327 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Spodoptera Litura Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (SlNPV) untuk Pengendalian Ulat Grayak (Spodoptera Litura Fabricius) pada Tanaman Kedelai

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    Ulat grayak (Spodoptera litura Fabricius) merupakan salah satu hama penting pada tanaman kedelai. Kehilangan hasil akibat serangan hama tersebut dapat mencapai 85%. Ketergantungan terhadap insektisida kimia untuk pengendalian hama kedelai sampai saat ini masih sangat tinggi. Akibat penggunaan insektisida kimia yang tidak tepat, tidak hanya mencemari hasil pertanian dan lingkungan, tetapi juga dapat menimbulkan kekebalan dan resurgensi hama dan musnahnya musuh alami. Sejalan dengan upaya pengendalian hama yang ramah lingkungan, perlu dicari cara-cara pengendalian alternatif yang lebih efisien dan aman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Spodoptera litura Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (SlNPV) berpotensi untuk mengendalikan S. litura karena efektifitas bioinsektisidanya sangat tinggi. Formulasi SlNPV dengan Tween-80 maupun kaolin sebanyak 40% dari volume semprot 300 l/ha, efektif mengendalikan S. litura, dengan tingkat mortalitas 70–82%. Bahan pembawa tersebut dapat melindungi kepekaan SlNPV terhadap radiasi sinar matahari. SlNPV pada dosis 200 ml/ha atau 100 ml/ha, efektif menurunkan populasi S. litura sampai 100% pada 6 sampai 12 hari setelah aplikasi. SlNPV dalam bentuk tepung yang dikemas dengan aluminium foil, dan disimpan di dalam refrigerator dengan suhu 10 0 C masih tetap efektif hingga penyimpanan selama 6 bulan. Mengingat SlNPV sebagai salah satu agens hayati pengendali S. litura efektif dan dapat diformulasikan serta dapat diproduksi secara in vivo maka SlNPV layak dikembangkan sebagai bioinsektisida


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    Efek negatif yang ditimbulkan oleh pestisida kimia terhadap ekosistem dan lingkungan mendorong usaha untuk menekan penggunaannya, salah satunya melalui penggunaan biopestisida nabati. Sebagai salah satu hama penting tanaman pertanian, ulat grayak (Spodoptera litura) perlu untuk ditekan populasinya untuk meminimalisir kehilangan hasil panen. Salah satu tanaman yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai biopestisida nabati untuk mengendalikan hama ulat grayak yaitu Cerbera odollam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi biopestisida nabati daun bintaro terhadap waktu berhenti makan (stop feeding) dan mortalitas larva ulat grayak. Penelitian ini didesain menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap yang terdiri dari enam taraf perlakuan (0 (kontrol), 10, 15, 20, 25, dan 30 g/L) dan masing-masing perlakuan diulang tiga kali. Ekstrak diaplikasikan ke larva ulat grayak dengan menggunakan metode leaf dipping methods. Efektivitas pengaruh ekstrak daun bintaro terhadap ulat grayak dilakukan dengan mengamati waktu berhenti makan (time of stop feeding) dan mortalitas (tingkat kematian larva). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak daun bintaro berpotensi digunakan sebagai biopestisida nabati untuk larva S. litura. Mortalitas larva S. litura semakin meningkat sejalan dengan semakin lamanya waktu aplikasi ekstrak. Selain itu, mortalitas larva ulat grayak tertinggi terjadi pada perlakuan 20, 25, dan 30 g/L yaitu sebesar 40% pada 168 jam setelah aplikasi

    Pengaruh Aplikasi Serbuk Biji Mimba Spodoptera Litura Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus Dan Varietas Tahan Terhadap Perkembangan Ulat Grayak Pada Kedelai

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    Armyworm Spodoptera litura F. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is an important pest of soybean in Indonesia. Severe damages by this pest can cause yield losses up to 80%. Effectiveness of the armyworm control using Spodoptera litura Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (SlNPV), neem seed powder (NSP), and resistant soybean lines was studied in the Laboratory of Entomology, ILETRI, Malang, in 2011. The trial was arranged in a completely randomized design with five treatments and four replications. The treatments consisted two soybean genotypes, Wilis (susceptible variety) and G100H (resistant line) applied with SlNPV and NSP and the leaves were used to feed the armyworm. The results showed that the development of the 3rd instar larvae to the 6th instar caterpillars were influenced by the type of feeds. Sizes of 3rd instar larvae until 6th instar leave fed with leaves of Wilis variety were shorter than those fed with leaves of G 100H. The caterpillars fed with leaves of G100H + 50 g/l SBM reached the 6th instar within 10 days, three days shorter than those fed with leaves of G100H alone. Leaf of Wilis variety also affected the pupal period, caterpillars weight, and pupal weight. Increased of NSP and SlNPV doses on the feed hastened and increased mortality rate of the caterpillars. Caterpillars fed with leaves of G 100H + 2 g/l SlNPV died on the 6th instar. Caterpillars fed with leaves of G100H + 2g/l SlNPV and leaves of G100H + 50 g/l NSP + 2 g/l SlNPV suffered 100% mortality at 9 days after application (DAA), whereas those fed with leaves of G100H + 50 g/l NSP only achieve 97% mortality at 21 DAA. Caterpillars fed with leaves of Wilis variety only showed 27% mortality at 15 DAA or at the pupal phase. Mortality rate of caterpillars fed with leaves of G100H reached 78% at 21 DAA or at the imago phase. Thus, botanical insecticide and SlNPV vegetable could increase effectiveness of resistant soybean in controlling the armyworms

    Gold Currency Model in Aceh

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    Abstract. Complementary currency has been a trending issue. This is because the complementary currency can reduce people’s dependency on the government in serving the currency as a medium of exchange. However, many studies neglected the role of idle gold. Aceh is one province of Indonesia that reserves the right of special autonomy to implement Sharia. Aceh, being renowned for its fertility in the cultivation of some agricultural products such as coffee, tobacco, and palm oil, has become a strategic trade center. Aceh is also equally rich in gold mines, with the approximate result of five tons a year. This research attempts to design a model of complementary currency based on physical gold in Aceh. This study uses unstructured interviews with scholars, leaders, business people, and the government. The result reveals that stakeholders agree with the gold complementary currency, support and willing to recommend it. Besides, this model is believed to be beneficial. However, the most challenging factor is the support from the government which is essential to develop this gold currency model.Keywords: Complementary Currency, Aceh Economy, Gold-Based Money, Islamic Currency. Abstrak. Mata uang komplementer (complementary currency) menjadi isu yang masih terus menjadi pembahasan. Hal ini karena mata uang komplementer dapat mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap pemerintah dalam melayani kebutuhan mata uang sebagai media pertukaran. Mata uang komplementer, termasuk yang berbasis emas, dapat meningkatkan ketahanan masyarakat terhadap krisis moneter. Namun demikian, kajian tentang hal ini masih jarang, terutama tentang peranan emas yang menganggur (idle gold). Aceh merupakan satu provinsi di Indonesia yang memiliki hak otonomi khusus untuk menerapkan syariat Islam. Penelitian ini mencoba merekomendasikan model mata uang komplementer berdasarkan emas, untuk diimplementasikan di Aceh. Penelitian dilakukan dengan wawancara tidak terstruktur dengan stakeholders dari ulama, pemimpin masyarakat, pelaku bisnis, dan pemerintah. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa stakeholders setuju, mendukung, dan merekomendasikan penggunaan mata uang komplementer di Aceh. Selain itu, model ini dipercaya dapat bermanfaat bagi perekonomian, kehidupan sosial, dan penerapan nilai Islam serta persaidaraan. Namun demikian, tantangan yang paling utama adalah dukungan pemerintah dan keterlibatannya dalam pengembangan dan implementasi model ini.Kata kunci: Complementary Currency, Aceh Economy, Gold-Based Money, Islamic Currenc

    Money in Islam: the Siyasah Shar‘iyyah' Perspective and Implementation Strategy

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    Objective – The idea of revisiting the currency and gold dinar in Islamic view is an interesting discuss in the current monetary system. This study therefore investigated the gold as currency in Islamic view. The survey includes historical aspect, supremacy of gold currency and the weakness of fiat money by employed maslahah-mursalah approach. Besides that, the study discussed law of gold as money in light maqashid sharia , and Siyasah Syar'iyya approach, determine the obstacles and barriers to gold dinar implementation on the current economic system and toprovide appropriate model and stepping strategy to implement gold dinar as currency in the society.Method –This study is a qualitative approach based on issues that have been raised. Deductive method is considered as an appropriate method to explore the implementation of gold currency. This is because it requires a comprehensive discussion on the collected data to develop an appropriate model. This research employed historical study and library research.Result – The review declared that gold coins as money served ‘maslahah '. However, it is difficult to implement due to some obstacles. Stepping is necessary to avoid chaos condition. Numerous obstacles are taken place. It takesat least15years and it could be startedby educating people. Then is followed by gold in the domestic transaction that backed-up by information/communication technology. Involving the Cooperatives model also can be the best model. However, radical way is not appropriate as it faces a challenge from IMF in the Article IV, part 2 (b) (i), and therefore political support is needed.Conclusion – The initial using gold / silver as money is permissible. Nevertheless, the ruling is subject to change when the government wants to print its own currency. If the primary objective of the printing is to complete the implementation of the Sharia laws which have been charged to them (especially the law with respect to currency such as zakat, kanzul mall, hudud, diyat, sarf, etc.) As well as to protect the entire territory from the possibility that the use of foreign currency may harm the economy of its people, then the ruling becomes mandatory

    Waterbath Calibrator with Nine Channels Sensor

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    Water bath is a laboratory equipment that contains water or special liquid that can maintain the temperature under certain conditions during the specified time interval. For this reason, calibration is needed so that the temperature in the chamber waterbath is stable or not. calibration is carried out by comparing measuring instruments and measuring materials to be calibrated to traceable standards that are traceable to national and / or International standards. Based on the results of the identification of the problems mentioned above, the author makes a waterbath calibrator entitled "Waterbath Calibrator (9 channel)" which is very practical, and easy to operate. .This calibration tool uses a K type thermocouple sensor and also the output is displayed to the character LCD to make it easier for users to retrieve data, the reason for choosing a thermocouple sensor is because the error rate is +/- 1,1C while the LM35 is +/- 1,4C. The thermocouple temperature sensor can detect the chamber temperature quite well where the biggest error is obtained with a comparator of 2%, and the lowest error is 0%
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