110 research outputs found

    Yurisdiksi ICC terhadap Negara Non Anggota Statuta Roma 1998

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    State Parties of Rome Satute 1998 have a territorial jurisdiction over the crimes which occured on their territorial. This is applied for all authors which come from the state parties and non state parties

    Imunitas Negara Asing Di Forum Pengadilan , Nasional Dalam Kasus Pelanggaran HAM Berat: Studi Kasus Putusan the European Court on Human Right Dalam Al-Adsani Vs the United Kingdom 21 Nopember 2001

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    It is the time that the International Human Rights regulate civil accusation to the state of serious Human Rights offender and forum or the court applied by the State automatically. It will be lose theimmunity when he make these serious human rights offende. ln order that the litigant is not the winnerin formal, so International law instrument both bilateral and regional or universal must regulate the further state property immunity

    Pengawasan Bank Asing di Indonesia

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    Indonesia have no institution about foreign bank controlling specifically although the foreign banks have different characteristics from nationai banks. The rule of controlling for foreign banks in Indonesia have been spreading on several regulation for institution.It coud be said however that the regulation and controlling practice forforeign banks in Indonesia today havereferrred to what havebeen assignedBIS to realize forcontrolling of the effective consolidation for rhultinationai banks which have been operating in Indonesia

    Pengaturan Perdagangan Jasa Intemasional dalam GATSAVTO

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    The implementation of liberalization principle periodically is determined by flexibility. The liberalization process must be conducted with respect to national interest and the level ofdevelopment ofits nations both for individual sectors andentire sector.lt is expected that the objective of the GATS is to create trade liberalization of services. To achieve the objective, itis needed to understand the services provider to fully comprehend GATS regulation. Without understanding GATS rules, it will be difficult for the regulator and service providers to compete directly with foreign supplier service which flooded the Indonesia market

    Pemohon Tanggung Jawab Negara Dalam Hukum Internasional (Studi Kritis Terhadap ILC Draft on State Responsibility 2001)

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    Up to the present, Ahe discussion of secondary rules or state responsibility law under International law is still on the debate of the International community. However, state responsibility can be claimed on the International relations when a state is disadvantaged by the other state, because of the violation of the obligations which raises from treaty, customary International law, or because of not fulfilled the International court decision

    Benang Merah antara Gsp, Kondisi Perburuhan, dan Politik Luar Negeri Indonesia.

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    Sebagai akibat perkembangan globalisasi saat ini salah satunya yaitu terjadinya ketimpangan politis dalam pembagian distribusi ekonomi. Hal ini terlihat jelas ketika AS selaku negara adikuasa mengaitkan berbagai aktivitas bisnisnya termasuk GSP dengan kondisi HAM di Indonesia. Namun, menurut Sefriani, hal ini ada hikmahnya bagi kita yaitu agar pemerintah kita semakin meningkatkan taraf hidup buruhnya sehingga tidak dimanfaatkan oleh negara lain untuk kepentingan-kepentingaanya

    Self Determination Right Bagi Aceh: HAM Versus Integritas Wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia

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    Basically, GAM has the basic right demanding the manifestation of self determination for separating to Indonesia. It is based on the unjustice and suffering of Acehnese during the New Order Regime. However, some determination should be discussed intensively inresponding the Acehnese self determination, such as it must be considered the consequences and the ability of Acehnese on keeping their community survival and interaction to International community if the separation to Indonesia is permissible

    Revitalisasi Mahkamah Internasional: Studi Kasus Sengketa Kepemilikan Sipadan-Ligitan antara Indonesia-Malaysia

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    Adalah terobosan baru penggunaan Mahkamah Internasional dalam sengketa Simpadan-Ligitan. Sebab baru diakui keberadaan Mahkamah Internasional sampai sekarang belum banyak dirasakan. Mungkin sebabnya secara organisasii kedudukannya tidak mempunyai yuridiksi wajib terhadap anggotanya dan tulisan injji akan melihat faktor peneyebab Indonesia memakai organisasi Mahkamah Internasional dan beberapa akibatnya
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