3 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran trainer komponen pasif berbasis microprossesor untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada SMK Negeri 3 Surabaya. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas X TAV SMK Negeri 3 Surabaya terdiri dari 35 siswa. Rancangan dalam ujicoba menggunakan one-group pretest-posttest design. Temuan hasil penelitian yakni media pembelajaran berkategori layak digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran. Presentase kelayakan media pembelajaran memiliki beberapa aspek penilaian meliputi kemenarikan trainer dari segi tampilan, ketepatan hasil perhitungan, kemudahan penggunaan trainer, kesesuaian trainer dengan jobsheet memperoleh nilai rata-rata 87,48%. Adapun penilaian kelayakan jobsheet memiliki beberapa aspek. Aspek bahasa dinyatakan sangat baik dengan rata-rata 85%, aspek isi materi dan gambar dinyatakan sangat baik dengan rata-rata 83,33. Siswa yang diajarkan menggunakan media pembelajaran ini memiliki ketuntasan belajar sangat baik. Presentase ketuntasan belajar pengetahuan dari hasil pre-test didapat hasil bahwa siswa yang mampu lulus standar KKM sebesar 31,42%. Setelah dilakukan treatment berupa praktik menggunakan trainer komponen pasif berbasis microprocessor, hasil post-test menunjukkan hasil 94,28% siswa mampu lulus dari standar KKM. Maka hasil peningkatan kompetensi adalah sebesar 62,76%. Kata kunci: Research and development, Trainer komponen pasif berbasis microprocessor, Teknik audio video Abstract The purpose of this research is to develop passive component trainer based microprossesor as learning media to improve student learning results at SMK Negeri 3 Surabaya. The subjects has students of class X TAV SMK Negeri 3 Surabaya consists of 35 students. The design of the test using a one-group pretest-posttest design. The finding of the research that is worthy category of learning media used in the learning process. The percentage of properness learning media has some assessment aspects including the interesting trainer in terms of appearance, the suitable of counting result, the easiness of trainer utility, the suitable between trainer and job sheet has value average of 87.48%. Furthermore, feasibility assessment of job sheet has some aspects. Language aspect was stated “very good” (average of 85%), aspect of matter and image content was stated “very good” (average of 83.33%). Students are taught using learning media has an excellent mastery learning. Percentage of mastery learning knowledge of the pre-test result is that 31.42% students were able passing “KKM” standard and after had gotten treatment formed practiced using passive component trainer base microprossesor post-test result showed that 94.28% students were able passing “KKM” standard. So the result of increasing skill was 62.76%. After treatment in the form of the practice of using a microprocessor based passive component trainer, post-test results get 94.28% of the students were able to pass the standard KKM. So the result is to increase the competence of 62.76%. Keywords: Research and development, Passive component trainer based microprossesor, Audio Video Engineerin

    Hindlimb Osteometry of Lohmann Broiler on 7, 21 and 35 days

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    Patterns of growth can be determined one of them through quantitative measurements, namely osteometry. The aim of this study was to determine the growth of patterns of Lohmann broiler chickens based on hindlimb osteometry at the age of 7, 21 and 35 days. This study used 30 Lohmann broiler chickens aged 7, 21 and 35 days. Osteometry techniques are performed on all the bones of hindlimb with variable Greatest length (GL), Breadth of the proximal end (Bp), Breadth of the distal end (Dd), Minimum breadth of diaphysis (Sd), Circular of the proximal end (Cp), Circular of corpus (Cc), and Circular of distal end (Cd). The data obtained is recorded in units of centimeters (cm). Data of body weight and weight of each bone are also recorded in grams (g). Data were analyzed by ANOVA test, if the result obtained with a significance of 5% then the test continued with Pos Hoc Duncan. The results showed that from 6 osteometry variables, body weight, and bone mass obtained significant differences (p<0.05). The fastest growth rate is reached when Lohmann broiler chickens are 21 days old

    Hindlimb Osteometry of Lohmann Broiler on 7, 21 and 35 Days

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    Patterns of growth can be determined one of them through quantitative measurements, namely osteometry. The aim of this study was to determine the growth of patterns of Lohmann broiler chickens based on hindlimb osteometry at the age of 7, 21 and 35 days. This study used 30 Lohmann broiler chickens aged 7, 21 and 35 days. Osteometry techniques are performed on all the bones of hindlimb with variable Greatest length (GL), Breadth of the proximal end (Bp), Breadth of the distal end (Dd), Minimum breadth of diaphysis (Sd), Circular of the proximal end (Cp), Circular of corpus (Cc), and Circular of distal end (Cd). The data obtained is recorded in units of centimeters (cm). Data of body weight and weight of each bone are also recorded in grams (g). Data were analyzed by ANOVA test, if the result obtained with a significance of 5% then the test continued with Pos Hoc Duncan. The results showed that from 6 osteometry variables, body weight, and bone mass obtained significant differences (p&lt;0.05). The Fastest growth rate is reached when Lohmann broiler chickens are 21 days old