63 research outputs found
Structure of the nucleon in chiral perturbation theory
We discuss a renormalization scheme for relativistic baryon chiral
perturbation theory which provides a simple and consistent power counting for
renormalized diagrams. The method involves finite subtractions of dimensionally
regularized diagrams beyond the standard modified minimal subtraction scheme of
chiral perturbation theory to remove contributions violating the power
counting. This is achieved by a suitable renormalization of the parameters of
the most general effective Lagrangian. As applications we discuss the mass of
the nucleon, the term, and the scalar and electromagnetic form
factors.Comment: Invited talk given by S. Scherer at the Fourth International
Conference on Perspectives in Hadronic Physics, Trieste, Italy, 12 -16 May
2003, 8 pages, 7 figure
Kansas City, Fort Scott and Gulf Railway. Message from the President of the United States, returning, at the request of the House of Representatives, House bill no. 6391, entitled "An act to authorize the Kansas City, Fort Scott and Gulf Railway Company to construct and operate a railway through the Indian Territory, and for other purposes."
49-1Kansas City, Fort Scott, and Gulf
Railway Co. [2401] Act authorizing construction and
operation of a railroad through Indian
Indian depredations in Texas.
35-2Indian AffairsReport : Petition of Texas Citizens. [1018] Depredations of the Kickapoo, Wichita, and Comanche Indians.1859-5
William Redus
46-2Indian AffairsReport : Petition of W. Redus. [1935] Osage depredations of 1872 in Indian Territory.1880-4
Acer negundo LinnaeusManitoba maple;California boxelder;western box-elder;box-elder maple;box-elder;ash-leaved maple;three-leaved mapleérable à Giguère;érable négundo;érable à feuilles composées;aulne-buis;plaine à Giguère;érable à feuilles de Frêne;érable argilière;érable négondoAcer negundoW. side Belly Rivertreed terrace3100P.angustifolia, trichocarpa & Acer negund
Erigeron humilis Grahamlow fleabane;arctic-alpine fleabanepetite vergerette;érigéron humble;vergerette humbleErigeron humilisBow-Crow Forest Reserve; Sugarloaf Fire Tower, W-facing slope adjacent to lookoutsteep rocky slopecommon in are
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