7 research outputs found

    Research on the Investment Projects of LED Industrial Base of San'an Optoelectronics in Wuhu

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    在环保节能减排日渐成为全球共识的新世纪里,LED照明应用已快速成长为最重要的新兴能源产业之一。本论文首先分析了当前全球及国内LED产业的当前状况及特点,以及介绍了LED信息化技术普及现状,重点分析当前的LED市场结构及发展趋势,结合分析三安光电股份有限公司的目前的生产规模效益、生产管理系统、核心技术研发团队和实力,及其财务报告和社会影响力,提出三安光电芜湖LED产业基地外延及芯片项目投资方案,并分析项目的可行性以及建成后预期的可观的财务及社会效益;通过应用信息化管理手段,同时推进信息技术在LED企业节能减排,降低成本中的实际更为广泛的应用,大幅提升企业创新创造能力,为最终实现公司成为国际LED...Since the environment protection and energy saving became a global consensus in the new century, LED lighting applications has grown rapidly into the most important emerging energy industries. This paper first analyzes the current global and domestic LED industry's situation and characteristics, describes the popularization of LED information technology, and focus on the current LED market struct...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_工程硕士(控制工程)学号:X200522302

    A Research of the Exchange Rate Regime Choice in Emerging Market Countries——Based on the Economical and Political Perspectives

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    在开放经济条件下,汇率是一国经济与外部经济联系的桥梁,汇率制度也是一国经济制度安排的重要组成部分。布雷顿森林体系瓦解以来,世界各国根据自身的经济政治条件选择了各不相同的汇率制度。与发达国家和一般发展中国家相比,新兴市场国家受经济和金融全球化的影响尤为突出,这类国家的汇率制度选择有着显著的特点。我国作为最重要的新兴市场国家的之一,所面临的经济政治环境也与其他新兴市场国家相似。因此,深入研究新兴市场国家的汇率制度选择问题,将为人民币汇率制度改革提供宝贵的借鉴。 本文首先梳理了国内外现有研究成果,提出了新兴市场国家在汇率制度选择方面所存在的困境。其次,构建包含经济因素和政策因素在内的决策者损失最小...Exchange rate is the interlink that connects the economy of one country to that of others. Exchange rate regime is an important component of a country's economic system. After the breakdown of the Bretton Woods System, all the countries chose different exchange rate regimes in accordance with their own economical and political condition. Compared with the developed countries and other developing c...学位:金融硕士院系专业:经济学院_金融学(含保险学)学号:1562010115196


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    Exchange Market Pressure, Short-term International Capital Flows and Inflation:An Empirical Study Based on MS-VAR Model

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    本文探讨了外汇市场压力、短期国际资本流动及通货膨胀之间的相互关系,采用MS-VAr模型实证分析了上述变量在我国的动态变化关系。结果表明:人民币处于较强升值区制使短期资本流入且通胀上升;转为较强贬值区制则使短期资本大量外流且通胀下降;而人民币转向适度升贬值区制将使短期资本小幅流出且通胀下降。当前将人民币引向适度升贬值区制能够均衡外汇市场压力、短期国际资本流动和通货膨胀三方面的政策考虑,对我国经济较为有利。We theoretically analyze the interaction among exchange market pressure, short-term international capital flows and inflation, and apply MS-VAR model on the dynamic relationship among these variables in China.The result indicates that capital flows into China and inflation pressure increases when exchange of RMB is within a strong appreciation regime.Meanwhile, a transition to strong depreciation regime may result in large capital outflow and decrease of inflation rate.When the exchange rate of RMB moves into a moderate regime, capital flows out in a relatively small scale and inflation rate decreases.The transition of the exchange rate of RMB to a moderate regime has a positive impact on current economy, taking account of exchange market pressure, short-term international capital flows and inflation.2012年度教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目第27号招标课题资助;课题名:《我国外汇储备的科学管理及运用战略问题研究》;课题组长朱孟楠;项目批准号:12JZD02

    Influence of Economic Structure, Economic Shock and Political Preference on Choice of Exchange Rate Regimes in Emerging Market Countries

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    本文主要探讨了经济结构、经济冲击和政治偏好等因素在新兴市场国家汇率制度选择过程中所起到作用。研究结果表明:经济结构和政治偏好对的汇率制度选择影响显著,而经济冲击的影响则相对不明显。这些特点与理论分析中对“短视决策者“的描述相符。借鉴新兴市场国家的历史经验并结合我国当前实际情况,人民币汇率制度应继续保持适度弹性,并且随着我国经济政治环境的变化而适时做出调整。This paper investigates the effect of economic structure, economic shock and political preference on choice of exchange rate regimes in emerging market countries.The research results indicate that economic structure and political preference have a significant effect on the choice while the effect of economic shock is not obvious.The findings conform to the description of the"short-sighted decision makers" in theoretical analyses.In view of the experience from emerging market countries and the current situation in China, the RMB exchange rate regime should remain flexible and be ready to adapt to the changing economic and political environment.教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目:《我国外汇储备的科学管理及运用战略问题研究》(12JZD027); 国家社会科学基金:《我国主权财富基金投资与风险管理研究》(13BJY175