389 research outputs found

    Aktivitas Peserta Didik dalam Belajar Menulis Kalimat Menggunakan Permainan Kartu Kata Bergambar Sekolah Dasar

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    This study aimed to describe the learning activities pesrta use the word card game picture students in writing simple sentences in class III Elementary School 31 North Pontianak. The method used is descriptive. Collaborative nature. Forms of research is classroom action research. Subjects were researchers who act as teachers and students of class III SDN 31 North Pontianak. Setting research in the classroom setting. Data collection technique used is the technique of direct observation. This research was conducted in two cycles. Results of average physical activity of students in cycle 1 is 23 64.81% while in the second cycle increased to 30 people (84.25%) increased by 19.44%. Average mental activity in cycle 1 is 29 people (81.48%) and in the second cycle increased 31 (86.11%) an increase of 4.63%. Average of emotional activity in cycle 1 of 23 (65.97%) increased to 31 (86.11%) an increase of 4.63%. It can be concluded from an increase in activity of learners using pictorial word card games or in learning Indonesian

    Upaya Meningkatkan Gerak Dasar Menggiring Bola dengan Kura-kura Kaki pada Permainan Sepak Bola melalui Modifikasi Alat

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    This study aims to improve and enhance the basic motion dribbling with instep with the use of a modified ball made of foam former made spherical, plastic, and rubber in the fifth grade students at SDN 26 Sabing. Methods of those used in this study is action research (PTK), which consists of two cycles, and the researchers applied the basic motion pembelajran dribbling with instep on the game of soccer through modification tools. Subjects in this study were sisawa class of SDN 26 Sabing the number of students 23 sons. Based on the survey results revealed dribble test data is known to have completed 78% of the students so that the criteria very well. So there is a difference between the initial observations with Cycle 1 is 62% -56% = 7% with an increase of 7%, while the cycle 1 with silus 2 is 62% - 78% = 16% so that there is an increase of 16%, and cycle 2 with the initial observation is 78% -56% = 22% so that there is an increase of 22%. The results of this study showed an increase in skill to dribble with instep with modification tools in class V students of SDN 26 Sabing

    Perbandingan Cooperative Learning Tipe Make a Match Dengan Metode Diskusi Terhadap Keterampilan Menulis Siswa

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    This study aimed to obtain information on the comparison between the model of cooperative learning match the type and method of make a discussion on the writing skills of students in learning Indonesian Public Elementary fourth grade Sesolah 24 East Pontianak. The research method used is a form of quasi-experimental method with exsperimental design. Based on the statistical calculation of the average value of the experimental class students and grade control for 77.68 79.95 -1.18 obtained tcount and ttable (α = 5% is 2.018 with df = 42) this means that t <t table (-1.18 <2.018) then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. This means there is no difference between the writing skills of students cooperative learning model of the type of make a match with the discussion method of learning Indonesian in the classroom IV State Elementary School 24 East Pontianak

    Hubungan Sprint dan Daya Ledak Otot Tungkai terhadap Hasil Lompat Jauh Gaya Jongkok

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    Relationships explosive power sprints and leg muscles to jump jauhgaya results jongkok.Masalah hasil long jump SMA 09 students Ponianak still not up, bahkam progress slow and static. penelitianuntuk goals determine the relationship sprint and explosive leg muscle power to yield long jump squat style. Descriptive quantitative research methods. The study population was the son of a class XI student of SMAN 09 Pontianak academic year 2012 which amounted to 64 people. The number of samples in this study were 32 people. The measurement results are known relative contribution sprint on the results of the long jump squat force of 31.7%, leg muscle explosive power of the results of the long jump by 45.4% squat style, explosive power sprints and leg muscles together the results of the long jump squat style amounted to 52.1%. Based on data from these studies we can conclude there is a relationship between sprint and explosive leg muscle power to yield long jump squat style

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar IPA melalui Media Gambar pada SD Muhammadiyah Nanga Pinoh Kabupaten Melawi

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    This study aimed to obtain information about the presence or absence of an increase in the Natural Sciences learning outcomes in second grade SD Muhammadiyah Nanga Pinoh associated with the use of media images. Form of research in the form of classroom action research ( CAR ) conducted in two cycles, each cycle consisting of phases of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. To obtain data on student learning outcomes data taken from test results of Cycle I and II. While data on teacher learning and student activity sheets are taken from observations of teachers and students. Indicator of the success of this research is active students in learning activities reached 65 % and the observation of students in research kaktifan cycle I and II. Furthermore, comparing the percentage of active students in the first cycle reaches 30 % and the second cycle the percentage of student activity to 65 %. While the results of research on student learning in the first cycle and second cycle reached 63.85 into 71.25. The conclusions in this study that the use of media images can enhance learning outcomes for students of Natural Sciences class II SD Muhammadiyah Nanga Pinoh

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Belajar yang Menyenangkan melalui Pendekatan Tematik di Kelas II

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    : The problem in this research is an attempt to improve the learners' learning activities by using thematic approach at the two grade students in the Elementary School 03 Sungai Ambawang. This research method is descriptive, in Classroom Action Research, and the nature of this research is qualitative research, the research subjects are teacher and learners Elementary School two grade students in the Elementary School 03 Sungai Ambawang which consisted of 14 people in whole. The techniques used in this research were the technique of direct observation, documentary technique, and data collection tool were used as observation guidelines. The result based on observation by using thematic approach can improve learners' learning activities. This shows that the hypothesis that stated the application of thematic approach in two grade students in the Elementary School 03 Sungai Ambawang can improve learners' learning activities, accepted
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