32,320 research outputs found

    Some Syntactic Evidence for Topdown Processing

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    Tracking Eye Movements in Sight Translation – the comprehension process in interpreting

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    [[abstract]]While the three components of interpreting have been identified as comprehension, reformulation, and production, the process of how these components occur has remained relatively unexplored. The present study employed the eye-tracking method to investigate the process of sight translation, a mode of interpreting in which the input is written rather than oral. The research focused especially on the comprehension component in sight translation, addressed the validity of the horizontal and the vertical perspectives of interpreting, and ascertained whether reading ahead exists in sight translation. Eye movements of 18 interpreting students were recorded during silent reading of a Chinese speech, reading aloud a Chinese speech, and Chinese to English sight translation. Since silent reading consists of the comprehension component while reading aloud consists of the comprehension and production components, the two tasks served as a basis of comparison for investigating comprehension in sight translation. The findings suggested that sight translation and silent reading were no different in the initial stage of reading, as reflected by similar first fixation duration, single fixation duration, gaze duration, fixation probability, and refixation probability. Sight translation only began to demonstrate differences from silent reading after first-pass reading, as shown by higher rereading time and rereading rate. Also, reading ahead occurred in 72.8% of cases in this experiment, indicating the overlap between reading and oral production in Chinese to English sight translation. The results supported the vertical perspective in interpreting as well as the claim of reading ahead. Implications for interpreter training are to attach more importance to paraphrasing skills and to focus more on the similarities between sight translation and simultaneous interpreting.


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    Nachweis des Impedins der Leprabazillen bei der immunisatorischen Erzeugung des Antityphusbazillenagglutinins im zirkulierenden Blute der Kaninchen.

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    [[abstract]]華人社會與西方社會的文化價值觀不同,呈現出高權力距離、集體主義等的文化特徵。自1976年 Silin針對國內一家個案公司進行研究,從儒家、法家等思想研究華人文化對組織領導人價值觀的影響,歸納出獨特的家長式領導(paternalistic leadership)觀點。之後,許多研究者陸續提出家長式領導對組織影響的發現,家長式領導已為研究華人地區領導人領導風格的主要議題。 大陸地區自1978年改革開放以來,許多國際企業紛紛進入經營,也引進許多西方的管理思想及制度。高績效工作系統(high performance work system)是一種充分配置組織資源、有效滿足顧客需求,並提升組織績效的一種系統(Jone and Wright,1992)。企業競爭主要優勢之一為人力資源,許多學者主張高績效工作系統是提高組織績效的一系列人力資源管理最佳實踐 (Combs et al. 2006; Pfeffer,1995; Huselid et al.1997)。台灣地區人力資源演進經歷1950年代人事行政時期、1960年代人事管理時期,發展至1980年代人力資源管理時期,以及2000年代策略性人力資源管理時期,探討企業人力資源管理對員工、組織影響的研究不勝枚舉,成果也相當豐碩。但是因為大陸地區開放時期較晚,因此,值得對持續對大陸地區企業引進西方式高績效工作系統的實踐進行研究。 國際企業陸續進駐大陸地區以沿岸為首,本研究試圖了解大陸地區珠江三角洲的企業,在企業中華人社會特有的家長式領導風格,與引用西方高績效工作系統實務對企業經營績效的關係。本研究訪問廣州257位企業人力資源主管,研究結果顯示: 1. 不同教育程度、年齡、年資,以及在不同企業性質工作的人資主管對高績效工作系統的認知具有顯著差異。 2. 教育程度越高的人資主管對高階主管的德行領導及威權領導的認知較高。 3. 年齡越大的人資主管越能認知高階主管的仁慈領導。 4. 在公司年資越久的人資主管越能認知高階主管的仁慈和德行領導。 5. 家長式領導的仁慈領導、德行領導均會正向影響高績效工作系統與企業績效的實踐。威權領導則會負向影響高績效工作系統與企業績效。 6. 對於高績效工作系統是否成為家長式領導影響企業績效的中介變數,研究發現,高績效工作系統只具備部分中介效果,進一步分析,高績效工作系統只有在仁慈領導及德行領導影響企業績效時,才產生中介效果。表示華人社會的大陸地區企業家長式領導影響企業經營的直接效果仍相當明顯。[[sponsorship]]輔仁大學管理學院[[journaltype]]國內[[cooperationtype]]國內[[conferencetype]]兩岸[[conferencedate]]20141031~20141031[[ispeerreviewed]]Y[[booktype]]電子版[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]新北市, 台灣[[countrycodes]]TWN[[countrycodes]]TW

    Comments on Micorpayment Schemes for Multi-Merchants with Anonymity and Untraceability

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    [[conferencetype]]國內[[conferencedate]]20120530~20120531[[booktype]]電子版[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Taichung, Taiwa

    Security Flaws in Zhang and Xu Improved Concurrent Signature Scheme

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    [[conferencetype]]國內[[conferencedate]]20120530~20120531[[booktype]]電子版[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Taichung, Taiwa