177 research outputs found


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    文章对一种主要应用于光纤有线电视(CATV)中的集成光波分复用的单PIN探测器进行了分析和实验,该器件用于数据的上传、下载以及CATV信号的接收。实验指标可以满足:响应度在1550 nm波段>0.9 A/W,插损<0.8 dB,1550 nm隔离度>20 dB,回损>45 dB,双通道二阶互调非线性指标(CSO)>70 dB,工作温度为-4085℃

    Prevalence and predictive factors of post-traumatic stress disorder among survivors of traffic accidents

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    目的了解交通事故幸存者创伤后应激障碍(post traumatic stress disorder,PTSD)的流行情况,并分析相关的预测因素。方法选择2010年10月—2011年5月206例交通事故幸存者,其中,男168例,女38例,年龄(39.8±12.5)岁。采用17项PTSD检测表——特定事件版(PTSD checklist-specific stressor version,PCL-S)进行评估。结果 206例交通事故幸存者中共有51例为可能的PTSD患者,发生率为24.8%;PTSD症状比较女性较男性严重,男性PCL-S得分(26.90±7.70)分,女性(31.46±8.87)分,男女比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),已婚者较单身者严重,已婚PCL-S得分(28.72±8.07)分,单身(23.00±5.47)分,二者比较差异有统计学意义(PBackground:There is increasing interest in the role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor(BDNF) in the onset and course of schizophrenia,but there are conflicting reports about serum levels of BDNF in patients with schizophrenia.Aim:Conduct a meta-analysis combining studies from China and other countries that have evaluated the relationship of serum BDNF levels to schizophrenia.Methods:We used Cochrane methodology and RevMan 5.1 software to identify and pool the results of studies.Electronic searches of western and Chinese registries and follow-up assessment of references located 268 potential articles.Twenty-five articles(20 in English and 5 in Chinese) published before December 2011 that used case-control methods,included patients with schizophrenia who had no concurrent disorders,and used ELISA technology to assess serum BDNF were included in the analysis.The main outcome was the pooled standardized mean difference(SMD) between cases and controls.The quality of the studies was independently assessed by two raters using the GRADE system.The heterogeneity,sensitivity and potential publication bias of the studies was evaluated using RevMan.Results:The pooled sample included 1663 patients with schizophrenia and 1355 controls.Fifteen of the included studies were rated as ‘poor quality’ and 10 were rated as‘very poor quality’.The results of the studies were quite heterogenous(I 2 =95%) but subgroup analyses found that the heterogeneity was not related to country of origin,sample size,age,gender,prior use of antipsychotic medication,or study quality.The pooled SMD(computed using a random-effect model because of study heterogeneity) was-0.74(95% CI,-0.99~-0.50;Z=5.99,p0.001).Sensitivity analysis found that the result was stable and there was no evidence of publication bias.Conclusion:Despite the robust statistical findings of lower serum BDNF in patients with schizophrenia than in controls,given the low quality of the available studies and the substantial heterogeneity between studies,the evidence of lower serum BDNF in patients with schizophrenia must be considered‘weak’.The potential use of serum BDNF as a biomarker for schizophrenia must wait until higher-quality prospective studies that follow patients over time and that use uniform selection and monitoring procedures confirm these preliminary results

    Advances in trace platinum group elements speciation and preconcentration of chelate resins in seawater

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    海水中铂族元素(PGEs)的含量和赋存形态与其生物地球化学行为及生态风险密切相关,但如何确定海水中PGEs的含量和形态一直是研究的难点.螯合树脂对特定元素和特定配体结构的识别特性为突破这一瓶颈提供了可能.因此,本文综述了海水中铂族元素赋存形态的研究现状,讨论了螯合树脂吸附铂族元素的机理,并对比了不同类型螯合树脂对铂族元素的富集.结果表明:海水中PGEs的无机络合形态主要由MCl_3OH~(2-)/MCl_4~(2-)(M= Pt、 Pd)及M(OH)_3~(3-n)(n= 3~6) (M=Rh)组成;螯合树脂对PGEs的不同络合形态有一定的识别性;氮-硫型螯合树脂是研究实际条件下海水中PGEs的理想树脂


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    创伤后应激障碍(Postraumatic stress disorder,PTSD)是经历创伤性事件后特异性的心理疾患之一。自1980年美国精神疾病诊断与统计手册第3版首次采用创伤后应激障碍这一诊断,逐渐在全球范围内引起广泛关注,但是对于创伤后应激障碍的早期预防和干预还存在不足。回顾创伤后应激障碍的流行情况、预测因素的研究进展,帮助心理工作者认识到创伤后应激障碍的发生情况和高危因素,采取积极的心理干预措施,减少创伤后应激障碍的发生


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    The prevalence and the predictive factors of acute stress disorder among survivors of road traffic accidents

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    目的了解交通事故幸存者人群中急性应激障碍(Acute Stress Disorders, ASD)的流行情况,并分析相关的预测因素。方法采用急性应激障碍量表(Acute Stress Disorders Scale,ASDS)对206名交通事故幸存者的急性应激症状进行评估,临床评估距离被试经历车祸时间为2~23d。结果206名中国交通事故幸存者中共有61人为可能的ASD患者,发生率为29.6%;女性较男性ASD症状严重(男(36.70± 11.42)分;女(41.18±12.58)分;t=-2.14,P<0.0


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