9 research outputs found
Acid-Base Status in Far-Advanced Pulmonary Tuberculosis
The objectives of this study is to define the scope
of changes in acid-base status in far-advanced
pulmonary tuberculosis and to sec whether this
results could be utilized for an evaluation of pulmonary
function in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis.
The parameter of blood acid-base equilibrium
was measured with method of Astrup in 20
far-advanced cases. The results obtained are as
follows: I. PH 7. 432ยฑ0. 072 PCO, 38ยท 9ยฑ2. 7 mmHg, St.
HCO, 25. 3ยฑ1. 0 mEq/L. Act. HCO, 25.OยฑI. 4 mEq/L
Total CO, 26ยท 2ยฑ1. 4 mEq/L, B. E. 1. 6ยฑ1. 2 mEq/L,
B. B. 49.2ยฑ3. I mEq/L
2. The above each parameter of acid-base equilibrium
in advanced cases was found to be within
normal limits. Plotting each value of the results
On nomogram of Devenport, Siggaard-Andersen
and Kintner, however, trends toward respiratory
alkalosis in acid-base status could be easily recongized
as a whole
A Study on the Frequency of HLA Antigens in Varions Diseases
The purpose of this study is to investigate distribution
of the HLA antigens among Korean population
and to elucidate any correlation between the HLA
antigens and various human diseases. The subjects
for this study consisted of 85 normal healthy persons,
28 patients with stomach cancer, 24 with liver cancer,
and 32 with pulmonary tuberculosis. The diagnosis of
cancer was confirmed either by the radiological, endo
scopic, serologic or histopathologic findings, and patients
with pulmonary tuberculosis included only those
who had moderate advanced or far advanced pulmonary
tuberculosis. The detection of HLA antigens was
carried out with the micortoxicity test devised by Tcrasaki,
the lymphocytes being seperated from peripheral
blood by density-gradient centrifugation in the
Ficoll-Hypaque solution. The standard HLA antiserum
used in this study was the T-serics antiserum provided
by the Beringwerke company, West Germany.
The antiserum included HLA-A 1, 2, 3, 9,10.11, and
HLA-B 5,7,8,12. The positive and negative control
sera were also used.
The observed data are summarized as follows:
1. The detection rate of the HLA antigens was
essentially the same among normal healthy persons.
and patients with stomach cancer, liver cancer, and
pulmonary tuberculosis.
2. In the normal control group, HLAยทA2 and A3
were most frequently detected in the first segregation
series, and HLA-B 12 and B 7 in the second segregation
series, respectively.
3. In the group of stomach cancer, the most frequent
HLA antigens were HLA-A2 and AIO in the first
segregation series, and IlLA-B5 and B8 in the second
segregation series, respectively. As compared with
normal control group, IlLA-AIO was slightly increased
and HLA-BI2 were markedly reduced in frequency
among the patients with stomach cancer.
4. In the group of the liver cancer, the most frequent
HLA antigens were HLA-A2 and AIO in the first
segregation series, and HLA-B8 and BI2 in the second
segregation series. As compared with the normal
control group, the HLA-B7 was markedly reduced in
frequency in the patients with liver cancer.
5. In the patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, the most frequent HLA autigens were HLA-A2 and AIO
in the first segregation series, and HLA-B5 and Bl2
in the second segregation series. As compared with the
normal control group, HLA-B7 was slightly reduced
and HLA-BI2 was markedly reduced in frequency in
the patients with pulmonary tubeculosis
Myelination Cycle of the Developing Human Brains
It is often desirable to know the maturity of the
fetal brains of a wide variety of gestational ages.
Although myelination is known as an important
process of regional maturation of the nervous system,
it is still not clear whether myelination cycle is
stereotypic enough to be a parameter of maturation
in the fetal brains.
We have studied a total of 123 brains and spinal
cords of the Korean fetuses of gestational ages ranging
from 12 to 44 weeks. These fetuses were products of artificial abortion. The brains and spinal cords
were removed as soon as possible after delivery, and
were fixed in 10% formalin. Representative blocks
were taken from standardized portions of the nervous
system. Through routine histological process slides
were made and stained with hematoxylin-eosin and
Luxol-Fast-Blue for general morphology and myelin,
Tables were made to list myelination process of
all the major fiber-systems by different gestational
periods. The listing of a fiber-system was based on
microscopically demonstrated myelin tubules in
certain area in more than half of the cases.
Following conclusions were made.
1. The pattern of myelination in the developing
central nervous system at various gestational periods.
is not strictly stereotyped. However, there is a
definite trend of an orderly process in which functionally
allied systems were synchronized in an orderly
2. As gestation progresses, increasing number of
cells with large pale vesicular nuclei appeared in thearea
to be myelinated, prior to actual deposit of the
material (myelin) stainable with Luxol Fast Blue.
These myelination glial cells decreased gradually
in number as myelination process advanced.
3. The myelination started in the anterior and
posterior nerve roots of the spinal cords at 12 to 15weeks
gestational period. The fiber-system mediating
the general proprioceptive experience myelinates early
and rapidly at 16 to 20 weeks gestational period.
followed by the fiber-system mediating vestibular
and acoustic modalities in the brain stem. Theexteroceptive(
tactile and pain) somatic fiber-system
myelinates later and slowly. These sensory pathways
showed ascending (cephalad) progression of myelination.
The corticospinal tract myelination then rapidly
becomes apparent in a caudal direction through the
brain stem and spinal cord.
4. Stainable myelin was rarely seen in the medullary
substance of the cerebral hemisphere except
along the course of fiber tract of the internal capsule
and optic radiation even in full term fetuses
Morphologcal Study on Gyral Development of Fetal Brains
To evaluate the development of the convolutional
pattern of the cerebral hemispheres a total of 123
brains of Korean fetuses of gestation ages ranging
from 12 to 44 weeks was studied. The fetuses were
products of artificial ahortions, and were proved to
be normal after complete examination of fetuses and
placentas. The brains were removed as soon as pos .
sible after delivery, and were fixed in 10% formalin
for one week before being examined for this study.
It was quite consistent feature that gyral development
started to appear from 20 weeks gestation age
around the Sylvian fissure. The sequential developยท
mental changes of the individual fissures, sulci and gyri of cerebral hemispheres throughout the
gestational period are tabulated.
It was concluded that the pattern of gyral development
of Korean fetuses is comparable to that of
other countries, and could be used as a parameter of
maturation in the developing brains
A Case of Omental Cyst
A case of omental cyst in a 3 1/2 year old boy is
presented, who has experienced recurrent episodes
of bloody ascites and abdominal distension. The
preoperative proper diagnosis was reached by ultrasonography,
which showed septated fluid collection
anterior to intestine, and by direct injection of
radio-opaque dye into cystic cavity to differentiate
multilocular cyst from ascites.
Its operative and pathological findings are also
described with brief review of literature on omental