342 research outputs found
A Study on the Practical Issues of the Chinese Criminal Pretrial Conference System
刑事庭前会议作为新刑事诉讼法的突破点,旨在通过庭审中断问题的解决,较大程度地提高庭审效率。制度实行以来,各地法院都积极探索实践,许多司法机关也联合出台了相关工作机制性文件,但不规范不统一地适用使实务中有诸多困惑。目前我国刑诉法及司法解释中对刑事庭前会议制度的规定较粗陋,仅有寥寥数语。作为一个新设立的制度,它的相关规定和适用的确存在很多问题,需要不断完善。本文拟在对刑事庭前会议法律规定和实践运作分析的基础上,探讨庭前会议适用范围、主体、内容、效力等相关方面的完善。 文章主要分四部分对刑事庭前会议制度做探讨。 第一部分概括了刑事庭前会议制度。文章首先介绍了刑事庭前会议的立法背景。然后对刑事庭前...The criminal pretrial conference as the new breakthrough of criminal procedure law, designed to solve the problem of trial interrupt for greatly improving the efficiency of the trial. Many courts actively practice the criminal pretrial conference. Many judicial organs jointly issued relevant working mechanism files. The application without specification makes a lot of confusion in practice. At pre...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院_法律硕士学号:X201112003
Research and Implementation on Quality Improvement during Packaging Process Based on Six Sigma
质量是企业的生命,也是对消费者根本利益的保证,在厦烟生产过程中,产品质量问题时有发生,造成企业生产成本的上升。开展卷包工序质量改进项目,就是想达到进一步提高卷烟产品质量,降低成本,从而提升本企业卷烟产品竞争力的目的。 六西格玛是20世纪八十年代末由摩托罗拉公司提出的一种质量改进和质量管理方法,它使用数据、事实来解决问题。六西格玛管理关注过程,特别是企业为市场和顾客提供价值的核心过程,其主要目的是在生产过程中降低产品及流程的缺陷次数,防止产品变异,提升品质。 本文基于六西格玛管理设计了一套针对卷包工序质量改进的方法,并运用于厦烟公司的卷烟产品质量控制过程。 本文着重介绍了质量管理的相关理论...Quality of products is the life of a enterprise, and is the fundamental interest of customers. In the producing processes, quality defects emerge occasionally and lead to rising cost. Therefore, we launched the wrapping process quality improvement project, in order to promote enterprise competitiveness through advanced product quality and reducing cost. Six Sigma is a kind of quality improv...学位:工程硕士院系专业:管理学院_工程硕士(项目管理)学号:X201115307
Design and Implementation of A Company Attendance System
随着计算机的普及和计算机科学技术的飞速发展,人们开始越来越多的利用计算机解决实际问题。员工考勤信息管理是公司信息管理的重要部分。面对大量的考勤信息,采用人力处理将浪费大量的时间、人力和物力,且数据的准确性低。因此,开发一个界面友好,易于操作的某公司考勤系统进行自动化处理具有极大意义。 本文采用面向对象的分析与设计方法,以软件工程中的瀑布模型为设计主线,较为详细的介绍了某公司考勤系统的业务需求、功能需求、非功能需求、系统架构设计、功能设计和数据库设计,基于.NET三层架构和微软SQLServer2005数据库设计并实现了一套某公司考勤系统,涵盖了在线注册、签到、签离、今日出勤、出勤查询、出勤汇...With the popularity of computers and the rapid development of computer science and technology, more and more people begin to use computers to solve practical problems. Employees’ attendance information management is an important part of information management in company. Facing a lot of attendance information, the use of manpower processing will waste a lot of time, manpower and material resources...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323202
Research on the Risk and Countermeasure of Bank Loan in Local Government Financing Plat form:Take government financing platform of M city as an example
由于间接融资在我国金融市场结构占据主导地位,地方政府融资平台更多依赖从商业银行获得贷款融资,特别是为应对全球金融海啸的巨大冲击,各级地方政府需要为中央政府实施的积极财政政策提供巨额配套资金,导致各级地方政府融资平台的银行贷款急剧攀升,引发市场对地方政府债务、银行不良贷款、货币政策传导有效性以及区域金融稳定风险的消极预期。本文首先在综合国内外文献的基础上,结合中央政府有关地方政府融资平台的相关政策要求,梳理其发展演化历程、观察其运营风险,从而归纳其银行贷款风险表现。其次,通过M市地方政府融资平台的概况分析,得出具体的贷款风险特征,同时还列举了各类银行机构平台贷款的具体案例。此外,还运用压力测试进...As the indirect financing in China's financial market structure occupies a dominant position, the local government financing platform more dependent on banks to obtain loan financing, especially in response to global financial crisis, the impact of local governments at all levels need to be active for the central government proactive fiscal policy to provide huge matching funds, leading to the loc...学位:金融硕士院系专业:经济学院_金融硕士学号:1562014115204
Study on the Investment Management of China’s Enterprise Annuity Fund : Taking ABC Annuity Fund as an Example
2007年至2011年间,企业年金投资收益率的平均水平为8.87%,均显著高于同期通货膨胀率和银行存款利率,为年金投资者实现了保值增值的目的。但是我们应当看到仍有大多数的企业年金管理机构的资产规模因长期达不到盈亏平衡点而面临极大的生存挑战。与此同时,作为自己的养老钱,人们都很关心究竟企业年金是如何通过投资管理实现保值增值的。随着我国养老体制的改革与完善,近几年来企业年金迅速发展,并且存在着进一步加速发展的趋势,未来一段时间内将有越来越多的企业建立企业年金。作为国家基本养老保险的重要组成部分,企业年金的广泛建立将极大的调动企业员工的积极性,利于社会的良性发展。但我们也应该清醒地意识到,企业年金制...From 2007 to 2011, the average return on the enterprise annuity investment is about 8.87% evidently higher than the inflation rate and the bank deposit rate during the same period, achieving the goal of maintaining with and increasing in the value. However, we should see that most of the enterprise annuity management institutions are facing a great challenge to survive due to the failure of reachi...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792010115063
Studies on the Elements of Position and Benefit of Mediating Bribery Crime
斡旋受贿被世界大多数国家纳入刑法进行规制,我国现行刑法也对之做出了规定,但斡旋受贿犯罪在理论探讨与研究上仍远不如对一般行受贿犯罪的研究那么深入和广泛。关于斡旋受贿犯罪的概念、主体、客观要件等问题的界定,存在着较大的争议,给司法适用带来极大困扰。这点从司法实务中斡旋受贿的适用率之低可见一斑。 本文拟从我国现行刑事立法和司法解释关于斡旋受贿犯罪的规定出发,以斡旋受贿的职务要件和谋利要件为重点,通过对不同学说进行对比,就职务要件和谋利要件在具体法律适用中遇到的困惑进行分析研究,并提出比较全面且能体现笔者个性化思考的论述,以期为司法实务准确认定和打击斡旋受贿提供一些建设性参考意见。 本文主要从以下...Mediating bribery crime is brought into penal code by most of the nations in the world, our country penal code also did it. But the study on mediating bribery crime is far less deep and wide than the general bribe crime, regardless of whether in the theory or research field. There has been great controversial on the concept, the subject and the objective elements of mediating bribery crime, which ...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:X200812001
Research on Shantou Marine Tourism Development ——Based on the Perspective of the Interrelationship between Government and Market
21世纪属于海洋世纪。海洋旅游业是海洋产业群中重要的组成部分,是未来竞争中一大制胜点。汕头作为广东省海洋大市,自古以来临海而立、因海而兴,拥有丰富的海洋资源条件,也有政府相应的作为与市场的机遇,可以大力开发海洋旅游。本文拟从政府和市场的视角,分析和展望汕头海洋旅游业发展的前景,以政府与市场的关系作为理论基础,根据实际摸查和搜集的资料,通过剖析汕头市海洋旅游发展中政府和市场存在的问题,厘清政府与市场的界限,从而提出基于政府与市场关系的汕头市海洋旅游发展路径。Abstract: In the 21st century mankind will have more opportunities to develop and utilize the ocean. Marine tourism is an important part of marine industries, is a big win in the future competition. Shantou, the ocean city in Guangdong Province, has rich marine resources conditions, also have the relevant conditions of the government and the market opportunities, to vigorously develop the marine t...学位:公共管理硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_公共管理硕士(MPA)学号:X201013601
Relationships between Taiwan Residents’ Perceptions of Tourism Impacts and Attitudes toward Chinese Inbound Tourists Market Development
本研究在国内外有关旅游影响和旅游态度研究成果的基础上,系统的考察旅游影响感知与旅游发展态度之间的相互关系、影响因素、及作用机理,建构出旅游影响感知→整体评价→旅游发展态度的模式,将旅游质量影响感知、整体影响感知纳入整体评价中。本研究基于此研究架构的理论模型,通过台湾居民对大陆旅客赴台旅游市场进行实证调查,验证居民对主要目标客源的旅游影响感知与居民的旅游发展态度之间的结构方程模型。本研究重要结论如下: (1)验证以整体评价建构对旅游发展态度的重要作用 研究中以旅游影响为前因变项,通过整体评价为纽带,建构出对旅游发展态度的模型,实证验证发现居民的旅游发展态度受到整体评价产生直接影响。同时,旅游...This study based on the study results of tourism impacts and attitudes toward tourism development, systematical analyzed the influential factors, relationships, and the mechanism between tourism impacts and attitudes toward tourism development. Then, the study explored a new theoretical framework from tourism impacts through integral evaluation to attitudes toward tourism development. The integral...学位:管理学博士院系专业:管理学院旅游系_旅游管理学号:1782009015412
随着跨国公司的迅猛扩张和转移定价的愈演愈烈 ,转移定价法律制度日益引起国际社会的普遍关注。文章探讨了转移定价机制产生的经济基础 ,评析转移定价税制最新发展成果的预约定价制 ,认为转移定价法律制度未来发展的基本方向 ,应该是致力于建立充分兼顾税企双方利益和反映大多数国家利益、合理分配不同征税国之间税收利益的国际税收法律制
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