari information about job mobility:1. To know anyone who did the mobility of livelihood in the village of Koto Tuo District of Batang Peranap2. What factors are encouraging the mobility of livelihood in the village of Koto Tuo District of Batang Peranap3. What type of mobility that occurred in the village of Koto Tuo District of Batang PeranapThe population in this study were people who did Mobility Works of non-miners into the gold peambang 120 people. In determining the sample taken as many as 30% of the 120 respondents ie 36 people.According to the research going on aspects of mobility in research location by driving factors such as economic conditions of the respondents were small and the individual condition of the respondent, and the orientation factor attitude that wants to improve the prospects for social mobility and the promising results of the work.Keywords : Mobility Occupation, Farmer Rubber, Illegal

    Penetapan Rute Dan Perhitungan Keekonomian Pipa Transmisi Gas Muara Bekasi – Muara Tawar Melalui Jalur Lepas Pantai

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    Muara Bekasi – Muara Tawar Offshore Transmission Pipeline Routing and Economic Analysis. Power plantMuara Tawar will substitute the need of oil fuel to gas as form of economizing and energy conservation. The nearestsupply point to fulfill natural gas needed on Muara Bekasi. So that Power Plant Company needed to develop gaspipeline infrastructure to joining the point.The purpose of this study is to create a system of gas transmission pipelinefrom gas supply point at Muara Bekasi to Power Plant Muara Tawar trough to offshore area. Design of gas transmissionpipeline is started with technical data collection and supply-demand analyzing, continued with data analysis, ruteconstruction and result of condition operation. The standard design of this design is DnV 2000. Gas demand in PowerPlant Muara Tawar is 400 MMSCFD. From secondary data had been obtained total length of alternative route 3.7 km.Carbon Steel pipe diameter which had been used 22 inch nominal diameter. Gas supply pressure is 350 psig withpressure of demand point is setted on 500 psig. On pipeline system design the preesure before put in to compressor isaround 321.7 psig. The design on bottom stability factor is the main concern. From the design calculation the totalminimum pipe weight is 793.16 ton, whereas the design around 932.6 ton. Therefore, the pipe will be stable on bottomof sea

    Perancangan Sistem Pengelolaan Dokter Referal PT. Nitrasanata Dharma

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    In healthcare services, hospital is one of the institution that serves as healthcare services that able to make profit. Basically patients is a main costumer in hospitals, but on the other hand most of the hospitals only focus on healtcare service as a main purpose, so they dont realise there are many potential income from referal of doctors. Based on that thought, this apps was build to gives special treatment for the doctors to outcome profit to the hospital
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