8,100 research outputs found

    The initiation and progression of late-life romantic relationships

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    This research explores the initiation and progression of new late-life romantic relationships among older Australians (60 years plus). Our research found that older adult romantic relationships were meaningful, important and sexually intimate. However, few led to cohabitation or marriage, with these older adults preferring to date or to maintain separate households (living-apart- together, LAT). In line with Giddens’ ideal of ‘pure’ relationships, our research indicates that older adults are looking for egalitarian relationships based on emotional and sexual equality, albeit not necessarily based on cohabitation or monogamy

    Automating Fine Concurrency Control in Object-Oriented Databases

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    Several propositions were done to provide adapted concurrency control to object-oriented databases. However, most of these proposals miss the fact that considering solely read and write access modes on instances may lead to less parallelism than in relational databases! This paper cope with that issue, and advantages are numerous: (1) commutativity of methods is determined a priori and automatically by the compiler, without measurable overhead, (2) run-time checking of commutativity is as efficient as for compatibility, (3) inverse operations need not be specified for recovery, (4) this scheme does not preclude more sophisticated approaches, and, last but not least, (5) relational and object-oriented concurrency control schemes with read and write access modes are subsumed under this proposition


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    Face-to-face tutorial is a type of student services provided by Universitas Terbuka at each regional center. Factors which influence the effectiveness of face-to-face tutorial at Banda Aceh regional center were discussed. The research method was descriptive-corelational. There were 66 tutors as respondents filled the questionnaire. Data collection was carried out from April until June 2010. In analyzing the data, correlation test of Rank Spearman was used. The results showed that (1) the effectiveness of face-to-face tutorial was at medium level; (2) factors which influence the effectiveness of face-to-face tutorial were the infrastructure, the contribution of regional center and the quantity of face-to-face tutoria

    Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kinerja Petani Jagung di Lahan Gambut

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    Agricultural development is consisted of efforts to increase farmer\u27s income, which in turn, will encourage regional economic development. In West Kalimantan, peatland was chosen as an alternative to achieve that goals. This study was aimed to evaluate corn farmers\u27 performance in peatlands, and to identify factors related to farmer\u27s performance. Located at Limbung Village, Pontianak district, this research based on quantitative survey, employing correlational statistical procedure. The research resulted in several conclusions: (1) farmer\u27s performance is still relatively low; and (2) factors related to performance are level of competence, production support, and farmer\u27s interaction with facilitators team.Pembangunan pertanian terdiri dari serangkaian upaya untuk meningkatkan pendapatan petani, yang pada gilirannya, akan mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi regional. Di Kalimantan Barat, lahan gambut dipilih sebagai alternatif untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut. Kajian ini berupaya mengevaluasi kinerja petani jagung di lahan gambut. Berlokasi di Kampung Limbung, Pontianak, riset ini didasarkan pada survei kuantitatif menggunakan prosedur statistik korelasional. Penelitian ini menghasilkan sejumlah kesimpulan, yaitu: (1) kinerja petani masih tergolong rendah, (2) faktor-faktor yang berkaitan dengan kinerja adalah level kompetensi, dukungan produksi, dan intensitas interaksi petani dengan tim fasilitator


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    By subject of the Pemantapan Kemampuan Profesional, it is hoped that university student will be able to improve their teaching ability. This study aims to analyze the factors related to the effectiveness of subject of the Pemantapan Kemampuan Profesional and to analyze the relationship between student characteristics, support facilities, the quantity of coaching, supervisor competence, and competence of the peer review with the effectiveness level of subject of the Pemantapan Kemampuan Profesional at UT-UPBJJ Banda Aceh. The article is based on research method used was descriptive-corelational. The research populations wasall students in the FKIP-UT at UPBJJ Banda Aceh within the period of 2012.1, a number of 915 people. Determination of study the sample using Slovin formula. Total sample was 278 students. Sample withdrawal technique is stratified random sampling, a proportional sampling at 15 study groups in the province of Aceh. The data collection was carried out from May until October 2012. Hypothesis testing using the correlation test of Rank Spearman. The research results showed that the competency of supervisor and the competency of the peer review was closely related to the effectiveness level of subject matter of the Pemantapan Kemampuan Profesional. Characteristics university student: the average age is 37.5 years, the average length education is 10.3 years, averaging of work experience is 6.7 years; levels of availability of support facilities is the medium category; quantity level coaching is the high category; supervisor competency levels is the medium category, levels of competence of the peer review is the low category. The recommendations can be given: (1) There needs to be training to improve the competence of supervisors. (2) UPBJJ must be establishing cooperation with the Department of Education at the district in recruiting of the peer review with appropriate qualifications and skills.   Melalui mata kuliah Pemantapan Kemampuan Profesional (PKP), mahasiswa diharapkan memiliki kemampuan mengajar yang semakin mantap. Tujuan penulisan artikel adalah menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan efektivitas mata kuliah PKP; dan menganalisis hubungan karakterisitik mahasiswa, sarana dan prasarana, kuantitas pembimbingan, kompetensi supervisor, dan kompetensi teman sejawat dengan efektivitas mata kuliah PKP pada mahasiswa FKIP di UPBJJ-UT Banda Aceh. Artikel didasarkan pada penelitian deskriptif korelasional. Populasi penelitian adalah semua mahasiswa FKIP-UT di UPBJJ-UT Banda Aceh yang melakukan registrasi mata kuliah PKP untuk masa 2012.1, yaitu sebanyak 915 orang. Penentuan sampel penelitian menggunakan slovin formula. Jumlah sampel adalah 278 mahasiswa. Teknik penarikan sampel adalah secara acak stratifikasi (Stratified Random Sampling), diambil secara proporsional pada 15 Kelompok Belajar (Pokjar) mahasiswa Universitas Terbuka di Provinsi Aceh. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Mei sampai dengan Oktober 2012. Pengujian hipotesis adalah dengan menggunakan analisis uji korelasi Rank Spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Karakteristik mahasiswa FKIP-UT di UPBJJ-UT Banda Aceh, yaitu: rataan umur 37,5 tahun, rataan lama pendidikan 10,3 tahun, rataan pengalaman kerja 6,7 tahun; tingkat ketersediaan sarana dan prasarana pada kategori sedang; tingkat kuantitas pembimbingan pada kategori tinggi; tingkat kompetensi supervisor pada kategori sedang; tingkat kompetensi teman sejawat pada kategori rendah, (2) kompetensi supervisor dan kompetensi teman sejawat berhubungan signifikan dengan efektivitas mata kuliah Pemantapan Kemampuan Profesional. Rekomendasi yang dapat diberikan: (1) Perlu dilakukan pelatihan/pembekalan secara berkesinambungan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi supervisor mata kuliah Pemantapan Kemampuan Profesional. (2) Pihak UPBJJ-UT sebaiknya merintis kerjasama dengan Dinas Pendidikan di kabupaten/kota dalam perekrutan teman sejawat dengan kualifikasi dan kemampuan yang sesuai
