6 research outputs found


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    The Development and Application of the Strategies of Integrated Fertilization System

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    (1) 整合性施肥策略的建立與應用結合禽畜糞堆肥和有益微生物,有助於降低作物栽培中禽畜糞堆肥之用量及增進禽畜糞堆肥之肥效減輕土壤中養分及重金屬累積的程度,並建立發揮化學肥料,有機質肥料和微生物肥料優點,配合作物生長所需之整合性施肥之策略,以達提昇肥料利用率,維護或提昇作物與土壤品質及保護環境安全之肥料最佳管理策略。(2) 提高平地葡萄品質施肥技術研究葡萄為台灣重要果樹,其主要產區在彰化縣、台中縣、南投及苗栗四縣以彰化縣幾乎佔50 %。低海拔地區葡萄一期產量大但是果色著色不良,不易符合外銷日本規格,三期葡萄又有果串太小之缺點。果農大多肥料過量造成,尤其氮肥過量是一期葡萄著色不良及三期花穗太短之主要因素之ㄧ。本研究主要探討提高葡萄花芽分化期及果實著色期枝條及葉片品質進而改善產品品質而設計葉面功能肥料,期能提高葡萄外銷之產業及提昇整體葡萄產業及產值。(3) 蔬菜園標準施肥作業程序之研發與應用台灣地區農友栽培作物時常過量施用肥料,尤其是採集約式的生產的蔬菜園,多量的化學及有機肥料被施用於蔬菜園,除了不利作物生產,對環境也有負面影響。本計劃擬整合應用以往的研究成果,選擇不同土壤性質及肥力等級之蔬菜園,設置田間試驗區,探討影響蔬菜園生產力的各項因子之效應,試驗之成果可提供建立標準施肥作業程序,供科學化合理化施肥之依據。(1) The development and application of the strategies of integrated fertilization systemThe primary purpose of this part of study is to investigate the effect of combination of organic, chemical and biological fertilizers. The experiment results will be used in developing an integrated fertilization strategy for high fertilizer efficiency, high crop yield, soil health and environmental safety. (2)Development of the fertilization technology for enhancing the quality of grape fruit Grape is one of Taiwan important fruit. It is main production located in central Taiwan, especially the production in Chuang-Hua county is over 50%. But which export rate to Japan is low because its color quality of the first crop and fruit size of the third crop is not good enough. This research work will focus on these problems. The key way is to increase the formation of flower bud in the young shoot growing period and to increase the C/N of the leaf during maturing period for the first crop. The key way for solving the problem of the third crop is partly done by the treatment in the first crop and partly treated in the third crop period, which is to increase the C/N ratio of shoot during the bud emergence period. All the aims of this study will be treated by foliar fertilizers including organic and inorganic nutrients.(3) In Taiwan, there are applying voluminous chemical fertilizer and organic material in agricultural fields, especially in vegetable fields, not only change soil properties, but also influence crop growth and fertilizer utility. The negative impacts of the overuse of chemical and organic fertilizers have raised concerns in vegetable fields, so to develop and utilize standard procedure for rational fertilization recommendation is acting more and more important. The purpose of this study is to develop the standard fertilization procedure for vegetable fields. The results will be a perfect guide for fertilization recommendation, therefore, not only the yields and qualities of crop can be increased, but also the environment pollution can be prevented

    Asian the Woman Volleyball Championship Military Tactics Analysis-with Chinese Team to fight a Troop for Example

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    [[abstract]]本研究以16屆亞洲排球錦標賽,女生組為研究對象,比賽日期:9月15日至23日在台北市台大體育館舉行,比賽隊伍:中華台北、伊朗、印尼、泰國、越南、澳洲、中國、哈薩克、北韓、印度、日本、韓國、斯里蘭卡共計13隊,主要觀看中華台北隊和對戰隊伍的比賽共七場比賽為內容,對於進攻戰術探討,國內各級球隊教練和選手比賽中運用,亦可提升提升球隊攻擊戰術之參考。 This research with 16 Asian volleyball championships, the girl team is a research object, compete the date: Hold in the NTU gymnasium in Taipei City on September 15-23, compete a troop: Chinese Taipei, Iran and Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam, Australia and China, Kazakhstan and North Korea, India and Japan, Korea and Sri Lanka adds up to 13 teams and mainly watches Chinese Taipei team and total to game of war troop seven games are contents, for aggression the military tactics inquire into, domestic all levels ball team coach and make use of in the contestant game, can also promote the reference of ball team attack military tactics a little

    Study on the Improvement of Crop Fertilization

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    (1) 整合性施肥策略的建立與應用以平衡施肥為理念,建立整合化學肥料,有機質肥料及微生物肥料的施肥策略。(2) 提高高接梨產值合理施肥法研究高接梨已經是台灣一個相當重要之產業,一般越早上市價格越高,因此農民普遍提早接穗,然而由於提早接穗遇寒流時會造成成功率低而需要重複接穗,提高相當高之成本。為求提高梨產量,農民往往施肥過度,造成落果及腐爛嚴重,尤其雨季,所以如何改善其栽培管理方法以降低農民成本及提高收益相當重要。本研究即朝解決此二問題研究。(3) 蔬菜園標準施肥作業程序之研發與應用台灣地區農友栽培作物時常過量施用肥料,尤其是採集約式的生產的蔬菜園,多量的化學及有機肥料被施用於蔬菜園,除了不利作物生產,對環境也有負面影響。本計劃擬整合應用以往的研究成果,選擇不同土壤性質及肥力等級之蔬菜園,設置田間試驗區,探討影響蔬菜園生產力的各項因子之效應,試驗之成果可提供建立標準施肥作業程序,供科學化合理化施肥之依據(I) The development and application of the strategies of integrated fertilization systemTo develop the integraded fertilization system of chemical, organic and bio-fertilizer based on the concept of balanced fertilization.(II) A study on the appropriate fertilization formula increasing the profit of high grafting pear production systemThe production of pear from high grafting of pear flower bud on lowland pear tree has been an important farm practices. The higher price with the earlier market makes the farmers doing the grafting as early as possible. The early grafting will face the high risk because the cold wind lows down the success ratio of grafting bud, and the heavy rain in April and May also damage the pear. How to increase the grafting success rate and decrease the rain damage are quite crucial to the profit reward from the production system. The objectives of this research will focus on the two problems by making foliar fertilizers and appropriate fertilization strategy to improve the profit from the growing system(III) Development and Utilization of the Standard Fertilization Procedure for Vegetable FieldsIn Taiwan, there are applying voluminous chemical fertilizer and organic material in agricultural fields, especially in vegetable fields, not only change soil properties, but also influence crop growth and fertilizer utility. The negative impacts of the overuse of chemical and organic fertilizers have raised concerns in vegetable fields, so to develop and utilize standard procedure for rational fertilization recommendation is acting more and more important. The purpose of this study is to develop the standard fertilization procedure for vegetable fields. The results will be a perfect guide for fertilization recommendation, therefore, not only the yields and qualities of crop can be increased, but also the environment pollution can be prevented

    The Establishment of Production System for Quality and Safety Fruit Products

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    無農藥殘毒之安全農產品是國人健康之保障,也是農產品外銷之重要品質之一。台灣全年都有各種重要水果上市,這是台灣人民的可貴資源,也是台灣農業可以傲視國際之處,因此建立各種水果之安全生產體系是相當重要。本計畫擬於三年中完成印度棗、木瓜、荔枝、番荔枝、楊桃及柑橘等六種重要水果之安全生產體系。各種水果生產都有專則專家組成之研究團隊進行安全生產體系各技術之整合。包括品種及安全種苗之繁殖、合理安全之肥培管理、包括生物控制及農藥控制之安全病蟲害防治等建立各種水果安全生產行事曆。The agricultural products with high quality and no pesticide residue by the appropriate production systems are the guarantee for people's health ware and one of the important properties of products for export. There are wide varieties of fruits on market produced through all year round produced in Taiwan. This is a very gloried resource for Taiwan in economical view and in academic research. Therefore, it is very crucial to establish standard operation processes (SOP) for each fruit tree production to meet the requirement in producing high quality and safety fruits. This project intends to establish the SOP for six fruits which are Indian jujube, papaya, litchi, sweet apple, citrus, and star fruit. The SOP for each fruit production will be conducted by separate research team on safety seedling, appropriate soil management, precision fertilization, proper pesticides use, and post harvest management as well. The SOP will be written on production calendar for farmers easily followed

    Research and Development of Biopesticide in Supporting the Related Industrial Development (II)

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    本研究計畫主要目的在於以群體團隊力量發展生物農藥資源與專門技術,建立標的微生物製劑及其附加產品之量產與製劑系統,以支持並強化台灣本土性生物農藥產業的發展;在未來一年半計畫中擬進行之工作,大致有下列四項: 1. 病害防治用微生物及天然物配方之發展應用, 2. 真菌性殺蟲劑之發展應用, 3. 蟲生真菌綠殭菌(Nomuraea riley)之發展應用, 4. 建立黑殭菌(Metarhizium anisopliae)孢子自動分離及收集系統以供真菌性殺蟲劑之製作應用.擬發展之標的微生物包括Streptomyces sioyaensis PMS 502分離株、Gliocladium virens G8分離株、Trichoderma spp. YT3分離株、Pseudomonas putida YLFP14分離株、Verticillium lecanii、N. rileyi及M. anisopliae之MA-805與MA-126分離株.在量產含放線菌等標的拮抗細菌方面,將建立生產以休眠狀態菌體或含抗生物質培養液為主的液態發酵標準生產流程;針對標的真菌菌株之生產方面,二階段半固態發酵法將用以生產真菌之分生孢子,並進一步發展此些孢子之收集系統與劑型之改良,擬發展之劑型包括粉劑、乳劑及噴霧乾燥之粒劑,另一方面,篩選增強標的微生物製劑生物活性或延長其櫥架壽命之添加劑或方法亦為本研究計畫發展重點,此些試做產品樣本均將經生物活性、安定性以及所預期在田間實際施用之保護效果等測試.過去兩年來,本研究團隊部份研究成果中,已成功研發兩項病害防治用微生物製劑劑型,並已經農委會將建立好之技術移轉給2家國內私人產業進行商業化量產,在所擬具的未來延續工作中,發展成功一至二項可供技術移轉產業應用之生物農藥劑型將為吾人繼續努力之主要目標.The main objectives of this proposed team effort is to develop the resources and knowhows, and to establish ready-to-spin-off biotechniques and mass production and formulation systems to support and enforce the industrial biopesticide development in Taiwan. The proposed works to be carried out in the coming year are organized into four parts: 1. Development and practical application of microbial and natural products as disease control agents; 2. Development and practical application of fungal insecticides; 3. Development and practical application of green muscardine fungus Nomuraea rileyi; and 4. Establishment of automated spore separation and collection system for production of Metarhizium anisopliae as mycoinsecticides. The targeted microbial organisms include Streptomyces sioyaensis PMS 502 isolate, Gliocladium virens isolate G8, Trichoderma spp. isolate YT3, Pseudomonas putida isolate YLFP14, Verticillium lecanii, N. rileyi, M. anisopliae isolates MA-805 and MA-126. For the mass production of bacterial isolates (include the actinomycete members), standard operation protocol (SOP) for the liquid fermentation production of the resting stage biomass and/or antibiotic-metabolite-containing culture broth will be established. For the targeted fungal isolates, the semi-solid fermentation system will be established for the production of reproductive fungal spores; and the system for spore collection and formulation will be extensively explored. The attempted formulation includes powder, emulsion and spray-dried granules. Additives and methodologies effective in enhancing the biological activity of, and/or extending the shelf-life of the attempted product are both to be extensively explored subjects. All the attempted sample product will be tested for the biological activity, the stability, and as well the expected plant protection performance in practical application. During the past 2 years, efforts from part of this work team have successfully developed 2 biopesticide formulations useful for disease control. And the established techniques have been transferred to 2 local private enterprises for commercialization. In the continued effort proposed, additional 1 to 2 biopesticide formulation ready for technique transfer to private industry are the prime goal of the group effort