91 research outputs found
Sosialisasi Inovasi Badan Usaha Milik Desa (Bumdes) Tirta Mandiri Oleh Pemerintah Desa Ponggok, Klaten Dengan Pendekatan Teori Difusi Inovasi
Building Village Owned Corporation (BUMDes) of Tirta Mandiri is a new innovation created by village government of Ponggok, Polanharjo, Klaten. Innovation of building BUMDes aims toenforce the community through management of tourist resorts and corporation which have been managed byBUMDes. The study is conducted to know how the process of socialization of BUMDes Tirta Mandiri innovation by the village government to enforce the community of Ponggok, Polanharjo, Klaten by innovation diffusionTheory. The innovation diffusion theory is a theory trying to explain how a new innovation develops and is adopted by community. In this study, the writer wants to explore the socialization process of BUMDes innovation which was eventually adopted by the community so that people in Ponggok Village can be empowered. The study uses descriptive qualitative method to explain factually a phenomenon by collecting in depth data. Sources of data in this study using primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques use non-participant observation, in-depth interviews and documentation while sampling technique using Snowball Sampling. Furthermore, for the data is valid then the researcher uses data triangulation and to present the data of the researcher using interactive model. The result of the study of socialization process of
BUMDes Tirta Mandiri innovation by the village government in enforcing the community of Ponggok, Polanharjo, Klaten by the innovation diffusion theory, BUMDes is socialized by using interpersonal and mass communication. However, the interpersonal communication is more effective to socialize BUMDes to the community because the socialization process run better. On the process of adopting BUMDes innovation, the community is influenced by a number of phase such as knowlegde, persuasion, making decision, application, and confirmation phases. Ponggok community awareness of the importance of social change makes people decide to accept and adopt innovation BUMDES Tirta Mandiri
Sosialisasi Program Kampung Keluarga Berencana (kampung kb) Di Kelurahan Pucang Sawit
The formation of Kampung Keluarga Berencana or Family Planning Village (Kampung KB) is a manifestation of a new innovation initiated by the National Population and Family Planning Agency. Innovation in the form of Kampung KB aims to reduce the rate of population growth and also implement the development starting from the family so as to produce a small family which has quality. This research was conducted to find out how the process of dissemination of Kampung KB innovation by the Office of PP and KB Surakarta and the PLKB in Jebres Sub District which is held in the Village of Pucangsawit with Approach Diffusion Innovation TheoryThe Diffusion of Innovation Theory explains the existence of a process of disseminating an information or new things from one source to the recipients in a social system and proceeding very conceptually. In this study, researcher want to see the process of dissemination of Kampung KB innovation that finally adopted by citizens in the Pucangsawit village so that it can make changes. This research uses descriptive qualitative method that aims to explain the phenomenon factually through data collection in depth. Sources of data in this study used primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques used non-participant observation, in-depth interviews and documentation while the sampling technique used Snowball Sampling. Furthermore, for the data is valid then the researcher used data triangulation and to present the data, the researcher used interactive model. The results of research related to the dissemination process of Kampung KB innovation conducted in Pucangsawit Village, Jebres Sub-district, Surakarta City with innovation diffusion theory is that the socialization of Kampung KB uses interpersonal communication channel and mass communication
Adopsi Teknologi Digital Audio Workstation Dengan Pendekatan Difusi Inovasi (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Tentang Adopsi Teknologi Rekaman Digital Pada Studio Rekaman Di Kota Solo)
Digital recording technology is a product of innovation from the previous form which has analogous system. The move from analog to digital system is an innovation, which in this case is particularly the recording field. This study aims to find a clear explanation of the process of division on digital recording by using qualitative descriptive approach. This study uses innovation diffusion theory. The focus of communication research is constructed on how individuals adopt a new innovation. This research is a type of qualitative research. The qualitative study is used to present an explanation of how a symptom or communication reality occurs. Researcher used purposive sampling technique in determining informant. The researcher took samples of commercial studio owners in Solo city. Data collection techniques through in-depth interview as primary. For data validation, researcher used technique triangulation. The results of this study indicate that ease of operation and maintenance is a relative advantage which not possessed in previous technologies. In addition, the technology that is integrated with this computer is sufficient and meet the needs of users. The Adopter category in this study used mass and interpersonal communication channels to find information related to the benefits and use of this technology. Early adopters used mass communication channels more while the late adopters, they used interpersonal communication more. The process of adoption of innovation in this research includes knowledge, persuasion, decision, implementation and confirmation. The adoption process went well and fits the stage
Adoption of QRIS payment innovations will be faster if information about these innovations is disseminated through effective communication and appropriate communication channels, thereby minimizing misunderstandings and providing easy understanding for adopters. QRIS is a renewable payment method as a form of reform in the economic sector created by Bank Indonesia to provide convenience, comfort, and security for economic transaction activists. This research was conducted to discover how the diffusion of innovation from conventional payments to digital payments uses QRIS. This type of research is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. Data from interviews and observations become primary data. The
sampling technique used in this study was purposive, with the sources studied being sellers and visitors at Pasar Gede Surakarta who had decided to use QRIS. This study uses an interactive data analysis model: data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Then triangulation of sources becomes a data validation model in this study. The results of this study indicate that the diffusion of innovation from conventional payments to digital payments using QRIS at Pasar Gede Surakarta is the diffusion of innovations with a centralized system—the diffusion process of innovation through the elements: innovation, communication channels, timeframe, and social systems. QRIS payments fulfill five innovation characteristics, but one characteristic does not satisfy adopters, which causes slow adoption of innovations in research sites. The QRIS innovation was disseminated through several communication channels, from interpersonal communication to outreach, and through the mass media by using banners and posters around the Pasar Gede area, Surakarta. Using these two communication channels supports public awareness of the QRIS innovation. The time for adopting an innovation is different for each adopter. The innovation diffusion process in this research goes through five stages: knowledge, persuasion, decision, implementation, and confirmation. The adoption process in this study went smoothly and well. The informants went through these stages until they finally accepted and were determined to adopt innovations in digital payments using QRIS
Proses Adopsi Teknologi Kamera Mirrorless dalam Lingkup PFI di Surakarta
Mirrorless camera technology is a product of innovation from previous technologies, namely DSLR cameras. The innovation is an improvement the technology used to record images. This research focuses on how the individual processes in accepting or rejecting a new innovation, the aim is to find a clear picture of the diffusion process of mirrorless camera technology through a qualitative descriptive approach. The theory used in this research is innovation diffusion with qualitative techniques to explain the incident about the innovation of mirrorless cameras within the scope of Indonesian Photo Journalists (PFI) located in Surakarta through data obtained. The data taken in this research uses primary data that is interviews and secondary data that is documentation. Researcher used a purposive sampling method to determine informants. Sampling in this research has criteria as a journalist who is a member of the Surakarta PFI. For the validity of the data this research uses the type of source triangulation. The results of this research are the superior features offered and the good image quality, it is a relative advantage possessed by mirrorless camera technology. In addition, mirrorless camera technology is an improvement from the previous technology which offers many conveniences in it so that this technology is sufficient to meet the needs of users. The informants in this research prefer mass communication channels as a medium to find information related to the features and uses of mirrorless technology. The stages of adoption in this research go through 4 stages, that is: Previous Conditions (previous conditions), Knowledge (knowledge stage), Persuasion (persuasion stage), and Decision (decision stage). The adoption decision process could not go well, four of the five informant chose not to adopt a mirrorless camera innovation for economic and financial factors. The informant has a closed character in receiving technological innovations of mirrorless cameras because the technology is not fully able to meet the needs of shooting images in a journalistic world
Penarikan Diri dalam Game Online (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Withdrawal Gamer Mobile Legends Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi UMS 2014)
The development of the growing technology makes everyone easy to communicate, especially the easy of using the internet is one of the reasons we can communicate with
others in the online space quickly and can be done anywhere. The Internet is inseparable from online games, the emergence of various kinds of online games such as Mobile Legends the a trend makes us forget about the social environment, tend to withdraw and excite emotions into the game due to lack of interpersonal communication. Social Withdrawal is fear and anxiety towards the Social Environment or situation that result in Aggresive Behaviour, Sadness, Continous Shame. This research uses qualitative research with descriptive technique. The purpose of this study is to describe how the withdrawal (withdrawal) conducted by Student of Communication Science of University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta force 2014 when playing Mobile Legends game. Techniques of collecting data are broadly divided into two parts, first primary data, and second secondary data. This study uses in-depth interview techniques, Participatory Observation on primary data, and documentation on secondary data. The
subjects of the study were Student of Communication Science of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, class of 2014 who played Mobile Legends game. Sampling Technique using Purposive sampling with criterion (1) Student of Communication Science Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta class of 2014, (2) high intensity of their play, with average more than 5 hours a day, (3) they play Mobile Legends (4) ranked at least the Master, (5) excite the expression through the game. Data Analysis is
using Miles and Hubberman Interactions. Data Validity Technique using Data Source Triangulation Technique. Result of Research that student of Communication Science of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta tend to behave aggresively that harm self and others verbally or non verbal, marked by exposing angry expression, isuuing dirty words, to throw an object.
Keywords: online gaming, interpersonal communication, mobile legends, withdrawal
Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Pemberdayaan Program Desa Wisata Gantole Di Desa Sendang Wonogiri
Community empowerment is a program that aims to increase and utilize the resources available in a region, both natural and human resources, as a form of optimization of potential that exists sustainably and is a development effort. The success of empowerment through Gantole Tourism Village in Sendang Village is the result of community participation and utilization of resources. With this empowerment is expected to improve the living standards of the people of Prampelan Hamlet, Sendang, and Soko Gunung. The purpose of this research is to find out and describe the level of community participation in the Gantole Tourism Village empowerment program. The methods used are qualitative descriptive, and techniques used in data collection use interviews, documentation, and observations. Research conducted shows the people of Gantole Tourism Village have participated in accordance with the level of community participation in the form of planning, implementation, utilization of results, and most recent evaluation of the results of the activity program.
Keywords: tourist village, empowerment, participation, development
Komunikasi Interpersonal Antara Orang Tua Dengan Anak (Studi Diskritif Kualitatif Komunikasi Orang Tua kepada Anaknya Untuk Menyakinkan Pendidikan di Pondok Pesantren)
This study uses interpersonal communication in communication between parents and their children. In this study, the goal is how parents can convince children in education at Islamic boarding schools. In this study using descriptive qualitative. In this study using in-depth data collection techniques. This study focuses on the use of interpersonal theory. The results of the research from the application of three-stage interpersonal communication theory. The first stage of discovery, in the form of knowing how far the discovery between parents and children. The second stage, show the trust between parents to children. The third stage is a supportive attitude, to find out the support of parents for their children in education
Adopsi Inovasi Aplikasi Panic Button Jateng Di Polsek Banjarsari Surakarta
The panic button aplication is part of smile police aplication that made by polda jateng. This reasearch aimed (1) to dicribe public service inovation panic button jateng (2) and how to know panic button was adoption in Polsek Banjarsari Surakarta. Panic button aplication launched aims to improve police service more better. Researcer using characteristic Diffusion of Inovation theory and using discriptive qualitative method. Teqhnique to selection of informants chosen using purposive sampling. The Collecting data teqhnique are carried out through in-dept interviews and also document reviews. Analysis data technique used are collecting data, reduce data, serve data and make conclusion. Than, for chek the data validity in this reasearch used triangulation source technique. The result of this reasearch shown that panic button innovation in polsek banjarsari has not been succesfull because (1) majority officer police have not used those aplication (2)majority society have not used application and just for joke to make a call SOS (save our souls). This research using channel comunication of organitation and internet. The constraints on this application are found on the smartphone network and there is no menu for report the result of police officer’s work. The researcer using five model stages innovation decision proces, they are: (1) Knowledge Stage, (2) Persuation Stage, (3) Decision Stage, (4) Implementation Stage, (5) Confirmation Stage
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