153 research outputs found

    The Governance Effect of Independent Directors’ Social Capital

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    独立董事作为独立的第三方从产生伊始就肩负着监督管理者、降低委托代理成本的神圣使命。在中国,最早从1997年的H股上市公司自愿性选择独立董事制度,到2001年证监会强制性要求上市公司设立独立董事制度,再到2006年新《公司法》正式明确了独立董事在公司中的法律地位。然而,无论是在独立董事制度最早发源地的西方,还是作为舶来品的中国,关于独立董事制度实际治理效应的争论仍持续不断。 在制度设计上,监督代理(Norburn,1986;FamaandJensen,1983)、资源支持(Pfeffer,1972;PfefferandSalancik,1978;ZahraandPearce,1989)和战略咨...As independent third party, independent directors shoulder the sacred mission of supervising managers and reducing the agent cost since their beginning. In China, the independent director system was developed from the voluntarily selected system in H listed companies in the year of 1997, to mandatorily required to establish the system by SEC in 2001, then to officially clarify the system’s nationa...学位:管理学博士院系专业:管理学院_财务学学号:3212010015353


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    [目的/意义]旨在服务于产品设计过程中的问题解决方案决策,同时满足知识检索和重用的需求,保障产品的可持续发展。 [方法/过程]基于知识晶炼双循环模型,发现现有 IBIS 模型及其改进模型均存在问题。因此,用知识晶炼双循环模型将研讨对话模型和产品设计过程连接,构建支持产品双循环模型的 IBIS 表示。传统的研讨对话模型在模糊综合决策判断时使用了取大取小算子,由于这种算子会导致某些有用元素无效的情况,因而将取大取小算 子替换为 Einstain 算子。[结果/结论] Einstain 算子吸取了取大取小算子忽略无用价值数据的思想,并对两端数据进行高度归约。支持产品双循环模型的 IBIS 表示使产品设计过程决策服务建模具备基本的模型框架,改进后的研讨对话模型使其核心算法部分具备了可靠的保 障。&nbsp;</p

    The Research on R&D Effect of High-tech Industries:Based on Bayesian Hierarchical Methods and State-Space Model

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    摘要 自改革开放以来,我国的高技术产业得到快速发展,到2011年,总产值已经居于世界前列,但是在R&D投入强度等指标方面仍落在许多国家之后。在国家现代化发展进程中,经济增长的重要动力和绩效来自于高技术产业中R&D投入及其贡献。因此,从宏观区域环境与微观企业不同层面做系统深入研究具有重要意义。 本文通过我国高技术产业30个省、自辖市2007—2012年的经济数据,结合目前对高技术产业已有的研究,将总产值利税率作为衡量产出绩效的指标,将企业R&D投入变量作为层—1自变量,各省地方财政支出中科技财政支出的比重作为层—2自变量,结合状态空间模型和多层贝叶斯模型进行R&D绩效分析。最终得到的结论是:...Abstracts Since the last century, China's high-tech industry has been rapid development. Until 2011, the total output value has stood on a great status, but the intensity of R & D investment is behind many countries. In the process of modernization of the country, an important engine of economic growth and performance is R&D investment and its contribution to the high-tech industry. Thus, it is s...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_统计学学号:1542011115188

    Legal Countermeasure of Risk Control of Internet Bank Operation

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    网上银行业务在我国各商业银行已经展开,但是国内法律法规及金融规章并未对这一新业务进行系统规制。网上银行业务由于其本身所具有的高技术性、无纸性、瞬时性等特点,使其所涉法律问题甚为丰富而复杂。与网上银行业务有关的法律问题对传统的法制和理念提出了挑战。本文关注网上银行的发展,尤其是网上银行业务有关的法律问题。本文共三部分,即前言、正文和结论。其中正文又分四章。第一章介绍网上银行的定义和网上银行业务及其特点。第二章分析网上银行业务所蕴藏的风险种类及其特征。第三章为完善我国网上银行业务有关立法的思考。主要是论述了完善我国网上银行业务有关法律制度的必要性和紧迫性,从网上银行业务有关立法的基本原则和网上银行...The internet bank operation has been outspread in our country’s commercial banks. But the domestic laws, rules and financial regulations haven’t stipulated and restrict the operation systematically. The internet bank operation has the characteristics of high technicality, none-paper, instantaneousness, which makes its legal problems rather abundant and complicated. The legal problems about the int...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:20030817

    On the Deficiency and Perfection for Woman's Right and Interest Protection in China's Divorce Law

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    近年来,我国离婚率呈逐年递增状态,离婚女性的队伍也在不断扩大。虽然离婚已成为一种社会常态为人们所接受,离婚妇女也不再承受强大的社会舆论压力,但是这些离婚女性所处的实际生活状态,很多问题都让人无法乐观。这些女性在离异时,大都已不再年轻,她们在经历了婚姻的痛苦之后,往往面临财产的贫乏、学识的不足、社交的狭窄、再婚的不易、求职的艰难乃至生活无以为继等重大生活难题。造成离婚女性生存困境的因素有很多,传统僵化的社会性别认定、女性自身维权意识薄弱等,但最主要的还是相关法律制度的不到位。目前我国的《宪法》、《妇女权益保障法》、《婚姻法》等相关的法律法规对离婚妇女权益的保障也做了很多规定,取得了不少进步,但在...In recent years, China's divorce rate is in increasing status yearly and the divorced woman's team is also enlarging. Although divorce has become a socially normal thing to be accepted and divorced woman has no longer withstood the powerful pressure of public opinions, there are many problems that are not optimistic in the actual living conditions of these divorced women. Most of them are no longe...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:X200812003

    The Application of Hadamard and Square Wave Modulation in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

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    多色组合软脉冲具有能同时激发多个感兴趣频点的优点,它不仅可以实现选择激发,也可以实现激发相位的调制。多色组合脉冲与Hadamard编解码技术相结合,可以应用在COSY、TOCSY和NOESY等领域中。Hadamard编解码技术利用频率域的直接激发代替传统COSY序列中的步进式采样方式,有效地缩短了信号的采集时间。 本论文详细介绍了多色组合脉冲的设计方法以及Hadamard编解码机制,并简要概述了Hadamard编解码技术在核磁共振谱上的应用。本文分析了现有脉冲序列存在的不足,针对这些不足,设计了新的脉冲序列,本文的主要成果如下: 一、本论文以Gauss脉冲为例,详细介绍了多色组合软脉冲的设...Soft polychromatic excitation pulse can be used to excite all desired frequency sites simultaneously. It can not only realize selective excitation, but also can modulate the phase of magnetization vector on the X-Y plane. With Hadamard technique, it can be applied in the fields of COSY, TOCSY and NOESY and so on. In the Hadamard technique, a large number of t1 increments is replaced by the order o...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院通信工程系_通信与信息系统学号:2332008115328


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    Design of an Intelligent Ni-MH Charger

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    叙述了一种针对标称电压为24V,容量为2.5AH的镍氢电池组的充电器的实现。该系统摒弃传统的工频变压器,采用TOPSWITCH—gX系列单片开关电源芯片,通过PWM的方法实现了对电池组进行不同速率的充电和充电状态的准确控制。This article demonstrates the realization of a charger for Ni-MH battery with nominal voltage 24V and capacity 2.5Ah.Discarding the traditional power frequency transformer,the system adopts a single-chip switching power supply of TOP Switch-GX Family,and it achieves the accurate control on the charging of the battery with different rates and charging conditions through the PWM method

    Application of CAN Controller MCP2515 in Elevator Caller Controller

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    介绍了基于CAn总线的电梯通信网络,以及MCP2515在电梯外呼控制器中的应用,并对系统的硬件和软件实现做了分析。详细介绍了如何模拟MCu与MCP2515的接口SPI总线以及MCP2515关键函数的具体实现。This paper introduces the elevator communication network based on CAN-bus.Then introduces the application of CAN controller MCP2515 in elevator caller controller,and analyses the implementation of system software and hardware.And the key functions of MCP2515 and how to simulate SPI interface between MCU and MCP2515 are detailed as well


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