32 research outputs found

    Initial Presentations Predict Mortality in Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients - A Prospective Observational Study

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    Despite effective anti-TB treatments, tuberculosis remains a serious threat to public health and is associated with high mortality. Old age and multiple co-morbidities are known risk factors for death. The association of clinical presentations with mortality in pulmonary tuberculosis patients remains an issue of controversy.This prospective observational study enrolled newly diagnosed, culture-proven pulmonary tuberculosis patients from five medical centers and one regional hospital, which were referral hospitals of TB patients. Radiographic findings and clinical symptoms were determined at the time of diagnosis. Patients who died for any reason during the course of anti-TB treatment were defined as mortality cases and death that occurred within 30 days of initiating treatment was defined as early mortality. Clinical factors associated with overall mortality and early mortality were investigated.A total of 992 patients were enrolled and 195 (19.7%) died. Nearly one-third (62/195, 31.8%) of the deaths occurred before or within 30 days of treatment initiation. Older age (RR = 1.04, 95%CI: 1.03–1.05), malignancy (RR = 2.42, 95%CI: 1.77–3.31), renal insufficiency (RR = 1.77, 95%CI: 1.12–2.80), presence of chronic cough (RR = 0.63, 95%CI: 0.47–0.84), fever (RR = 1.45, 95%CI: 1.09–1.94), and anorexia (RR = 1.49, 95%CI: 1.07–2.06) were independently associated with overall mortality. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis demonstrated significantly higher mortality in patients present with fever (p<0.001), anorexia (p = 0.005), and without chronic cough (p<0.001). Among patients of mortality, those with respiratory symptoms of chronic cough (RR = 0.56, 95%CI: 0.33–0.98) and dyspnea (HR = 0.51, 95%CI: 0.27–0.98) were less likely to experience early mortality. The radiological features were comparable between survivors and non-survivors.In addition to demographic characteristics, clinical presentations including the presence of fever, anorexia, and the absence of chronic cough, were also independent predictors for on-treatment mortality in pulmonary tuberculosis patients

    國際新職業量表在臺灣教育研究中的適用性:本土化與國際化的考量 The Suitability of the New International Occupational Scale in Taiwan’s Educational Research: Consideration of Indigenization and Internationalization

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    anzeboom與Treiman(1996)建立一套國際新職業聲望與社經地位量表,有愈來愈多的臺灣研究採用這套量表。本研究從高教調查與數位落差兩項大調查的學生樣本中,隨機抽取樣本,並以封閉式與開放式問卷來調查學生的父親職業;根據開放式問卷中,學生填答的父親職業所轉換的「國際新職業社經地位量表」(International Socio-Economic Index, ISEI)與「臺灣新職業社經地位量表」(New Taiwan Occupational Socio-Economic Scale, NTSEI)之分數,以及針對本土所建構,測量簡易、成本又低的「學生勾選大類父親職業」封閉式問卷調查結果,所轉換成的五等社經地位測量做分析,以評估這三項職業測量之測量品質。研究結 果顯示:遺漏值百分比以五等測量最低,NTSEI 居中,ISEI 最高;而建構效度以NTSEI 最高,五等測量居中,ISEI 則有嚴重的問題。 In recent years, Ganzeboom and Treiman constructed the new Standard International Prestige Scale and Occupational International Socio-Economic Index (ISEI) of Occupational Status which was adopted by more and more researchers in Taiwan. In this study, the author used random sampling to select respondents from samples of higher education survey and digital divide survey. Besides, the author used close-ended and open-ended questionnaires to survey the occupations of students’ fathers. The purpose of this study is to assess the quality of three occupation measurements: based on the score of the ISEI and the “New Taiwan Occupational Socio-Economic Scale (NTSEI)” which is transformed from the occupations of respondents’ fathers in open-ended questionnaires, and the five-rank social economic status measure which is transformed from the major group occupations of respondents’ fathers in close-ended questionnaires, which is indigenous, easy to measure and low cost. The findings are as follows: five-rank measure has the lowest missing value percentage, while NTSEI in the middle, ISEI the highest. As to the construct validity: NTSEI is highest, five-rank measure in middle, however, ISEI reveals serious problems

    臺灣中小學教師職業流動表分析 The Occupational Mobility Analysis for Elementary and Junior High School Teachers in Taiwan

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    中小學教師職業流動愈是封閉,愈有助於階級意識發展。本研究分析臺灣中小學教師流動的封閉性與可能的階級意識發展,以對數線性與對數相乘分析,結果顯示,從父職到初職、初職到現職與父職到現職的流動過程,都只用一個主要代表職業間社經地位差距愈大,相對流動機會愈小的齊一關聯參數,以及流動表對角線上六個代表不流動封閉性的參數,就使流動表適合資料。以下說明各參數 所顯示的中小學教師流動封閉性:一、從初職到現職流動的封閉性,以中小學教師最高。二、從父職到初職、父職到現職的流動封閉性,中小學教師排名第二。而在以上三個流動過程中,各職業與中小學教師社經地位差距愈大,相對流動機會都愈小。 The more closed occupational mobility the elementary and junior high school teachers in Taiwan are, more helpful to develop class consciousness it is. This study explores the closed pattern of teachers’ mobility and the possible development of class consciousness. According to loglinear and multiplicative analysis, in the mobility process from father’s occupation to the first occupation, and then to the current occupation, and from father’s occupation to the current occupation, the uniform association parameter mainly presenting the larger the gap of socioeconomic status between occupations is, the smaller the opportunity of relative mobility is, and the six parameters on the diagonal mobility tables presenting the immobile closed pattern, make the mobility tables fitted the data. The findings indicate that the teachers’ closed mobility in the process from the first occupation to the current occupation is the highest. The teachers’ closed motilities in the process from father’s occupation to the first occupation and to the current occupation are the second high. Finally, above three mobility tables, the larger the gap of socioeconomic status between teachers and other occupations is, the smaller the opportunity of relative mobility is

    Correlation Among Students’ Family Background, Academic Performance in Junior High School, and Senior High School Tracking in Taiwan

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    There were numerous previous studies on educational tracking. However, most of the data adopted in these studies were collected a decade ago, involving sample population 20-64 years of age. Among them, many elderly samples had undergone senior high school tracking in the early years. The present study used the data of students and parents from the 3rd wave (2005) of the Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS). A path analysis was conducted to investigate the inequality of opportunities involved in the influence of student family background on educational tracking at the senior high school stage. The results show: although the overall percentage of junior high school graduates entering advanced levels was approximately 100% and almost all students of different family backgrounds entered advanced levels, the most crucial factor among those affecting educational tracking of senior high school stage was students’ academic performance during junior high school. Students with higher family socioeconomic status and fewer siblings showed better academic performance in junior high schools, and consequently had higher possibilities of entering public senior high schools leading to a more promising future. This indicates that though the inequality in the quantity of opportunities approached 0, the inequality in the quality of opportunities still remained, which fails to support the hypothesis of the maximally maintained inequality of educational opportunity (MMI); however, the result supports the hypothesis of the effectively maintained inequality of educational opportunity (EMI)


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    [[alternative]]The Causal Mechanism of Effecting Psychological Well-Being on the Eighth Graders in Taitung: Which is More Important, Family Socioeconomic Status or Social Network?

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    [[abstract]]對於心理幸福所做的研究很多,不過,筆者還沒看到以臺灣各縣市中發展最落後的台東縣國中生為對象進行的研究。本研究根據2005年「台東縣教育長期資料庫」之國中二年級學生與家長普查資料做路徑分析,目的在探討台東地區國二學生的背景變項透過社會網絡及學業成績對其心理幸福影響之因果機制。研究結果顯示:一,學生心理幸福主要受到社會網絡,而非家庭社經地位與學業成績影響。二,在心理幸福受到社會網絡影響方面,心理幸福主要受到學校人際關係,而非家庭關係的影響。三,在心理幸福受到學校人際關係影響方面,主要受到同儕關係而非師生關係的影響。[[abstract]]There are many studies exploring psychological well-being, but we have not seen any studies for junor high school students in Taitung where it is the lowest development in Taiwan. We adopt the data of Taitung Educational Panel Survey in 2005 for the eighth graders and their parents, and explore the mechanism background of the eighth graders in Taitung influencing the psychological well-being through social network and academic performance by path analysis. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. The psychological well-being was mainly influenced by social network rather than by family socioeconomic status and academic performance. 2. In terms of the psychological well-being influenced by social network, the psychological well-being was mainly influenced by interpersonal relationship at school rather than by family relationship. 3. In terms of the psychological well-being influenced by interpersonal relationship at school, the psychological well-being was mainly influenced by peer relationship rather than by teacher-student relationship

    「教育與職業不相稱」的新測量與其對工作收入、主觀意識的影響 The New Measure of Education-Job Mismatch and Its Impact on Earnings and Subjective Consciousness

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    有關於教育與職業不相稱的影響之研究已蔚為風潮,然而,對於過量教育的測量卻往往不一致,再加上各研究控制的變項不同,使得研究結果難以累積。本研究運用臺灣地區社會變遷調查資料發展出教育與職業不相稱的新測量方法 ― 修正自評半標準差法,評估臺灣勞力市場教育與職業不相稱的程度,以及教育與職業不相稱對工作者收入與主觀意識(包括工作滿意度、工作前景評估與階級認同)的影響。研究發現,在控制教育程度後,相較於適量教育者,過量教育工作者的工作收入較低;在控制教育程度與工作收入後,相較於適量教育者,過量教育者會有較低的工作滿意度與五等階級認同,對工作前景較悲觀,較可能認同勞工階級。 Over the past years, many researchers have paid much attention to education-job mismatch. However, it is difficult to accumulate the research results because the measures of overeducation and controlled variables are inconsistent among existing studies. Based on the national survey data, Social Change Survey in Taiwan, this paper develops a new measure of education-job mismatch that integrates self-assessment with half standard deviation method to estimate the extent of education-job mismatch in Taiwan’s labor force and its impact on workers’ earnings and subjective consciousness, including job satisfaction, career perspective and class identification. Findings are as follows: when “education” is controlled, overeducated workers have lower earnings than adequately-educated ones; when both “education” and “earnings” are controlled, overeducated workers have lower job satisfaction and class identification, hold a more pessimisticr career perspective, and are more likely to identify with the proletariat than adequately educated ones

    臺灣教育擴充與教育機會不均等性之關聯 The Relationship Between Educational

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    在臺灣教育除了可以作為提高職業、收入的工具之外,其本身就代表著很重要的社會地位,教育取得是否符合教育機會均等便成為重要的教育階層化研究議題。由於近年的研究不足,本研究運用臺灣社會變遷基本調查全國代表性樣本資料,以OLS迴歸與邏輯迴歸做分析。研究發現顯示:小學教育、國初中教育及高中職教育三個教育階段的教育機會不均等性都是先升後降;大專以上教育的教育機會不均等性大致為先升後降;而上大專以上學校的機率偏低,且提升的幅度略小,因而其教育年數機會不均等性變遷不如小學、國初中及高中職。整體而言,在各級教育快速普及,上各級學校機率大 都很快就超過0.5的情況之下,教育總年數的教育機會不均等性大致呈現快速下降的趨勢。 In Taiwan, education is not just a tool to improve one’s occupation and income, but also an important indicator of social status. Whether educational attainment takes place in accordance with principles of equality of educational opportunity has become an important topic in research into educational stratification; however, there has been insufficient research in this field in recent years. This study adopted the Taiwan Social Change Survey as a representative national sample, and conducted OLS regression and logistic regression analysis. The findings of the study indicated tendencies toward inequality of educational opportunity in primary and secondary education, rising first and then falling. This was also largely the case in higher education. However, due to the low probability of advancing to higher education and the small degree of advancement in educational level, changes in the degree of inequality of opportunity in terms of the number of years of education received were not as great as in primary and secondary education. By and large, with the rapid expansion of all educational levels, and the fact that the probability of attaining all educational levels will soon exceed 0.5, there has been a sharp downward trend in inequality of educational opportunity, when viewed in terms of the total number of years of education

    原漢族群、家庭背景與高中職入學考試基測成績、教育分流:以臺東縣為例 Aboriginals and Hans, Family Background and Their Relationship with the Basic Competence Test, and Educational Tracking: A Study in Taitung

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    臺灣地區原住民比率最高、社經背景最低落,且基測成績最差的臺東縣,原漢族群與家庭背景對高中職入學考試基測成績,以及是否升學與所升上的教育分流有何影響?非常值得探討,然而,研究者未見國內有關這方面的研究。本研究根據「臺東縣教育長期資料庫」所蒐集的2006 年高中職入學考試基測成績與升學結果資料做分析。研究結果顯示:雖然整體升學率已接近100%,不同出身背景者幾乎都能升學而没多大不同,可是漢人升上出路最佳的公立高中比率仍比原住民高出許多,原住民學生升上出路最差的私立高職比率仍較漢人高出許多。原住民在入學考試雖享有加分三分之一的優待,不過由於原始成績低於漢人許多,加分後的成績與所升上教育分流的出路仍比漢人差了不少;而原住民成績比漢人低許多,重要原因是家庭背景較差。 Taitung, a county known for having the highest percentage of Aboriginal population and lowest SES (Socioeconomic status) of residents in Taiwan, is ranked the lowest in the Basic Competence Test. What effects do Aboriginal and Han ethnic groups and their respective family backgrounds have on their Basic Competence Test scores, their enrollment to upper secondary education, and educational tracking? According to our literature review, no study has yet addressed this question. The data of this study were obtained from the “Taitung Educational Panel Survey.” By compiling the Basic Competence Test scores and enrollment information collected in 2006, the above question was examined. The main findings are as follows. Although the overall student enrollment of upper secondary education was approximately 100 percent regardless of student background, the enrollment rate of Han students in public senior high schools (which has been deemed the optimal educational tracking measure for future socioeconomic status attainment) was far higher than that of Aboriginal students. The enrollment rate of Aboriginal students in private vocational schools (deemed the least optimal educational tracking measure for future status attainment) was far higher than that of Han students. Despite the fact that Aboriginal students were granted an additional one-third on their original scores on the Basic Competence Test, Aboriginal student scores were still much lower than Han students; and so was the future status attainment following their educational tracking. It was found that their disadvantageous family background is the main factor explaining their lower academic performance

    重探學科補習的階層化與效益:Wisconsin 模型的延伸 A Re-exploration of Stratification and Efficacy in Cram Schooling: An Extension of the Wisconsin Model

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    過去探討學科補習的研究,其關注焦點主要著重在學科補習階層化與其效益這兩方面。但這些研究在探討階層化與效益時,存在著兩大缺口,一是探討學科補習階層化的研究並沒有考量家庭社經地位對學科補習參與影響中可能存在的中介變項,二是探討學科補習效益的研究存在著高估學科補習效益的可能性。本文在檢討過去探討學科補習階層化與效益的研究後,參考Wisconsin 模型,運用「臺灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」資料,以更適當的研究架構,對上述問題重新探討。研究結果顯示:一、家庭社經地位愈高,父母教育期望與子女自我教育期望愈高,進而提高學科補習參與;二、控制父母教育期望與子女自我教育期望後,學科補習參與對於學業成績先升後降的非直線影響下降許多。由於過去探討學科補習效益的研究很可能高估學科補習的效益,本研究的發現有助於打破學科補習高效益的迷思。 Previous studies of cram schooling have focused primarily on stratification and efficacy. However, they have fallen short of the depth of their discussions. Concerning stratification, previous studies have not considered possible intervening variables caused by socioeconomic status of family that might influence children’s attendance at cram schools. Moreover, these studies have perhaps overestimated the efficacy of cram schools. This research focused on two unresolved issues regarding the stratification and efficacy of cram schools, taking the Wisconsin model into account and using data collected from the Taiwan Education Panel Survey, to develop a well-defined research framework to reinvestigate the research questions above. It was found that higher socioeconomic status of a family led to higher educational expectations of parents and children. This in turn led to an increase in children’s attendance at cram schools. The non-linear influence, first ascending and then descending, of student attendance at cram schools on academic achievement, decreased greatly after the variables of educational expectations of parents and children were held constant. Because previous studies probably overestimated the efficacy of cram schooling, this study may help dispel the myths surrounding the efficacy of cram schools