635 research outputs found

    The Replacement of Provincial Standing Committees of theCPC in the Great Transformation Age :1976-1982

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    中国共产党是一个执政党,如何解决领导干部的新老更替始终是她面临的一个重大的政治问题,也是一个很大的政治挑战。粉碎“四人帮”后中共中央逐步调整省、自治区、直辖市的领导班子,在80年代的大转折时期掀起了一场大范围的领导干部大更替。根据中共中央的政策,在进行中共省委常委的更替时不仅清理“三种人”,也逐渐恢复一些老干部的工作岗位,平反冤假错案。同时还根据需要培养一批年轻干部,提倡“老中青”三结合的干部构成,废除干部职务终身制,逐步完善我国的干部机制,这有利于实现中共省委常委干部的革命化、年轻化、知识化和专业化。 根据统计显示,1976年到1982年只有山东省的第一书记没有发生更替,其余省份的第一书记...As a party in power, Communist Party of China faces a political problem about how to solve replacement between old and new cadres, it is also a big political challenge. In the great turning point of the 80's, China has set off a large-scale political elite transformation, and gradually realize the institutionalization of the replacement of the political elites. After 1976, the CPC Central Committe...学位:法学硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_政治学理论学号:1382013115052

    Ecosystem Health Assessment for Bays: Methodologies and Application in Fujian Province

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    海湾具独特自然环境条件和丰富海洋资源,为沿岸人们提供了赖以生存和发展的物质基础。健康的海湾生态系统是沿海经济可持续发展的基本保障。随着海岸带开发和污染物排放等影响不断加剧,我国海湾生态系统健康状况日趋恶化,甚至危及到海湾的可持续开发与利用。保护与修复海湾生态系统是海湾生态系统管理中重要和紧迫的一项任务。而整体性、系统性和多时空尺度的海湾生态系统健康状况评价则是海湾生态系统保护与修复的基础。 我国在海洋生态系统健康评价方面的研究已开展近20年,但在定量评价方法及应用方面的研究尚显不足。本文提出了基于可变模糊评价模型的海湾生态系统健康评价方法,并选取福建省代表性海湾(沙埕港、三沙湾、罗源湾、泉州...Bay has unique natural conditions and a variety of marine resources that provides the survival and development of material basis for the people along coast. Maintaining the bay ecosystem health is the fundamental guarantee for the sustainable development of coastal society. However, the bay ecosystem health status in China is degrading severely due to the rapid coastal development and overwhelming...学位:理学博士院系专业:海洋与地球学院_海岸带综合管理学号:2242008015012

    Limitation and Remedy of the Space of Treasure Trove——Centered on Submerged Treasure

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    埋藏物概念最早可追溯到罗马时期,其后世界各国法律都作出类似规定。传统埋藏物概念在存在空间上仅限定于陆地,无论是土地、房梁、天花板或者其他动产、不动产中,都未超越陆地的范畴,从而忽略了水下藏宝的可能性。随着实践中出现了越来越多在水下发现财宝的情况,不少国家法律开始将目光从陆地转向海洋,沉没物概念应运而生。本文受台湾地区“民法典”第810条的启发,以沉没物作为研究的重心,文章的结构安排如下: 第一章主要论述埋藏物的存在空间及其局限,首先阐述埋藏物的存在空间从土地扩展到了其他地方,进而提出埋藏物概念在存在空间上的局限性,未涵盖到水下发现财宝的可能性,为后文提出沉没物做好铺垫。 第二章主要研究沉没...The concept of treasure trovecan be traced back to the Rome period, followed by similar provisions in the law of other countries.The traditional concept of treasure trovein the dimensions in which the object existsis limited to the land, whether it is in the ground, beams, ceiling or other objects, which are not beyond the scope of land, thus ignoring the possibility of submerged treasure .With t...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院_民商法学学号:1362015115094


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    Transparent exopolymer particles ( TEP ) and particulate proteins in seawater

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    本研究建立了海水中TEP和颗粒态蛋白质的分析方法,并将方法运用于北白 令海、西北冰洋以及南海海域TEP和颗粒态蛋白质的研究中。对TEP以及颗粒态 蛋白质在这些海域的含量、分布及其影响因素进行了探讨,获得主要结果如下: 对北白令海陆架、陆坡和海盆区水体中TEP和颗粒态蛋白质进行的研究表 明,北白令海TEP和颗粒态蛋白质的含量范围分别为34-628μgXeq/dm3和 0.19-4.95μgN/dm3。TEP的分布总体上呈现出近岸海域高于海盆的趋势。北白 令海海水中TEP含量和荧光强度之间存在较好的正相关关系,说明研究海域的 TEP可能主要来自浮游植物的活动。北白令海陆架区近底层水体...Analytical methods were established to measure the concentrations of TEP and particulate proteins in seawater from different marine enviroments including the northern Bering Sea, the western Arctic Ocean and the South China Sea, and to examine the abundance, distribution and their controlling factors of TEP and particulate protein in the water column. The concentrations of TEP and particulate...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与环境学院海洋学系_海洋化学学号:2242008115147

    The Influence of Entrepreneurial Orientation on New Product Development Capabilities——The Mechanism of Employee Integration

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    基于员工整合视角,以成立时间大于42个月的210家企业为研究对象,论证了创业导向对新产品开发能力的影响机制。利用结构方程模型进行分析,结果显示,创业导向对新产品开发能力有显著的正向影响;信息分享与员工协作分别在创业导向和新产品开发能力之间发挥部分中介作用;信息分享对员工协作有正向影响作用。From employee integration perspective, this paper uses the survey data of 210 enterprises set up more than 42 months, reveals the linkage between entrepreneurial orientation and new product development capabilities. Using the method of SEM, the conclusion shows entrepreneurial orientation has a positive impact on new product development capabilities. Information sharing and collaboration play partly mediating roles between the entrepreneurial orientation and new product development capabilities; Information sharing has a positive effect on collaboration.西藏自治区哲学社会科学专项基金项目(15GBL002)

    Rough Singular Integral Operators Along Polynomial Curves.

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    本学位论文主要研究沿多项式曲线的粗糙核奇异积分算子在Lebesgue空间的有界性问题。全文共分两章,第一章致力于研究沿多项式曲线的单参数奇异积分算子,第二章研究沿多项式曲线的多参数奇异积分算子。在积分核满足径向粗糙性条件下,引入了一类相当弱的球面尺寸条件,利用精细的Fourier变换估计和Littlewood—Paley理论,建立了这些算子在LP空间中的有界性,改进和推广已有的结果。This desertation is devoted to studying rough singular integral operators associated to polynomial curves. It consists of two chapters. The first chapter is concerning with the one-parameter singular integrals and the second one deals with the multiple-parameter singular integrals. Some rather weak size conditions both along the radial direction and on sperical surface, which imply the LP bounded...学位:理学硕士院系专业:数学科学学院数学与应用数学系_基础数学学号:2005130158