313 research outputs found


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    AbstractThe purpose of this research is to know the disciplinary norms in the Pontianak State Fisheries Business Middle School. Qualitative phenomenological research methods. The source of research data from grade I students consisted of four female students and two male students and two BK teachers. With the acquisition of observation data and student activity interviews during school. The results showed that the student's social adaptation process was going well, the students were able to overcome obstacles and were able to participate in activities well according to the school discipline manual. The inhibiting factors for the social adaptation of new students are seniority, loss of indigenous culture, feeling the difference between a house and a dormitory, and the inability to respond to rules effectively. The supporting factors for social adaptation of new students are a sense of peace and interaction between students, flexibility and openness with the teacher so that they have tolerance and solidarity to maintain the applicable rules to survive through a period of mutual adaptation. It can be concluded that the social adaptation of new students with semi-military school discipline rules, minority and punishment does not affect the quality and mental improvement of students.Keywords: Social Adaptation, Norm Discipline, SUPM, Pontiana


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    AbstractThe title of this research is "Analysis on Social Behavior Trend of School-Age Children Working in Tebas People's Market". The purpose of this research is to describe the propensity of the social behaviors ascendance-social timidity, dominance-submissive, initiative-social passivity, independent-dependent in school age children who work in Tebas People's Market. The research method utilized is a descriptive method in the form of qualitative research. The data source of this research is school age children who work at Tebas People's Market, Tebas People's Market Manager. The data collection techniques applied in this study are through observation, interviews and documentation, while the data collection tools used are observation guides, interview guides and documentation. The analysis in this study is presented in a descriptive qualitative manner by virtue of 4 informants. The results revealed that: 1. The tendency of behavior Ascendance-Social Timidity is possessed by school-age children who worked at Pasar Rakyat Tebas. 2. The trend of behavior dominant-submissive is possessed by school-age children who work at Pasar Rakyat Tebas. 3. Behavior tendencies are Social Initiative-Social Passivity is possessed by school-age children who work at Pasar Rakyat Tebas. 4. The behavior tendency Independent-dependent is possessed by school age children who work in Tebas People's Market.Keywords: Social Behavior Tendencies, School-Age Children, Marke

    Social Adaptation of New Students Master of Sociology Education FKIP Untan in the Implementation of the Blended Learning System in the era of the Covid 19 Pandemic

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    This study aims to determine the social adaptation of new students of Master of Sociology Education FKIP Untan related to the application of the blended learning system in the era of the covid 19 pandemic. The research method used was a survey method through a questionnaire assisted by Google Forms and an online interview guide conducted to the entire (population) 8 students. newpostgraduate program as a research informant. Data collection techniques were carried out by direct and indirect communication techniques. Data collection tools in the form of questionnaires and online interview guides. The results showed that the new master students of sociology education at FKIP Untan, were already ready and able to adapt socially in the good category because they mastered IT (87.5%) in the implementation of the blended learning system and in the very good category because they mastered IT and lecture materials (12.5%). %) in the era of the covid 19 pandemic. There are eight empirical obstacles in the field when implementing blended learning / social adaptation problems: from the results of online interview answers and answers to questionnaires via google form in the form of (1) unstable internet wireless network connection disturbance, (2 ) electricity network (local) that often goes out, (3) limited equipment (4) understanding/skills in using ICT, (5) delays in work, and/or sending assignments for lecture materials to lecturers, quizzes and deepening of material, (6 ) busy activities outside of lectures, (7) limited time involved in online lectures and (8) internet quota/package.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adaptasi sosial mahasiswa baru magister pendidikan sosiologi FKIP Untan berkaitan dengan penerapan system blended learning di era pandemi covid 19. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survey melalui kusioner berbantuan google form dan panduan wawancara daring dilakukan kepada seluruh ( populasi) 8 mahasiswa baru program pascasarjana selaku informan penelitian. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik komunikasi langsung dan tidak langsung. Alat pengumpulan data berupa angket dan panduan wawancara daring. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa baru magister pendidikan sosiologi FKIP Untan, ternyata telah siap dan mampu beradaptasi sosial terkatagori baik karena menguasai IT (87,5%) dalam pelaksanaan system blended learning dan terkatagori sangat baik karena sangat menguasai IT dan materi kuliah (12,5%) di era pandemi covid 19. Ada delapan kendala secara empiris di lapangan saat pelaksanaan pembelajaran blended /masalah beradaptasi sosial: dari hasil jawaban wawancara daring dan jawaban angket via google form berupa (1)gangguan koneksi jaringan nirkabel internet yang tidak stabil, (2)jaringan aliran listrik (lokal) yang sering padam,(3)keterbatasan perangkat (4)pemahaman /ketrampilan penggunaan ICT, (5) keterlambatan pengerjaan, dan/atau mengirim tugas-tugas materi kuliah kepada dosen, kuis serta pendalaman materi,(6)kesibukan kegiatan diluar perkuliahan, (7)keterbatasan waktu keterlibatan dalam perkuliahan daring dan (8) kuota / paket internet yang dimiliki


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    Abstract The research is based on the interaction of Bugis ethnic communities Punggur Besar village Kubu Raya district in the implementation of the naik ayun tradition through symbols. The purpose of this study is to know the perspective of symbolic interactionism on the implementation of the naik ayun tradition in the Punggur Besar village Kubu Raya district. The method used in this research is ethnographic studies. The procedure of data collection used were interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis in this research refers to Miles and Huberman on the pattern of activity in the analysis consists of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The technique of the examination the validity of the test data using the credibility that consists of the extension of the observation, triangulation of data sources, triangulation techniques, and reference materials.The research was conducted as much as three times of observation. The results of the research observation of the first and second shows that the response of the citizens in the communication and interaction is very good, but in the implementation of the naik ayun ritual tradition, there are some steps that are not implemented. Therefore, the researchers continued observations of the third. The results of the third observations shows that the communication and interaction of Bugis ethnic communities is also very good.The implementation of the naik ayun ritual tradition is carried out gradually starting from the stage of making the great Jodo cake, until the stage get off the ground. It is proven that the symbols used in the naik ayun ritual tradition as a tool for communicating and intraction for the community in the Punggur Besar village Kubu Raya district. Keywords: Bugis Ethnic Communities, Naik Ayun Tradition, Symbolic Interactionis


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    AbstractThis study aims to describe students' perceptions about the task of learning oral history in the FKIP Untan History Education Study Program. This research uses qualitative methods with a descriptive approach. The data collection techniques used were observation, interview and documentation. Data collection tools are observation guidelines, interview guides, documentation tools. The data analysis technique used is analysis before in the field and data analysis while in the field. Testing the validity of the data, namely using extended observations, increasing persistence and triangulation consisting of triangulation of sources, triangulation of techniques and triangulation of time. Based on the results of the research (1) The task of oral history is to look for historical places / events and more detailed knowledge by interviewing people who understand the place or can also look for people who are involved in historical events. (2) The forms of tasks given in general, such as interviewing sources, making observations, preparing question instruments to informants, making reports or papers, presentations, power points, doing group assignments, individual daily assignments, then for the final assessment given uts and uas. (3) First, in doing the assignments, students experience difficulties, such as the literature in the library is still minimal. Both facilities and infrastructure also affect learning in classrooms with heat and lack of chairs and tables, it also disturbs student learning concentration. These three covid19 periods are required by the public or students to stay at home and study online.Keywords: Perception, Students, Oral History Assignment


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    AbstractThis study aims to determine the effectiveness of online sociology learning through google classroom during the Covid-19 pandemic Class XI IIS 2 SMA Negeri 5 Pontianak. The sub-problem in this study is how the teacher's efforts to increase the effectiveness of online sociology learning through google classroom and how the results of online sociology learning through google classroom during the Covid-19 pandemic Class XI IIS 2 SMA Negeri 5 Pontianak. The research method used is a descriptive method with a qualitative research form. Data collection techniques used were observation, interview, documentation. While the data collection tools used were observation guides, interview guides, and documentation. The analysis in this study is presented in a qualitative descriptive manner using 4 informants, namely sociology teachers and students of Class XI IIS 2 SMA Negeri 5 Pontianak. The results of this study prove the effectiveness of online sociology learning through google classroom and the teacher's efforts to improve online learning, then describe students who are learning through google classroom, with guidance from the teacher and the teacher instructs students to take attendance in google classroom, the teacher provides sociology subject matter that discussed online then students answer in the comments column after the discussion ends the teacher gives assignments so that students continue to study at home. From the results of the discussion of sociology lessons and the timely execution of assignments, the teacher can then assess the student.Keywords: Effectiveness, Sociology Learning, Google Classroom


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    AbstractThis study aims to determine the planning, implementation, and evaluation of sociology learning through Google Classroom for Class XI IPS 3 students in the 2020/2021 academic year at SMA Negeri 3 Pontianak. The method used is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation tools, data collection tools, namely observation guides, interview guides, and documentation, data analysis techniques, namely data reduction, data presentation, conclusion drawing and verification, data validity testing is an extension of observation, increasing persistence and triangulation. The results showed that the preparation for learning planning was very good, the preparations included preparing online lesson plans, starting lessons on time, making interesting material in the form of power points to be delivered in Google Classroom, doing apperception before the lesson started and preparing learning resources for students. Then students have also prepared themselves by preparing learning resources in the form of textbo oks and logging in to Google Classroom on time. When the implementation is carried out by presenting material in the form of interesting power points , conducting questions and answers about things that are not understood and unclear in writing through the comments column and during the evaluation the sociology teacher gives multiple choice assignments to students through thefeature Google Classroom then students are asked to answer assignments and the teacher motivates the students before ending the lesson. It seems that students find it easier to remember the material and answer questions from the teacher.Keywords: Google Classroom, Learning, Sociolog


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    ABSTRACTThis study aims to determine the factors that cause children to drop out of school in the free education program for students of SMA Negeri 2 Seponti, Kayong Utara Regency. The research method used is descriptive method with qualitative research forms. The data source of this research is the students of SMA Negeri 2 Seponti who have dropped out of school and the data are the results of observations and the results of interviews with school dropouts, parents of children, and school principals. The results showed that there were 6 children who had dropped out of school, the factors that caused children to drop out of school were caused by two factors, namely internal factors and external factors. Internal factors that cause children to drop out of school come from the factor of not having the desire to go to school, some children who have dropped out of school due to this factor are because children often skip school and never go to class. External factors that cause children to drop out of school come from economic factors and the environment where they live. peers who do not go to school and even promiscuity. Keywords: Dropout, Education, Free, School
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