3 research outputs found

    The Intervention of Social Work for Adolescents’ service in Community Program: A Program Research in Z Community M City

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    青少年是国家的希望、民族的未来。为了能够让青少年拥有一个健康、快乐的成长阶段,需要家庭、学校和青少年成长所在的社区共同营造青少年成长发展的良好社会环境。目前,国内一些地区针对青少年的健康成长的服务主要集中在针对“问题”青少年开展的一系列功能性服务上,如违法犯罪青少年的社区矫治、失业失学青少年的社区扶助服务等,而这些功能性服务往往仅仅关注青少年“问题”方面的需求,忽略了青少年其他发展方面的需求。在服务方法上,青少年服务更多服务的是青少年自身的“问题”,很少服务于青少年与周围环境(家庭、学校、社区)之间的互动关系,更甚少通过调动周围环境之间的互动为青少年营造良好的成长空间。因此,本研究以积极青少年...Adolescents are the hope of the country and the future of the nation. We need families, school and community work together to create a good environment for adolescent enjoying a healthy and happy growth stage. At present, the national service for promoting adolescents’ development in some areas mainly focus on offering functional service for “problem” adolescents, such as community correction for ...学位:社会工作硕士院系专业:公共事务学院社会学系_社会工作硕士学号:1402010115051

    The Influences of Social Modernization's Transformation on the Social Capital

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    社会现代化转型使得传统的社会资本特征也发生了一系列变化,呈现出新的社会网络扩大化、社会资源数量增多、社会资源质量下降等新的特征,同时对社会资本也产生着积极和消极的“双面“影响。Transformation of social modernization makes a series of changes on the traditional features of social capital,showing the expansion of a new social network,the increasing amount and the decreasing quality of social resourses.Meanwhile,this also has positive and negative influences on social capital

    The development of the rural non-governmental organizations and the cultivation of self-organizing capability of farmers:A Case Study on Zhen Tian Agricultural Cooperative

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    选取福建省安溪县珍田茶业专业合作社这一农村民间组织,通过文献分析和实地调查,从自组织视角剖析珍田茶业专业合作社的发展历程,总结其在成功培育农民自组织能力方面的经验启示,以期为解决三农问题、实现新农村建设这一宏伟蓝图提供一定的借鉴与参考。"Three dimensional rural issue" has always been the top priority of Communist Party of China.In recent years,rural non-governmental organizations which play an important role in exercising the autonomy of farmers and promoting to solve"Three dimensional rural issue" have drawn society's great attention.In this regard,Zhen Tian agricultural cooperative was taken as an example to explore the function of these rural non-governmental organizations.Based on self-organizing theory and field investigations,an in-depth analysis on the evolution of Zhen Tian cooperative was made,thereby dissecting its success in fostering farmer self-organizing capability.Hopefully,the research results can make some contributions to "Three dimensional rural issue" solving and serve the development of Rural Reform.国家社科基金重大项目“农村社会全面进步中的社区建设研究