9 research outputs found

    A study on the Risk Research of Local Government Financing Platform:Based on Bank Perspective

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    地方政府融资平台是在地方政府缺乏规范的融资渠道、基础设施建设资金不足的情况下,解决地方政府融资需求的重要创新。通过地方政府融资平台,把银行资金优势、政府信用优势和市场力量结合起来,支持薄弱环节发展,对促进地方经济发展,尤其是在应对国际金融危机冲击、保持经济平稳较快发展的过程中,融资平台公司发挥了重要作用。但是,随之而来的快速膨胀的平台风险,引起了广泛关注。本文从银行角度,对地方政府融资平台的风险进行研究。 信用风险是银行平台贷款信贷风险的主要方面,由于缺乏相应数据,本文对地方政府融资平台的品德(character)、能力(Capacity)、担保(Collateral)、现金(Cash)、经...Local government platform develops on the background of infrastructure needing fund but local government lacking financing channels, it is an important innovation to satisfy local government financing needs. The local government financing platform combines the advantages of bank funds, strengths of government credit and market forces together, to support the development of the weak areas and promo...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_金融学(含保险学)学号:1562010115196

    稀土元素原子发射光谱及其谱线干扰的高分辨率ICP-AES研究 Ⅳ铕、钆基体对其他稀土元素的光谱干扰

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    本文是系列工作的第四部分。利用光栅刻线为 3 60 0条 /mm的顺序扫描高分辨率ICP AES光谱仪研究了铕 (Eu)和钆 (Gd)分别作为基体时对其他 14个稀土元素共 66条“首选分析线”的光谱干扰情况 ,获得了相应的光谱干扰轮廓和其他光谱干扰信息 ,为选择不同稀土基体中的稀土元素最佳分析线提供了有益的参考依

    Advantages of double-embedding with agar and paraffin in making light microscope slices of small vessels

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    预先将固定好的小血管包埋到1.5%琼脂中,调整好其位置和管腔。采用自制的琼脂包埋模子可以方便快捷的获得结构完整大小适中的组织琼脂块。再按照常规的的脱水包埋程序做石蜡包埋,最后切片染色。结果显示,琼脂石蜡双包埋法保持了小血管管腔的完整性和规则性,内膜等组织结构几乎没有损坏和丢失,最终得到较为理想的光镜切片。The fixed small vessels were pre-embedded into 1.5% agar in advance,and its position and lumen were adjusted well.By using self-made agarembedding mould,the agar block in complete structure and right size could be obtained conveniently.Then paraffin embedding was done according to the conventional dehydration and embedding procedure,and staining was the last step.The results indicated that,by using the double embedding method,the integrity of lumen was kept,the intima and other tissues of vessel were not damaged and lost,the ideal light microscope slices were gotten ultimately.国家重点基础研究发展规划项目资助(973计划项目)(编号:2012CBA01303

    Embeddable Combination Probe for In-situ Measuring Cl - and pH at the Reinforcing Steel/Concrete Interface

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    分别应用电化学阳极氧化法和高温碳酸盐法制备了Ag/AgCl电极和IrO2 pH电极,组成测定Cl-和pH值的复合探针,用于埋置于钢筋混凝土试样中,原位测定钢筋 /混凝土界面或混凝土中的Cl-和pH值。两种电极的电位分别对介质溶液中Cl-浓度的对数和pH值呈良好的线性关系。探针的稳定性好,可应用于定量检测试样中钢筋 /混凝土界面或混凝土内部的Cl-和pH值。国家自然科学基金(No. 20473066);教育部重点项目;福建省自然科学基金(No.E0210006)资助项


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    Spectral interferences of rare earth elements with a high resolution sequential ICP-AES - IV. Spectral interferences of europium and gadolinium

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    The spectral interferences of Eu and Gd(100 mu g.mL(-1), separately) as matrices on the other REEs(1 or 5 mu g.mL(-1)) were studied with a high resolution sequential ICP-AES with a grating of 3 600 grooves/mm. Totally 66 prominent lines of 14 REEs were selected as the analytical lines for the spectral interference studies. The overlapping profiles of analytical lines and interference lines were obtained by scanning four solutions(blank, analyte, Eu matrix, and Gd matrix, individually) within the selected wavelength windows (0.2 nm for each analytical line). Some new emission lines of Eu and Gd were observed. The obtained information of spectral interferences would be very useful for the selection of the best analytical lines for the determination of REEs in the other REEs matrices


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    报道了利用兰州重离子研究装置提供的26Mg重离子束流轰击243Am靶产生和鉴别已知超重核素266Bh的实验结果。利用转轮收集探测装置依靠母子核遗传关系通过观测Bh同位素与其子核Db和Lr之间的α-α关联事件来鉴别266Bh。实验中观测到266Bh的α能量为(9.03±0.08)MeV,与日本理化学研究所在合成113号元素中第一个衰变链中观测到266Bh的α能量为9.07 MeV相近。266Bh的半衰期为0.66+-00..5269s,从实验得到的Qα也符合Z=107的Qα随中子数变化的系统性