6 research outputs found

    Research and Development of Banana in Taiwan

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    香蕉為我國最大宗之外銷新鮮農產品。在亞熱帶氣候條件孕育之下,台蕉香甜可口,風味為其他熱帶產蕉國家所生產者望塵莫及,廣被國內外消費者喜愛,數十年來外銷日本一直持續不斷,於民國五十六年曾有外銷量達二千六百萬箱之最高紀錄。惟自六○年以來,外因菲律賓蕉的帽起,內有若干栽培問題發生,導致台蕉外銷一蹶不振,至七十九年外銷量降至三百萬箱。基於往昔台蕉在日本市場建立良好信譽,近年又打開韓國市場,未來台蕉產業尤其在外銷方面仍具發展潛力。青果社己研擬發展方案,期能於三年內達到年外銷八百萬箱之目標。重振台蕉產業之關鍵,則有賴研究解決下列重要產銷問題:黃葉病、兩段著色、產銷失調、生產成本太高、及因集運不當引起的標壓傷問題等。本文探討上述問題的解決對策,並提出未來台蕉的研究發展方針,俾提昇栽培技術,使台蕉外銷業務在激烈的國際香蕉市場競爭下長久立於不敗之地。 Banana is the most important fresh commodity for export in Taiwan. Grown under the subtropical climatic conditions, Taiwanese banana has a flavor superior to those produced in tropical countries. A large amount of Taiwanese bananas has been exported to Japan continuously in the past three decades, peaked in 1967 with an amount of 26 millions boxes per annum. However the banana industry in Taiwan has shrunken dramatically since 1970 due to competition of the Philippine banana and the occurrence of cultivation problems that are seriously affecting banana production currently. The amount of banana entering into the export trade was reduced to 3 millions in 1990. Due to its wide popularity in the Japanese market and an additional Korean market open recently, there is a great potential of increasing export trade of Taiwanese banana in the future. The Taiwan Provincial Fruit and Marketing Cooperative has made a production plan to boost export of banana up to 8 millions boxes per annum within three years. To accomplish this goal, researches are needed to solve the following major production problems : the Panama disease, ripening disorder, imbalance in production and market demand, high cost of production, and mechanical damage to the skin of fruit as a result of inadequate postharvest handling. This paper discusses the ways for the solution of these problems, and underlines the research priorities in the future. Advancement of technology in banana cultivation is essential to maintain a prosperous banana business under increasingly competitive conditions of international banana export trade


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    Somaclonal variants of Giant Cavendish derived from meristem culture were used for screening for resistance to fusarium wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense Race 4. As a result of this screening program, 9 somaclones showing resistant reaction had been obtained. Four of them (GCTCV-44, -104, -105, -119) were highly resistant to the disease, while the others (GCTCV-46, -53, -62, -201, -215) were. moderately resistant. Somaclones with high level of resistance had a percentage of disease incidence of less than 10% and those with moderate level of resistance had 11-30%, compared with over 70% in Giant Cavendish. All resistant clones differed from the parent, Giant Cavendish, by possessing combinations of inferior agronomic characters. Improved variants were obtained from a large planting in the field of plantlets of these resistant clones. The majority of improved variants retained wilt resistance. GCTCV-215-1 appears to be the most promising resistant variety because of having both acceptable horticultural characteristics and marketable fruit qualities. Disease incidence of GCTCV-215-1 was 17.2% when 2-month-old plantlets were used as planting material and it was 5.2% for suckers, compared with about 75% in Giant Cavendish. Plantlets of GCTCV-2154 had been planted in 700 ha of infested banana fields during the period of March-May 1990 for further evaluation of the stability of disease resistance under a wide range of environmental conditions. 從北蕉(Giant Cavendish)之組織培養變異品系(Somaclonal variant)篩選已獲 得9個品系對香蕉黃葉病病原菌(Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense race 4)具有抗病性,其中4個品系(GCfCV-44,-104,-105,-119)呈高度抗病性,於重病蕉園測定其平均發病率低於10%;5個品系(GCTCV-46,-53,-62,-201,-215)呈中度抗病性,其平均發病率介於11~30%之間;對照一般北蕉之發病率為70%以上。所有抗病品系均帶有不良的園藝變異性狀,從其大量種植之後代植株中可尋獲改良型品系。大多數改良型品系仍維持與原母系相同的抗病程度。田間試種結果顯示改良型品系之中以GCTCV-215-1之園藝性狀及香蕉產量品質較為理想,具有推廣種植潛力。在重病蕉園種植GCTCV-215-1組織培養苗之發病率為17.2%,吸芽苗之發病率為5,2%,對照一般北蕉之發病率為75%。79年3~5月期間於本省中南部香蕉黃葉病區種植GCTCV-215-1之組織培養苗700公頃,俾進一步探討其種植在不同環境條件下之抗病穩定程度

    Variety Improvement of Bananas

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    香蕉為世界重要水果之一,更是台灣最重要外銷水果。因香蕉為三倍體植物,具高度不稔性,靠無性繁殖,因此造成雜交育種上的困難。本文討論香蕉栽培種的分類和演變假說,進而報導國內外有關香蕉品種種源之收集,保存和利用。牙買加/千里達於1922年開始奠定香蕉雜交育種之方法,目前以宏都拉斯的育種研究為最積極。育種目標以抗病及矮化為主。育種方法分:二倍體的改良,初級四倍體及次級三倍體的選育。宏都拉斯的研究在二倍體改良已有良好成果,唯至目前,仍未育成優良之四倍體或三體倍足以取代現有的商業化品種。本省以組織培養法繁苗,從體細胞變異(somac1onal variation)中進行抗黃葉病(Fusarium wilt, race 4)的篩選,選出10中等至高抗病品系,其中以GCTCV-215最具推廣潛力。最後,本文對傳統及利用體細胞變異作選種的方法加以比較,並探討細胞融合及花藥培養對香蕉品種改良的可行性。 Banana is one of the most important fruit crops in the world and is the most important fruit crop for export in Taiwan. Due to the triploid nature of bananas which is highly sterile, asexual propagation is the method for reproduction. Because of this, the breeding work of bananas is some how difficult. This paper reviews the classification and the hypothesis of evolution of cultivated bananas. Germplasm collection, preservation and utilization are also reported. The earliest banana breeding program was started in Jamaica and Trinidad in 1922. At present the program in Honduras is the most active. The objectives of banana breeding are disease resistance and reduction of plant height. The method consists of improvement of diploids and development of primary tetraploid and secondary triploid. The program at Honduras has good progress in diploid breeding. Some promising tetraploids developed are being evaluated for their commercial value. The tissue culture method for micropropagation of banana plantlets was developed in Taiwan, and it has been widely applied for producing disease-free plantlets for commercial planting and for using in the disease resistance screening program in recent years. Ten clones with moderate to high level of resistance to Fusarial wilt (race 4) were obtained through somaclonal variation. Among them, GCTCV-215 has the greatest potential in commercial production. Finally, the traditional breeding methodology and the noval approach using somaclonal variation is compared. Possiblity of using cell fusion and anther culture in banana variety improvement is discussed

    Development of Integrated Management Technology for the Control of Plant Diseases and Pests (II)

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    本計畫主要針對花卉、果樹和蔬菜等重點發展作物上所發生之重要病蟲害,研究其病原或蟲害之特性、發生生態、分類地位與診斷鑑定方法技術,繼而研擬整合性綜合防治管理技術,以減輕病蟲威脅,提升各項作物之競爭力與農民所得.另外,改進非農藥防治技術,提升其效果以增進農民實際應用之意願,期能降低農藥使用,維護生態環境平衡,符合永續經營之目標.在實際之執行面上,將著重於下列目標: I. 研發花卉作物種苗傳播之新病害鑑定及診斷技術,協助業者規劃合理去除病原菌之流程,以建立健康種苗供應體系.進一步瞭解各項病害之發生生態,並篩選適合之防治藥劑及其他無農藥之防治方法以達綜合防治目標.本項目今年度涵蓋彩色海芋軟腐病、白鶴芋根腐葉班病、文心蘭切花花梗腐敗病和火鶴花花腐病等. II. 探討柑桔黑點病及蓮霧果腐病之發生生態,改進其農藥之合理使用並開發無農藥之防治方法. III. 研發蔬菜之重大病害之綜合管理方式,尤其著重於無農藥之防治方法,包括抗病育種和抗病根砧之利用等.本項目今年度涵蓋穴盤蔬菜病害、瓜類作物萎凋病和蕃茄晚疫病等. IV. 以分子生物技術研發各種病害之核酸探針,供病害快速診斷之應用.本項目今年度涵蓋楊桃細菌性斑點病、穴盤蔬菜立枯病和露菌病等.This project is aimed at the devastating disease and pest problems of important crops, including ornamental flowers, fruit trees and vegetables in Taiwan. The major framework of this study is to reveal the characteristics, taxonomic status and ecology of each pathogen and pest, to establish quick and precise diagnosis technology, and to develop effective control measures or the integrated pest management system. The attempt of this study is also to create or improve the non-chemical control measures for the diseases and pests in order to reduce the chemical residues in agricultural products, to preserve the balance of ecological environment and consequently to reach the goal of substantial agriculture system. The main research items of this year are as follow: I. To study the diseases that are disseminated through vegetative propagation procedure of ornamental flowers, to develop the indexing kits techniques, to establish pathogen-free propagation system for some of the economically important ornamental crops such as colored calla lily, Cylindrocladium root and petiole rot of pease lilies, the bacterial peducle rot of Oncidium and Anthurium spathe blight. II. To establish a more comprehensive IPM system for citrus black spot and fruit diseases of waxapple. III. To study the integrated control measures of vegetable diseases, especially sreeening for resistant varieties, resistant rootstocks and other non-chemical control measures. The target diseases for this fiscal year include tomato late blight, Fusarium wilt of cucurbitaceous plants, and black spot and root rot of muskmelon. IV. To develop DNA probes and proper PCR procedures for Rhizoctonia solani, downy mildew fungi and Pseudomonas syringae

    Literaturverzeichnis und Anhang

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    Han and Xiongnu a Reexamination of Cultural and Political Relations (I)

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