15 research outputs found

    Bringing the Art of Control Back to University Classroom:A Research of the Relationship Between Classroom Control and Students’ Autonomy

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    大学教师不重视课堂控制,一方面使得课堂控制在大学教学中的地位“名不正言不顺”,另一方面也导致很多教师不学习控制技术,不擅长控制艺术。控制艺术的缺失给大学课堂带来了诸多问题:其一,控制方式僵化为软控制,缺乏灵活性。而硬控制的缺位削弱了控制的力度,导致学生的不良行为无法得到规范和约束,失范行为会越来越离谱,不仅如此,这种个体行为会衍生出破窗效应,在不良现象影响下,越来越多的学生会控制不住自己的行为,丧失学习兴趣,集体的隐性逃课行为愈发严重。其二,控制方式缺乏连贯性,难以形成优秀的班级文化。大学教师很少对班风进行持续控制,更不注重问题的预防,一般等到问题发生后才被动地采取紧急措施进行补救。这种控制的...If university teachers do not pay adequate attention to classroom control, on one hand, the status of classroom control in the university teaching will "not be justified"; on the other hand, many teachers will not learn classroom control techniques and will not be skilled in the art of control. The lack in the art of control has caused many problems in classroom. First, the way of control ossifies...学位:教育学硕士院系专业:教育研究院_课程与教学论学号:2572014115180

    Development of the Trademark Protection Theory From the Perspective of Expansion of Trademark Function

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    实施国家知识产权战略,对于转变我国经济发展方式,缓解资源环境约束,提升国家核心竞争力,满足人民群众日益增长的物质文化生活需要,具有重大战略意义。虽然我国企业的品牌意识已在逐步加强,国产的国际知名品牌也在增多,但与西方市场经济发达国家相比,仍然存在较大距离。 本文以商标功能的步步拓展为视角,梳理了商标保护理论从混淆理论到淡化理论的发展的重要步骤,以及商标保护理论中的穷竭理论从国际穷竭到国内穷竭的转变,从而阐明商标保护理论中商标权人的利益不断得到扩张这一基本事实,期望国人能够很好地、充分地利用商标制度来发展自主商标,以提升中国品牌的竞争力。本文除去前言和结论外,共有四章。 第一章是理论铺垫。经...Implementation of the national intellectual property strategy has great strategic significance for changes in China's economic development mode, easement of constraints from resource and environment, and enhancement of the country's core competitiveness. It’s also good to meet people's growing material and cultural needs. Although the brand awareness of Chinese enterprises has been gradually stren...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法学学号:1292007115032

    The Function of Media in Sino-Japan Relationship An investigation of Japan-related reports in Global Times

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    中日关系是中国对外关系中最重要的双边关系之一。二十一世纪里中日关系在由历史记忆、现实利益、未来展望构成的总体框架中向前推移,2010年至2015年将是新的中日关系框架显现的时期。中日关系能否争取最佳前景,归根到底取决于两国做出何种的战略决策、采取何种的步骤,同时也在很大程度上取决于两国社会各界做出何种反应、发挥何种作用。 二十一世纪也是中国传媒迅速发展的时期,从“党管媒体”变为“中央领导,政府管理,媒体行业自我约束,企事业单位独立管理”,媒体提高影响力的空间更大,传媒在国际关系中的作用也渐渐为学界所关注。 本文选取专业的国际新闻报纸《环球时报》的涉日报道,根据报道规模、报道形式、报道构建、...Sino-Japan relationship is one of the most important bilateral relationships in Chinese foreign relationships which is moving into an overall framework formed by the historical memory, the real interest and the future prospects in the twenty-first century. The new framework of Sino-Japan relationship will appear in 2010 to 2015. Whether Sino-Japan relationship can get the best prospects depends on...学位:文学硕士院系专业:新闻传播学院广告学系_传播学学号:3062007115247


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    Reforming Teacher Evaluation System:The Breakthrough of Promoting Teaching Quality in Colleges and Universities

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    教师评价体系是影响高校课堂教学质量的关键因素。目前,重科研的教师评价体系无形中引导教师轻视教学,忽视自身教学能力的提高,导致教师、学生和督导之间的关系冷漠等问题,从而影响课堂教学质量。因此,要提升高校课堂教学质量,关键是改革教师评价体系,具体可从提升课堂教学质量在评价体系中的比重、增加学生评教影响力、发挥教学督导的建设性作用等方面入手。Teacher evaluation system is the key factor to influence the quality of classroom teaching in colleges and universities.At present,the teacher evaluation system attaches great importance to the scientific research,which virtually guides teachers to neglect teaching and the improvement of their teaching ability,which further results in the estranged relationship between teachers,students and supervisors,thereby restricts the improvement of the current classroom teaching.Therefore,reforming the system will be a breakthrough to improve the quality of college classroom teaching.Possible specific measures include improving the percentage of quality of teaching in the evaluation system,increasing the influence of students' evaluation of teaching,and enhancing the constructive role of instructional supervision

    Frontier Spotlight on Educational Research in China:Based on the Theses of Education Digest(2014-2015)

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    近两年,我国教育事业迎来诸多变革,一批具有理论深度和现实意义的研究成果也大量涌现,展现了当前教育学研究的热点问题。从人大复印报刊资料《教育学文摘》(2014-2015)文献分析中凸显了教育学研究前沿关注点:一是慕课时代的高等教育发展研究。慕课打破了高等教育的精英属性,创生了一个世界范围内任何人都可以自由出入的大学堂,由此推动了工业文明造就的封闭课堂向信息时代更加开放课堂的历史性转变。二是大学治理研究。大学治理就是解决高校管理体制的行政化弊端,使大学回归本原。这在宏观上表现为理顺政府与大学之间的关系,在微观上表现为理顺大学内部权力之间的关系,从而完善大学治理结构。三是信息技术与教育的深度融合研究。目前来看,信息技术与课程整合的理论研究已趋于饱和,其研究正在向学科相关方向和实践层次上延伸。四是核心素养研究。落实素质教育战略仍是教育改革发展的重要主题,但目前关于"核心素养"研究还处初级阶段,如何构建中国特色的核心素养体系将成为探讨的焦点。In the past two years, many changes were made in education program of our country. A lot ofresearch results that are both theoretical and practical emerged, showing the hotspots of educational researchcurrently. Based on the text analysis of Education Digest(2014-2015), we can conclude several focuses ofeducational research in the future. Firstly, research on the development of higher education in MOOC era. MOOCsbreak the elite characteristics of higher education, create a school which can be free access to anyone world-wide,and thus promote the historic change which is from the closed class created by the industrial civilization to the moreopen class in the information era. Secondly, research on the university governance. University governance is to solvethe problems of the administrative system of university management, so that the university may return to the original.From the macroscopic view, it means to straighten out the relationship between the government and the university;from the microscopic view, it means to straighten out the relationship of internal powers in the university, so as toimprove the governance structure of the university. Thirdly, research on the deep integration of informationtechnologies and education. Currently, the theoretical study of the integration of information technologies andcurriculum has reached saturation point, and the research extends to the disciplines-related directions and practicelevel. Fourthly, research on the core competence. To implement the strategy of quality education is an importanttopic of the educational reform and development, but now the research on the "core competence" is still at a primarystage. How to construct a core competence system with Chinese characteristics will become the topic for discussion

    原生动物柯立斯四膜虫(Tetrahymena corlissi)超高砷耐受性的分子机制研究

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    以原生动物柯立斯四膜虫(Tetrahymena corlissi)为实验对象,通过流式细胞仪测定细胞密度分析四膜虫相对生长率,得到砷暴露下T.corlissi 24 h的半数效应浓度(EC50)为110.7μg/m L,是梨形四膜虫(T.pyriformis)的3倍;在克隆到T.corlissi砷甲基转移酶(Ars M)基因的基础上,RT-PCR结果显示,该基因在砷暴露下表达;利用高效液相色谱-电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(HPLC-ICP-MS)联用方法对细胞内砷形态的检测显示,野生型T.corlissi具有比T.pyriformis强数倍的甲基化砷的能力,Ars M基因敲除的T.corlissi失去了甲基化砷的能力,从而推测T.corlissi的Ars M具有高效甲基化砷的能力,是其具有超高的砷耐受性的分子基础

    A novel nickel-thiourea-triethylamine complex adsorbed on graphitic C3N4 for low-cost solar hydrogen production

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    A low-cost photocatalytic system composed of earth-abundant elements has been synthesized, with the nickel-thiourea-triethylamine catalyst in situ formed on the C3N4 photocatalyst, which exhibits a comparable H-2 production with a C3N4-Pt photocatalytic system and a long term photocatalytic activity

    原生动物柯立斯四膜虫(Tetrahymena corlissi)超高砷耐受性的分子机制研究

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    以原生动物柯立斯四膜虫(Tetrahymena corlissi)为实验对象,通过流式细胞仪测定细胞密度分析四膜虫相对生长率,得到砷暴露下T.corlissi 24 h的半数效应浓度(EC50)为110.7μg/m L,是梨形四膜虫(T.pyriformis)的3倍;在克隆到T.corlissi砷甲基转移酶(Ars M)基因的基础上,RT-PCR结果显示,该基因在砷暴露下表达;利用高效液相色谱-电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(HPLC-ICP-MS)联用方法对细胞内砷形态的检测显示,野生型T.corlissi具有比T.pyriformis强数倍的甲基化砷的能力,Ars M基因敲除的T.corlissi失去了甲基化砷的能力,从而推测T.corlissi的Ars M具有高效甲基化砷的能力,是其具有超高的砷耐受性的分子基础

    Dispersed conductive polymer nanoparticles on graphitic carbon nitride for enhanced solar-driven hydrogen evolution from pure water

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    Developing new methods to improve the photocatalytic activity of graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) for hydrogen (H2) evolution has attracted intensive research interests. Here, we report that the g-C3N4 exhibits photocatalytic activity for H2 evolution from pure water. And, the activity is dramatically improved by loading highly dispersed conductive polymer nanoparticles. The H2 evolution rate increases up to 50 times for g-C3N4 with 1.5 wt% polypyrrole (PPy) nanoparticles on the surface. The reaction proceeding in a pure water system excludes the need for sacrificial agents. The role of the highly conductive PPy in enhancing H2 evolution is as a surface junction to increase the number of photoinduced electrons, and to facilitate electron transfer to the interface