16 research outputs found


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    [目的]了解厦门市湖里区伤害病例发生的情况,为制订干预措施提供科学依据。[方法]用分层随机抽样方法,抽取二级、三级医院各1所为哨点监测医院。[结果]全年共监测病例36 845例,男∶女为2.3∶1;导致伤害前3位依次为钝器伤(32.6%)、刀/锐器伤(24.9%)和跌倒/坠落(22.3%);主要为生产运输设备操作及有关人员(35.2%)、商业服务业人员(15.3%)和办事和有关人员(12.2%);伤害主要发生在5~10月(56.9%);日发生的高峰时间为7~12时和17~20时(61.0%)。[结论]青壮年是伤害防治的重点人群,预防和控制职业伤害是干预的重点,加强生产安全保护措施和创造安全的环境是主要的预防措施


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    黑洞潮汐瓦解恒星事件(Tidal Disruption Events,TDE)是星系中心黑洞瓦解进入其潮汐瓦解半径内的恒星并吸积恒星碎片物质而产生的一种剧烈辐射耀发现象.TDE的能谱和光变特征中蕴含了中心黑洞和被瓦解的恒星的信息,为我们证实和普查宁静星系中的黑洞,研究其参数、吸积过程和喷流产生、以及核区星际介质等提供了可能.TDE还可能提供中等质量黑洞和双黑洞存在的证据.TDE的观测和理论已成为一个新开辟的天体物理研究领域,但目前的进展受制于探测到事件太少(尤其是在X射线波段),且观测数据普遍质量不高.TDE的发生率很低,要探测大样本的事例需要监测足够大的空间体积.爱因斯坦探针卫星(Einstein Probe,EP)覆盖了0.5–4 keV的软X射线波段(接近TDE耀发时的辐射峰值能段),具有大视场以及高灵敏度,非常利于对TDE的探测.预期爱因斯坦探针卫星每年可以发现约几十至上百例TDE,其中有约10例或更多具有相对论性喷流特征.这将使我们可以获得较为完备、具有统计意义的TDE的样本,为进一步研究黑洞的存在和统计性质、增长和演化、发现中等质量黑洞和大质量双黑洞等提供了新的途径.中国科学院空间科学战略性先导科技专项(编号:XDA15052100);;北京大学“985工程”建设项目“星团环境对双黑洞形成演化过程的干扰及其对引力波探测的影响”资

    Research on Public Service Advertising Management Mode in Xiamen City

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    近年来,公益广告市场活跃,全国性的公益广告活动频繁,如2011年以塑造和提升中国繁荣发展、民主进步、文明开放、和平和谐的国家形象宣传片在纽约时报广场亮相,2013年互联网上发布《领导人是怎样炼成的?》的动漫视频,2014年4月第十届中国国际动漫节上新中国五代国家领导人漫画像等,都被热议成中国与国际接轨的接地气的公益广告宣传理念创新。特别是,2013年由中央文明办部署的“讲文明树新风”公益广告,2014年由中宣部部署的“图说我们的价值观”公益广告全国遍地开花,公益广告宣传再次引起高度关注与热烈讨论。公益广告由谁管理?管理依据是什么?怎么管理?管理的效果如何?由于全国层面的公益广告管理至今仍然处于...In recent years, the public service advertising market has been very active and nationwide public service ads activities are frequently carried out, such as the propaganda film displayed in New York Times Square in year 2011 which demonstrated the Chinese national image of being prosperous, developing, democratic, civilized, open, peaceful and harmonious, and the comic video “What Makes A Leader” ...学位:公共管理硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_公共管理硕士(MPA)学号:1392012115045

    Review and assessment of in-situ rock stress in Hong Kong for territory : wide geological domains and depth profiling

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    In-situ rock stress is the essential data for the prediction of rock mass excavation behavior on underground excavation stability assessment. In-situ stress acts as part of the crucial input parameter for assessment of the excavation works design, design of support system, as well as pillar design. Understanding the magnitude and direction of in-situ stress state can facilitate the preliminary design of underground excavation opening, such as tunneling, mining and cavern. With the pursuit of development of underground space aiming at promoting the enhanced use of rock caverns by the Government authorities, better understanding of the Hong Kong In-situ rock stress state would be beneficial the design of rock cavern and tunnel in the preliminary stage. The main purpose of this thesis project is to update the map of orientation of the regional major principal stress directions in Hong Kong, and to review whether there is any major impact or influence on those stress magnitudes and orientations based upon the major geological domains in Hong Kong, as well as to explore depth relationships on principle in-situ stress orientation for consideration of future underground cavern development. The in-situ stress data is acquired using hydraulic fracturing, conducted as part of site investigation for various infrastructure projects in Hong Kong in the past 30 years. From the study, the following conclusion can be made: ··The stress ratio KH- and Kh-depth profile from the in-situ stress measurement yield similar results to the previous studies (Choy et al., 1997, Klee et al., 1999, Free et al., 2000, and Kwong and Wong, 2013). The stress ratio at shallow depth is high and scattered, and it decreases with depth. It is noted that most scattering stress ratios (KH > 7) at shallow depth are resulted from H&W-method in granitic rock. ··The hydraulic fracturing data yields an overall WNW-ESE orientation of maximum horizontal stress, which agrees well with the regional stress. The local orientation variation is likely under the influence of fault, dyke, volcanic layer or lithological boundary, instead of random scattering. The far field stress (regional stress field) might have been overprinted by near field stress, such as fault and dyke intrusion, although no significant bias could be observed. ··The lithological factor imposes no prominent effect on the stress magnitude. This can be attributed to the similar properties of the volcanic and granitic rock which have minor variation in rock density, strength and stiffness, as well as similar tectonic setting during their formation. ··Geological structures such as faults appear to have slightly more effect on the stress orientation variation than dyke and joint. There does not appear to be any effect on the magnitude of stress. ··No obvious depth relationship on principal in-situ stress orientation can be found from the data reviewed.published_or_final_versionApplied GeosciencesMasterMaster of Scienc

    Integrated robot finishing system for polymer prototypes fabricated bythe selective laser sintering process

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    published_or_final_versionMechanical EngineeringMasterMaster of Philosoph

    Resection margin for hepatocellular carcinoma

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    published_or_final_versionabstractSurgeryMasterMaster of Surger

    Portrayals of mental illness and crime in the Hong Kong media : a quantitative and qualitative analysis

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    Background: Mental health issues (MHI) had gained much concern in Hong Kong after series of tragedies of violent incidents linked to people with mental health issues (PMHI). Crime news reports that discriminated PMHI were criticized by the Hong Kong Press Council, as such irresponsible and sensational reporting may further encourage discrimination, stigmatization and incrimination towards PMHI in our society. Aims: This study aimed at reflecting the newspaper reporting of MHI in Hong Kong by identifying the frequently used descriptions, phrases and images on people with MHI and the implications of such portrayals may contribute to labeling PMHI. The possible recommendations on news coverage related to MHI for media professionals would be constructed. Methods: Content analysis on 233 news articles from 5 major Chinese newspapers was carried out. In-depth interviews with 4 media workers from local news agencies were also conducted. Quantitative-qualitative methodological triangulation was used to enhance confidence in the ensuing findings. Results: Stigmatizing terms were found to be excluded from the news pieces but MHI were found often associated with stories of violence with dramatic style of reporting. Limitations: Limitations of this study were revealed and given justifications. These include limitations of sample sizes, searched terms, the nature of method of research, etc. Conclusions: The research findings demonstrated an improvement in terminology in depicting PMHI throughout the decades. The portrayals on PMHI were positive or neutral in general. The claims-making between violence and PMHI were mainly conducted by the Police and the informant. The recommendation of a practical guideline in describing the diagnosis and terminology of MHI was welcomed by the interviewed media workers.published_or_final_versionCriminologyMasterMaster of Social Science