70 research outputs found

    Economics of Pulse Cultivation in Punjab

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    This study is an empirical analysis of economics of pulse cultivation in Bathinda and Fazilka districts of Punjab state situated in North West part of India. On the basis of gross return which is the best indicator of profitability, the results of the study shows that although pulse cultivation has been observed to be somewhat profitable in both Bathinda and Fazilka district but it lacks assured returns due to lack of government procurement as well as low and unstable productivity unlike cereal crops which are enjoying assured returns. Thus, in order to make pulse cultivation remunerative in sampled districts, it is recommended that the government should provide high yielding varieties of seeds at the subsidized rates to increase the level of productivity. Our research study also brings out the need for assured procurement of pulse crops like wheat and paddy in the state which is lacking presently

    Neural network based novel controller for hybrid energy storage system for electric vehicles

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    This manuscript deals with the various control strategies of storage system for an electrical vehicle. High demands in the electrical systems in the field of transportations leads to various challenges and more precise control and regulations techniques. Apart from the conventional grid system now a days the integration of renewable energy systems like solar, wind and fuel cell system leads to more complex system but these system shares the load from conventional generating system. This paper deals with the study and control aspects of the electrical vehicles associated with hybrid energy storage (HES) systems. In general, when systems are integrated with the main grid there are more distortions and ripples in the system. To reduce these distortions various control techniques are used. This paper proposes a neural network-based PI (NNPI) controller for HES system for electric vehicles for better distortion less outputs

    A comparative study between total laparoscopic hysterectomy and total abdominal hysterectomy for benign uterine conditions

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    Background: The aim of this prospective study is to evaluate and compare the results of two routes of hysterectomy for benign uterine conditions of less than 14 weeks who performed in our tertiary centre. Methods: This was a prospective interventional single centre study on 140 consecutive patients (70 patients in each group) who underwent hysterectomy for benign uterine conditions either by total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH) or by total abdominal hysterectomy (TAH) route. Results: There were no statistical differences between two groups regarding age, parity, previous history of abdominal surgery, demographic factors, For TLH group vs. TAH group- operative time was (89.34±12.3 minutes) vs. (46.6±5.92 minutes) (p<0.0001), blood loss (19.61±2.34 ml) vs. (124.8±17.29 ml) (p<0.0001), post operative haemoglobin drop (0.34±0.15 gm/dl) vs. (1.36±0.24 gm/dl) (p<0.0001), pain score (2.56±0.97) vs. (5.31±1.02) (p<0.0001), mean ambulation time (15.16 ± 4.64 hours) vs. (48.76±5.08 hours) (p<0.0001), mean time to catheter removal (12.47±0.94 hours) vs. (48.23±0.64 hours) (p<0.0001), hospital stay (3.74±0.50 days) vs. (7.64±0.98 days) (p<0.0001), resumption to normal daily activities (4.39±0.2 weeks) vs. (11.8±1.77 weeks) (p<0.0001), were significantly lower and earlier in TLH group as compared to TAH group, also compared intra-operative and post-op complication (less in TLH group) and patient satisfaction score(better in TLH group). Conclusions: TLH route is safe and feasible as compare to TAH route and found to have, less amount of blood loss, fewer complications and early ambulation, recovery and discharge.

    Gastrointestinal microbiota in autistic spectrum disorder

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    In this thesis, gut bacteria of children with autism were examined. The results provided new information and a compelling picture of the gut bacteria of children with autism and gastrointestinal symptomatology. The mechanisms that underlie gut dysfunction might involve factors like stress-induced changes in gut physiology associated with autism

    Scenario of Women Empowerment of India

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    Women empowerment is an issue of global importance today. The socioeconomicempowerment of women in the family and in the society in reality is the needof the day. The main objective of the study was to analyse the present scenario ofwomen empowerment in India on the basis of their participation in decision making,access to money and credit card, literacy rate, work participation rate, status ofemployment, infant mortality rate, maternal mortality rate, life expectancy etc. Thesecond objective was to suggest some policy measures on the basis of the results of thestudy. Secondary data has been used to achieve the objectives of the study. For theanalysis of data, simple averages and percentages have been calculated and thetechnique of correlation analysis has been applied.The findings of the study reveal that women in India are going to be empoweredas their access to education, health, money, property and decision making is graduallyimproving. In India, the female literacy rate has increased to 65.5 percent, female lifeexpectancy has increased to 64 years, female infant mortality rate has declined to 55,sex ratio has increased to 940 as per 2011 census. Female work participation rate hasreached to 25.4 as per National Sample Survey Organisation estimates 2007-08.However, as per study results the changes are rather little and slow. The level ofsocial, economic and political empowerment of women is low due to various socioculturalconstraints. Still women continue to be the victims of social humiliation ofdivorce, rape, crime and even death before birth.Globalization has opened up new challenges for the realization of the goal ofwomen empowerment. In view of all this, it is suggested that government should designsuch strategies which may enhance the capability of women to empower them to copewith the negative effects of globalization. Here also, as a policy, a change in the socialvalue system may be advocated for the real empowerment of women in India.Key words: Women, Empowerment, Female literac

    Effect of laparoscopic ovarian drilling on serum anti-Mullerian hormone in clomiphene citrate resistant polycystic ovarian syndrome patients

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    Background: PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) is the most common cause of anovulatory infertility, the purpose of our study was to see the effect of laparoscopic ovarian drilling on the ovarian reserve (with AMH as an indicator of ovarian reserve) and its safety as 2nd line of treatment in patients resistant to clomiphene citrate.Methods: This was a prospective interventional study conducted on 40 clomiphene citrate resistant PCOS women attending the infertility OPD. This study was conducted over a period of 1 year May 2019 to May 2020. Laparoscopic ovarian drilling (LOD) was done and these subjects were studied preoperatively and postoperatively on day 7 and day 30 for change in AMH (anti-Mullerian hormone) levels.Results: There is a significant change in the AMH level post LOD day 7 and 30 but not so severe that it will lead to premature ovarian failure. The amount of drop in AMH (day 30) increases till 20 ng/ml beyond which it shows a decrease.Conclusions: If LOD is done in a proper manner in women with sufficient ovarian reserve (high AMH), it will not adversely affect the ovarian reserve (the fall is not enough to cause premature ovarian insufficiency).

    Gastrointestinal microbiota, diet and brain functioning

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    A growing interest for research in the relationship between the gastrointestine (GI), GI microbiota, health and disease is due to the potential for research identifying interventio

    Faecal microbiota of individuals with autism spectrum disorder

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    Many children with autistic spectrum disorders (ASDs) suffer from gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhoea, constipation and abdominal pain. Such symptoms may be due to a disruption of the indigenous gut microbiota promoting the overgrowth of potentially pathogenic micro-organisms. These observations have stimulated investigations into possible abnormalities of intestinal microbiota in autistic patients. The purpose of the present study was to determine if a relationship exists between ASD severity (mild – severe) and GI microbial populations. The faecal microbiota of 22 male and 6 female participants with ASDs (aged 7 ± 6 years) were analyzed by standard microbial culture methods and compared within-group (based on ASD severity) and with a standard laboratory reference range. Comparisons between children with mild ASD and those with moderate to severe ASD, as well as comparisons to a neurotypical control group previously reported, revealed that no significant differences appear to exist in the composition of the gut microbiota. Nevertheless, examination of each individual’s gut microbial composition showed 10 cases of unusual findings witch means 1out of 3 cases have unusual microbiota. Our data do not support consistent GI microbial abnormalities in ASD children, but the findings do suggest that aberrations may be found in a minority subset of ASD children. Further studies are required to determine the possible association between the microbiota and gastrointestinal dysfunctions in a subset of children with both ASD and gastro-intestinal problems

    Evaluation of biogenic amines in the faeces of children with and without autism by LC-MS/MS

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    Previous researchers have postulated that gastrointestinal bacteria may contribute to the development and maintenance of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). There is evidence based on quantitative evaluation of the gastrointestinal bacterial population in ASD that this is unlikely and an alternate mechanism will be examined where the bacteria may contribute to the development of ASD via their metabolic products and the role of biogenic amines (BAs) will be investigated. In humans, BAs influence a number of physiological processes via their actions as neurotransmitters, local hormones and gastric acid secretion. Various amines have been implicated in several medical conditions such as schizophrenia and colon cancer. To date, the relationship between BAs and autism has not been explored. This study has been designed to identify differences (and/or similarities) in the level of Bas in faecal samples of autistic children (without gastrointestinal dysfunction: n = 14; with gastrointestinal dysfunction; n = 21) and their neurotypical siblings (n = 35) by LC-MS/MS. Regardless of the diagnosis, severity of ASD and gastrointestinal dysfunction there were no significant differences found between the groups. The findings suggest that BAs in the gastrointestinal tract do not play a role in the pathophysiology of gastrointestinal dysfunction associated with ASD
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