81 research outputs found

    The impact of Covid-19 restrictions on depressive symptoms in low-risk and high-risk pregnant women: a cross-sectional study before and during pandemic

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    Background: The COVID-19 social restrictions have increased the risk for depression compared to the previous period in Italian women with Low-Risk Pregnancy (LRP). lLess is known about the impact of COVID-19 restrictions on High-Risk Pregnancy (HRP). This study aimed: 1) to explore levels of depression in women who become pregnant before and during COVID-19 pandemic, distinguishing between LRP and HRP; 2) to analyze the impact of COVID-19 restrictions on pregnancy experience in LRP and HRP. Methods: A before-during COVID-19 pandemic cross-sectional study was carried out on 155 pregnant women (Mean age = 34.18), between 23 and 32 weeks of gestation. 77 women were recruited before COVID-19 pandemic (51.9% LRP; 48.1% HRP) and 78 women were recruited during COVID-19 pandemic (51.3% LRP; 48.7% HRP). HRP group was enrolled during hospitalization for high-risk pregnancy. Participants filled out Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. Moreover, only COVID-19 group answered an open-ended question about the impact of restriction on pregnancy experience. Results: HRP women reported higher levels of depressive symptoms than LRP. No difference emerged for COVID (before/during) but an interaction effect between COVID-19 and obstetric condition was found. The qualitative results showed the impact of restrictions on emotions and concerns. Conclusion: Respect to the previous period, LRP women during COVID-19 presented an increased risk for depressive symptoms than HRP. The HRP women during COVID-19 seemed to use hospitalization as a resource to find a social support network with other pregnant women and to be reassured on the clinical ongoing of pregnancy

    Protect, promote and support: a warm chain of breastfeeding for oncological women\u2014results from a survey of young Italian cancer mothers

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    The objective of this article was to analyse the experience of breastfeeding in new mothers with a history of cancer compared to women without a cancer diagnosis. First, we explored the impact of the cancer diagnosis on the breastfeeding choice. Second, we evaluated the relationship between different feeding methods and the mother\u2019s mood states in women with and without a history of cancer. The sample was composed of 74 mothers divided into two groups: 34 with a cancer history (clinical sample) and 40 without a cancer diagnosis (control group). Participants were requested to complete a questionnaire three months after childbirth which assessed: socio-demographic and clinical data, feeding modes (breastfeeding, formula and mixed feeding) and the profile of mood states (POMS). Results showed that women in the clinical group breastfeed significantly less and use formula more than those in the control group. Moreover, in the clinical group, women who breastfeed feel reported higher levels of confusion (according to POMS) than mothers who bottle-feed or use a mixed feeding method. On the contrary, in the control sample, women who breastfeed feel significantly more vigorous than puerperae who bottle-feed or use mixed methods according to POMS. Our findings suggest the need for a specific warm chain of support and the development of guidelines with clear and specific information for women with a cancer diagnosis in order to reduce their confusion around breastfeeding

    Parenting and the Serotonin Transporter Gene (5HTTLPR), Is There an Association? A Systematic Review of the Literature

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    The current systematic review examines whether there is an association between the genetic 5-HTTPLR polymorphism and parenting, and the mechanisms by which this association operates. The literature was searched in various databases such as PubMed, Scopus, and ScienceDirect. In line with our inclusion criteria, nine articles were eligible out of 22. Most of the studies analysed in this review found an association between 5HTTLPR and parenting. Four studies found a direct association between 5-HTTLPR and parenting with conflicting findings: two studies found that mothers carrying the short variant were more sensitive to their infants, while two studies found that parents carrying the S allele were less sensitive. In addition, several studies found strong interaction between genetic and environmental factors, such as childhood stress and disruptive child behaviour, quality of early care experiences, poor parenting environment, and quality of the environment. Only one study found an association between children’s 5HTTLPR and parenting. Parenting can be described as a highly complex construct influenced by multiple factors, including the environment, as well as parent and child characteristics. According to the studies, maternal 5-HTTLPR polymorphism is most likely to be associated with sensitive parenting


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    Il disegno, come strumento proiettivo, si presta per sua natura all\u2019utilizzo all\u2019interno del processo diagnostico in et\ue0 evolutiva. In questo capitolo si cerca di fornire un quadro sulle prospettive evolutive del disegno a partire dai diversi approcci teorici che l\u2019hanno studiato, per poi andare ad approfondire la sua dimensione pi\uf9 squisitamente comunicativa e valutativa

    Cancer and pregnancy: Becoming parents after an oncological diagnosis in women

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    The issue of cancer and pregnancy will be increasingly topical giving the rising trend of women diagnosed with cancer during childbearing period. Although oncological progress has allowed women who receive cancer diagnosis before or during pregnancy to satisfy their desire for maternity and to carry on gestation, there is still few awareness. In this chapter we present our research project and results carry out to date. The aim is to better understand challenges of women who experience pregnancy after or during cancer compared with non-oncological sample. We focus on the impact of cancer in the construction of prenatal attachment and related psychological aspects. We study resilience considered as a protective factor in the construction of mother-fetus relationship. Then, we present the results of a qualitative study conducted in order to have a deeper understanding of the psychological dynamics that help women with cancer diagnosis to develop their maternal identity. We explore the topic of breastfeeding in women with cancer history, investigating how the feeding method is related to mother’s mood states. Finally, we present the results about the cortisol concentration measurement during pregnancy. Our results show how it is very important to give women with oncological diagnosis the adequate support during puerperium

    Perspectives on early insights: pediatric cancer caregiving amidst natural calamities - A call for future preparedness

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    Natural disasters cause immense damage and disruption to the environment, human lives, and property, posing a threat to safety and well-being. These disasters annually affect individuals and communities, severely impacting mental health. Research indicates a significant link between catastrophic events and an increased risk of mental disorders, including anxiety, depression, substance use, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Individuals with chronic conditions, like cancer patients, are particularly vulnerable post-disaster due to disrupted healthcare services. The recent earthquake in Morocco highlighted the urgent need for continued care, especially for vulnerable populations living in poverty. Soleterre Foundation's interventions focus on supporting young cancer patients and their families, emphasizing psychological support following the earthquake. Effective disaster response needs coordinated efforts, clear roles, communication, and standardized healthcare procedures, especially for vulnerable groups like cancer patients. Education programs for patients and clinicians are vital for disaster preparedness. Communication challenges and lack of medical history further emphasize the need for well-defined disaster preparedness plans and continued care guidelines for cancer patients

    Definizione, modelli e caratteristiche culturali

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    In questo lavoro viene fornita sia una definizione del concetto di parenting, sia una breve panoramica dei principali approcci teorici con gli obiettivi di evidenziare le conseguenze degli stili genitoriali sullo sviluppo delle competenze sociali dei bambini e di selezionare i fattori che concorrono alla formazione delle competenze genitoriali. Nella seconda parte l\u2019attenzione viene focalizzata sull\u2019analisi e sulla valutazione delle differenze culturali nelle modalit\ue0 di parenting e sull\u2019effetto che esercitano nella relazione col bambino

    Focus monotematico: L’impatto psicologico del COVID-19: quali le ricadute in bambini, adolescenti e giovani adulti?

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    La rapida e pervasiva diffusione del Covid-19 e le misure di conte-nimento messe in campo a partire da marzo 2020 in tutto il mondo so-no andate a creare una frattura nei rituali quotidiani e nella continuitĂ  dei legami tra famiglia e rete di appartenenza (Camisasca, Di Blasio & Miragoli, 2021)

    Introduzione al Focus monotematico: La suggestionabilit\ue0 infantile tra partecipazione e connotazione emotiva dell'evento

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    Il presente focus monotematico si pone l\u2019obiettivo di fornire alcuni spunti di riflessione sulla suggestionabilit\ue0 infantile, cercando, in particolare, di focalizzarsi su alcune questioni ancora aperte

    La valutazione del minore

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