4 research outputs found


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    [[conferencetype]]國內[[conferencedate]]20091120~20091121[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]臺南, 臺

    [[alternative]]The nonlinear asymptotic theory of supersonic, transonic, and hypersonic far fields

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    [[abstract]]超音速遠場之非線性漸近理論經本文作者們嚴謹而完整之推導得出。本文中將自由流馬赫數對穿音速與極音速之相似參數作漸近展開,並對其相關坐標作伸縮變換,則穿音速與極音速之遠場漸近方程式可由超音速遠場非線性方程式推導得出。值得提出者乃是超音速、穿音速、與極音速之遠場具有相同之數學結構,三者之遠場漸近方程式皆為類似之無黏性Burgers方程式。 本文以二次曲線之翼剖面為例,求出其超音速、穿音速與極音速等三者不同流速區域中具有相似之遠場解及曲線震波結構。[[abstract]]By using the asymptotic expansion, a systematic and rigorous approach for obtaining the supersonic far field equation, inviscid Burgers equation, has been derived by the authors. In this paper, the transonic and hypersonic far field equations are derived from the supersonic far field by considering a general expansion of free stream Mach number in terms of transonic and hypersonic similarity parameters together with the stretched coordinates. It is worth mentioning that the mathematical structures of the far fields of the supersonic, transonic, and hypersonic flows are the same. The problems of the supersonic, transonic, and hypersonic flow past a parabolic-shaped airfoil are solved including the similar structure of the leading and trailing curved shocks.[[conferencetype]]兩岸[[conferencetkucampus]]淡水校園[[conferencedate]]19951214~19951215[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]臺北縣, 臺


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    1.本試驗為探討來自東南亞之水稻品種之特性與其經濟價值,逐自民國47至49年,就引進之278品種,於農業試驗所進行調查與研究,並以所得結果,供今後稻作改良上之與材料參考。 2.根據第一年觀察結果,第二年將所有供試品種,依其適宜栽培時期分別於4月3日,5月25日,7月2日與7月23日等四個時期插秧,供試品種數第一期為31品種,二期作82品種,三期作97品種,四期作67品種。根據試驗結果,此類品種對於日照長短的反應較敏感,同時在生長期間需要較高溫及較長的時間,故其生育日數較本省一般栽培稻為長,甚至有少數品種在本省一年兩期的水稻生長環境下,不能行正常抽穗,必須在「中間作」始能開花結實。 3.供試稻種劍葉長度,平均為39.5公分,其中以SO區之品種較長,如Semoro mangga和Godi種,其長度均達53.9公分;最短者為菲律賓的Macan Barrel與爪哇47號只有26分公。劍葉寬度平均雖然為1.8公分,但菲律賓與Ba地區之多數品種均在平均寬度之上,佛與印度區之品種較狹,分佈僅在1.0-1.5公分。劍葉角度變異性頗大,其分佈在10-117度之間,平均為55.6度,其中以SO區品種之角度較大,其次為Ba與佛,印度種則最小。 4.植株高度,多數均在145公分左右,共有82%的品種超過130公分,最高有菲律賓之Linleng,印度18號與佛區之R.T.S.3號,均達180公分,最低者有印度11號與R.T.S.26號,不及115公分。莖稈粗細平均為4.4公厘,較一般本省栽培稻粗大,同時具有較大之稈強,尤其菲律賓有72%品種的莖徑超過4.9公厘,並且有73%之品種莖強在300克之上。 5.供試品種之穗長,平均雖然是25.9公分,但是Ba地區絕大多數品種均達30公分以上,其一穗粒數多達176粒,其次菲律賓、SO與CE等區品種之穗長平均為27公分,一穗粒數均在150粒以上,並且該地區有一半以上之品種其穗重超過3克,著粒密度為60粒以上。 6.各品種之千粒重變異很大,最重者有34克,最低僅有15克左右,一升重平均為54.9克,其中菲律賓之Kinan Kuda不但具有最高千粒重,同時一升重及糙米千粒重均冠於所有供試品種。一株穗重分佈於72克(R.T.S.17)至19克(Maraja)之間,平均為35.4克,其中佛區品種不但具有較多的有效分葉,同時一株穗重亦大。 7.糙米長度,平均為5.8公厘,較一般本省栽培種與日本稻為長,尤其菲律賓、佛與SO等區品種之粒長均有6公厘以上。粒寬却介於本省蓬萊稻與在來稻之間,平均為2.7公厘。米粒形狀絕大多數屬長粒型(2~3)少數為短粒與狹粒型,圓粒型(1.4以下)於本試驗中無發現。米粒大小,多數品種屬小粒與中粒者(12~20),兩極端之品種亦無發現。 8.幼苗稻熱病之檢定結果,供試之品種中,一半屬抗病與免疫者,21%為中等抗病,其餘20%屬感染者。 9.本試驗引進之東南亞稻種,目前於本省似不能直接栽培,但有關數量性狀等因子,却可供本省改良稻種之良好材料。 1. Two hundred and seventy eight varieties of rice introduced from the rice producing countries of Southeast Asia, such as Philippineo, Soembawa, Indochina, Celebes, Tailand, Malaya, Java, Lombock, Flores, Bali and India etc. were studied in order to get informations to be used for breeding purposes. Various morphol-ogical as well as physiological characteristics such as plant height, length and width of leaf blade, tiller and panicle numbers per plant, the strength of culm to prevent from breaking, number of grains per panicle, shape and size of grains, weight of 1,000 grains, blast disease resistance and date of maturity etc. were studied. 2. The varieties which did not head when planted in the regular 1st and 2 nd crop seasons, due to different photoperiodic responses, were further planted in four different seasons i. e. April 3, May 25, July 2 and July 23. It was found that the majority of vatieties tested were late in heading as compared with Tai-wanese varieties. The days from transplanting to heading of the varieties tested were 79-91 days (89 days in check) in the 1st crop, 135-150 days (105 days in check) in the 2nd crop, 87-138 days (64 days in ceeck) in the third crop and 64-98 days (69 days in check) in the fourth crop. Some early maturing varieties were found in India and Java groups, while most of late-maturing varieties were found in Indochina, Celebes and Soembawa groups. 3. The length of flag leaf as an average of all varieties investigated was 39.5 cm.; Semora mangga and Gadi from Soembawa had the longer flag leaves, while Macan Barret from Philippines and Java 47 had the shortest flag leaf. The average width of leaf blade was 1.8 cm. in those varieties, Philippines and Bali varieties such as Keta mee, Dari djawa and Poetih menlk Don 1 etc. had wide leaf blade, While some Indochinese and Indian varieties such as 70b sóm câu, IV Tam lun and India 7 etc. had leaves as narrow as 1.0-1.5 cm. in width. The angle of flag leaf to ear was found to be quite variable, as from the widest Soe-mbawa group to narrowest India group. 4. The plant height was 145 cm.; Linleng, India 18, R.T.S. 3 etc. had the tal-lest plaht height (180 cm.) while that of India 11 and R.T.S. 26 etc. was shortes (114 cm.). The stem of the majority of Philippino varieties was generally bigger with 4.9 mm. culm diameter and had 300 g. of culm strength to prevent from breaking. The ear length as an average of all varieties concerned was 26 cm.; but the varieties from Bali, Philippines, Soembawa and Celebes had longer and heavier panicles when compared with other varieties. 5. The weight of 1,000 grains and the weight of one-liter brown rice varied greatly wider, the average of 15-35 g. and 48-63 g. respectively. The yield of single plant ranged from 19. (Mraja) to 72 g. (R.T.S. 17); the average being 35.4 g. 6. Except a few varietie which showed short or medium in grain length, most of varieties tested within the present study had long grains. The average length and width of brown rice were 5.8 and 2.7 mm., respectively. The average ratio of length/width and value of length x Width of grains were found to be 2.5 and 15 respectively. 7. It was found that 59% of the varieties testaed in seedling stage showed either non-infection or resistant reaction to blast disease, while 21% and the remaining 20% of the varieties tested showed intermediate and susceptible react-ions respectively. 8. It was concluded from the present observation that although the majority of varieties from the Southeast Asia were not suiteble for the imediate cultivat-ion in Taiwan, however, there were many desirable characters can be introduced into Taiwanese varieties through hybridization breeding, such as panicle numbers, lenght of panicles, number of grains per panicle, size of grain and blast disease resistance etc

    [[alternative]]Asymptotic theory of supersonic conical flow with its application

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    [[abstract]]本文成功地將漸近展開法應用到超音速流經圓錐流場之分析。本研究有系統地對超音速圓錐流場作外解與內解展開, 經匹配後得出正確一致有效的一階及二階擾動方程式與邊界條件, 而且利用相似法求出其精確解, 同時本文並建立圓錐流場中重要之震波邊界條件。有關圓錐流場之震波位置及圓錐表面壓力係數, 本文求得其二階漸近解,經與現有數據及數值解比較而獲得滿意之結果。[[abstract]]The method of matched asymptotic expansion has been used successfully in the study of supersonic flow past a circular cone. In this paper, a systematic approach for obtaining the higher-order approximation is exhibited. The outer and inner expansions are carried out. The uniformly valid expansion and the exact similarity solutions are given to the second-order equation. The important shock wave conditions are also included in this study. The shock wave position and the pressure coefficient on the cone surface are given to the second-order. The second-order results agree well with available data and other results of numerical calculation.[[sponsorship]]行政院國家科學委員會工程技術發展處; 教育部; 淡江大學 航空太空工程系[[conferencetype]]國內[[conferencetkucampus]]淡水校園[[conferencedate]]19980516~19980516[[booktype]]紙本[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]臺北縣, 臺