159 research outputs found

    The study on the pretreatments for the analysis of benzidine metabolites in urine

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    νŽ˜λ†€ λ…ΈμΆœ 근둜자의 μš”μ€‘ νŽ˜λ†€λ†λ„μ— 영ν–₯을 λ―ΈμΉ˜λŠ” μš”μΈ

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    Objectives : The purpose of this study is to identify the characteristics that affect the urinary phenol of workers exposed to phenol. Subjects and Methods : Total 41 workers were selected at bisphenol A manufacturing plant and their urinary phenol concentration were measured before and after work along with the phenol concentration in the workplace air, and carried out a survey on work characteristics and lifestyle factors that could affect urinary phenol. Results : The phenol concentration in air during work hours was 0.91 (non-detection~2.88) mg/m3, and the worker’s urinary phenol concentrations before and after work were 100.27Β±75.76 and 138.13Β±109. 58 mg/g creatinine, respectively, which showed a statistically significant increase. Comparing smoking and urinary phenol concentration, smokers had 194.54Β±137.52 mg/g creatinine while non-smokers had 108.88Β±80.10 mg/g creatinine, thus showing the urinary phenol concentration of smokers to be statistically significantly higher (p=0.046). The urinary phenol concentration increased as work hours, the frequency of skin exposure to phenol, and the amount of drinking increased, and there were differences in its concentration depending on the work type and whether or not workers wore protective gear. The results of carrying out a multiple regression analysis showed that phenol concentration in air, work hours, frequency of skin exposure, and smoking were statistically significant. In other words, the urinal phenol concentration increased more for smokers than for non-smokers, when work hours became longer, and when the frequency of skin exposure was over five times. Conclusions : The factors that influenced urinary phenol in workers exposed to phenol were phenol concentration in air, work hour, frequency of skin exposure, smoking, work and lifestyle habits. Accordingly, biological monitoring for phenol exposure assessment must reflect these factors, and effort must be made to reduce skin exposure at workplace.ope

    Influencing Factors in Approving Cerebrovascular and Cardiovascular Diseases as Occupational Disease in Seoul

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    Objectives: This study was performed to analyze the factors that affected the decision making process in approving workers’ compensation claims for cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases cases that occurred just before refoming approval standards of Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act on 1 July 2008 and to provide fundamental information in preparing better standards. Methods: We examined 283 claims cases involving cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases that occurred between 1 January, 2006 and 31 December, 2007 and collected data based on the worker’s compensation records from 3 Seoul Regional Centers of the Workers’ Compensation & Welfare Service. We analyzed the approval rates and odds ratios according to the general characteristics, injury information, past medical histories, and work related information using chi-square or univariate logistic regression. In addition, we identified the factors affecting the approval using multivariate logistic regression. Results: Overall, 101 of the 283 cases were approved and approval rate was 35.7%. Approval rates differed significantly according to type of disease, survival, accident site, accident time, the presence of associated disease and overwork (p-value <0.05). In the multivariate logistic regression analysis with adjusted for age and sex, approval rate of death cases with associated disease was lower than cases without associated disease (OR 0.22, 95% CI 0.12~0.42). Approval rate of cases occurred in worksite was higher than others (OR 4.81, 95% CI 2.22~10.40). Cases of accepted overwork had a higher approval rate significantly than cases of not accepted (OR 28.53, 95% CI 9.74~83.52). Conclusion: Factors in approving cases of cerebrovascular and cardiovascular disease as cases involving occupational disease included conditions of overwork, high rate of accidents in the workplace and the presence of associated disease. It is necessary to investigate further behaviors of work and chronic workrelated stress.ope

    A Case of Silicosis and Pneumothorax in a Workplace Producing Dental Porcerlain

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    Background: Silicosis is more likely to occur in people working in the mining industry. However, workers suffering from silicosis have recently been reported frequently in other areas. We present a case of silicosis occuring in a 43-year-old man who had worked for 20 years in a workplace producing dental porcelain. Case: The man was admitted to the emergency room with acute chest pain caused by pneumothorax. Chest X-ray indicated numerous small opacities spread over the whole lung field and a large opacity in the right middle lung field. According to ILO classification, the shape of the small opacities was t/s, the profusion rate was 2/3 and the large opacity was classified into the B category. Following this diagnosis of silicosis, the patient"s medical history and work exposure history were examined. According to his medical history, he had undergone closed thoracostomy in 2006 because he had suffered pneumothorax twice (in 2005 and 2006) and his smoking history was 7 pack years. In particular, he had been exposed to silica dust for 20 years in his workplace. Conclusion: Despite the absence of any specific risk factor that caused pneumothorax, the patient suffered this condition three times. All clinical results and the progress of his physical symptoms, including radiologic findings from chest X-ray and computed tomography, clearly supported the diagnosis of silicosis. Except for exposure to silica dust in the workplace, no other risk factors causing silicosis were found. Therefore, he was finally diagnosed as having silicosis caused by exposure to silica dust in the workplace and followed by pneumothorax.ope

    Factors for Approving Cerebrovascular Disorders and Cardiovascular Diseases as Work-related Diseases in Chronically Overworked Workers

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    Objectives: This study was conducted to analyze the factors that affected the decision of claims for cerebrovascular disorders and cardiovascular diseases in chronically overworked workers, that submitted their claims after the reformation of approval standards in the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act on 1 July 2008. Methods: Of 2909 cases, who claimed between January 1. and December 31. 2009, 1046 cases were selected based on their worker’s compensation record and investigated following 6 provincial committees for work-related diseases. The approval rate and odds ratio were analyzed with respect to the general characteristics, past medical history and work-related information using a logistical regression and Student t-test. Results: Of the 1046 selected cases, the approval rate was 18.5%(194 cases). In the multivariate logistical regression analysis, the factors for approving cerebrovascular disorders and cardiovascular diseases as work-related diseases were found to be the average working time over the last 1 week, occupational category, gender, age, death or survival, the presence of an associated disease, claimed province, and smoking. Conclusion: Factors for approving claims of cerebrovascular disorders and cardiovascular diseases as work-related diseases were the average working time over last 1 week, gender, age, death or survival, claimed disease, presence of associated disease, claimed province, smoking.ope

    Analysis of Sufficient Conditions in Approving Cerebrovascular and Cardiovascular Disease as Occupational Disease

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    OBJECTIVES: This study was performed to analyze the factors that affect the decision to approve workers compensation claims for cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases and to analyze the worker characteristics. METHODS: Three hundred, sixty-nine cases were collected based on the workers compensation records of three Seoul and Incheon Regional centers of the Labor Welfare Corporation between 1998 and 1999. They contained the general characteristics, injury information and past medical histories. The x2-test and logistic regression were performed to investigate the factors affecting the approvals. Seventy-two survivors were surveyed by telephone for job stress. Job stress was surveyed in three parts: job demands, decision latitude and personal free time. RESULTS: Of the cases, 167 obtained approval from the Corporation; the others did not. Regardless of approval, 62% of all subjects had more than one of the cerebral and cardiovascular risk factors. Especially, 53.9% of subjects had hypertension. According to the logistic regression, the fatal cases had a higher approval rate (OR=26.4, CI=9.13-76.22). The cases with working condition change (OR=6.5, CI=3.45-12.07), accidents on worksite (OR=4.9, CI=2.39-10.07), female (OR=4.0, CI=1.21-13.3), accidents at night duty (OR=2.9, CI=.156-5.39), cases occurring on duty (OR=.25, CI=1.34-4.72) and cases without past disease history (OR=1.8, CI=1.02-3.36) also had higher approval rates. Telephone survey found that the approval rate increased with decreasing freedom of personal time schedule. However, the logistic regression revealed that job stress didnt affect the approvals. CONCLUSION: To prevent cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases, the most important aspect is to control hypertension which is the most common risk factor among the victims. Moreover, job stress and over working should be considered in the just approval of the workers compensation claims.ope

    Health Effects of Chemicals used in hospitals among Healthcare Workers

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    Healthcare workers are exposed to a variety of chemical agents used in many different areas and purposes. The chemicals could cause health problems to healthcare workers using them. Glutaraldehyde is a kind of disinfectant and used for endoscopes, catheters, and many kinds of operating apparatus. It may cause allergic contact dermatitis. Formaldehyde is another disinfectant and can be used for fixing tissues. Formaldehyde was classified to a Group 1 carcinogen by IARC and it may cause lung or nasal cancer. Ethylene Oxide gas is the most popular disinfectant these days and may be applied to many health care sets or linens. EO gas may cause allergic contact dermatitis and breast cancer or leukemia. It is also classified as Group 1 carcinogen despite limited evidence for human cancers. Anesthetics are related to genotoxicities, sister chromatid exchange, and might be related to spontaneous abortion, stillbirth or birth defects. Some of the anti-neoplastic drugs such as Busulfan, Chlorambucil, cyclophosphamide, melphalan are Group 1 carcinogens. They could cause nausea, pruritus, or decreasing leukocytes or platelets. Other miscellaneous chemical agents are heavy metals such as elementary mercury or lead and organic solvents such as toluene, xylene and acetone. Although some of these chemical agents including EO gas have occasionally exceeded to permissible level, air levels of most above chemicals in Korean hospitals were relatively low. However, we have to make every effort to reduce the exposure level of these chemicalsope

    The standards for recognition of occupational cancers related with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Korea

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    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are organic compounds containing carbon and hydrogen. PAHs have carcinogenicity in human. Cancers related with PAHs include cancers of lung, skin, bladder, and others. International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has determined several occupations that can be exposure to PAHs were probable carcinogens to human. National Toxicology Program (NTP) classified coal tars and coal tar pitches, and coke oven emissions as known to human carcinogens, and US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) classified coke oven emissions as human carcinogen. PAHs can be produced both naturally and artificially. Sources of occupational exposure include coal gasification, coke production, coal tar distillation, aluminium production, and so on. Diesel exhaust emission contains large amount of PAHs. Cigarette smoking also contains many PAHs, which is the important source of environmental source of PAHs. The evaluation for work-relatedness and standards for recognition of occupational cancers should focus on occupations that can be exposed to PAHs. In Korea, standards for recognition of occupational cancers related with PAHs are following: lung cancers related with more than 10 years exposure to coal tar pitch, lung and skin cancers related with soot exposure, and skin cancers related with more than 10 years exposure to coal tar. When applying these standards, occupations that can be exposed to PAHs should be focused on. In addition, latent period for solid cancer should be considered. In addition to these occupations, diesel engine combustion and firefighters can be exposed to PAHsope

    Hospital Qualities Related to Return to Work from Occupational Injury after Controlling for Injury Severity as Well as Occupational Characteristics

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    We examined associations betweenhospitalquality in the workers' compensation system and injured patients'returntoworkaftercontrollingforinjuryseverity,occupationalfactors, and demographic factors.Returntoworkdata of injured workers were constructed from 2 datasets: 23,392 patients injured in 2009-2011 from the Korea Workers' Compensation & Welfare Service andreturntoworkdata from Korea Employment Information Services.Afterde-identifying the data, quality scores were matched for eachhospitalthat cared for injured patients.Injuryseveritywas measured by AbbreviatedInjuryScales. Relative risk and 95% confidence interval were calculated using log binomial regression models.Afteradjusting for age, sex,injuryseverity, occupation, factory size, city, andhospitaltype, the relative risk (95% confidence interval) for the total score was 1.04 (1.02-1.06), 1.06 (1.04-1.09), and 1.07 (1.05-1.10) in the 2(nd), 3(rd), and 4(th) quartiles, respectively, compared to the 1(st) quartile. The RR (95% CI) in the 2(nd), 3(rd), and 4(th) quartiles was 1.05 (1.02-1.07), 1.05 (1.02-1.08), and 1.06 (1.04-1.09) for the process score; and 1.02 (1.01-1.04), 1.05 (1.03-1.07), and 1.06 (1.04-1.09) for the outcome score compared to the 1(st) quartile score, respectively. In conclusion, our study design with blinded merge methods shows that total, process, and outcomequalitiesarerelatedto thereturntoworkof injured workersaftercontrollingfor other factors.ope

    Poor Lung Function Has Inverse Relationship with Microalbuminuria, an Early Surrogate Marker of Kidney Damage and Atherosclerosis: The 5th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

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    BACKGROUND: Despite epidemiological evidences of relationship between poor lung function and atherosclerosis, the relationship between poor lung function and microalbuminuria (MAU), an early surrogate marker of both kidney damage and atherosclerosis, is not well understood. Hence, we plan to investigate the relationship between poor lung function and MAU using multivariate models to adjust for other atherogenic risk factors. METHODS: We used data from the 5th Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Poor lung function is determined by spirometric measurement, primarily through estimation of the forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1). Declines in the percent predicted FVC (30 mg/g. RESULTS: Inverse relationship was observed between lung function and UACR. In an age-adjusted regression model, the regression coefficient (B) of 10% lower FVC was 11.09 in men (P = 0.002), which remained significant after adjustment for SBP, FBG, triglyceride level, BMI, smoking history, and heavy alcohol consumption (B = 7.52, P = 0.043). When the restrictive pattern was compared to the normal pattern, the odds ratios (OR) (95% confidence interval, 95%CI) for MAU were 1.90 (1.32-2.72) in men, after adjustment for age, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, triglyceride level, obesity, smoking history, physical activity, and heavy alcohol consumption. CONCLUSIONS: Our study, the first investigation in Asia, demonstrated that the restrictive pattern is related to MAU in men. Furthermore, there was linear relationship between lower FVC and UACR. Thus, our current study suggests that poor lung function, particularly the restrictive pattern, is related to kidney damage as well as atherosclerosis.ope
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