93 research outputs found


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    中组部18号文发布之后,在中国资本市场掀起一股官员独董辞职的浪潮。面对同一政策,这些官员独董的辞职时机选择却不尽相同。使用手工收集的从2013年10月19日至2014年12月31日期间的官员独董辞职事件公告数据,本文研究发现:官员独董的行政级别越高、年龄越小、学历越高,其选择辞职的时间就越早;同时,官员独董所任职公司的贷款水平越高,其辞职时间也越早。进一步,本文发现官员独董辞职时间越晚,市场对其辞职事件的反应越好。本文的研究结论为18号文的政策约束力提供了经验证据,并对上市公司和投资者具有重要的实践启示。After the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the CPC released the No. 18 document, a wave of reg- ulation-induced resignations among independent directors with official background was set off in capital market in China. It was observed that the timing choices of the official independent directors were varied when facing the same policy. Using a hand-collected data of official independent director resignation announcement events from 19 October 2013 to 31 December 2014, this study finds that the higher administrative position official independent directors hold, the younger they are, or the higher education they have received, the earlier they resign; Meanwhile, if the corporate, which the official independent direc- tors work, has a higher debt ratio, the earlier the directors will resign. As to the market consequences following these official independent director resignations, this study shows that the later the directors resign, the better market response will appear. Our findings provide empirical evidence for the implementation constraint of the No. 18 document of Organization Depart- ment, and have significant practical implications for listed companies and investors.国家自然科学基金面上项目“上市公司聘请社会名人和退休官员担任独立董事的动机与后果”(编号:71572160)的资助,当然文责自负

    Experimental Study on Modified Activated Carbons for Elemental Mercury Adsorption

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    在小型固定床实验台上对中孔分子筛(SbA-15)、煤基活性炭(bPl)、不同含水量活性炭、苯酚和苯甲酸改性活性炭进行气态汞的吸附实验。结果表明:相对于中孔而言,微孔更有利于气态汞的吸附。负载羧基样品对气态汞的吸附能力与原始活性炭相比有很大提高。当羧基负载量为28.89Mg羧基/g活性炭时,样品对气态汞的吸附性能达到最佳;经酚羟基改性样品,其对气态汞的吸附能力显著降低,当达到吸附饱和时,原始活性炭的吸附量为306.55μg/g,而酚羟基改性样品最大吸附容量为133.1μg/g,且负载量与气态汞吸附量呈负相关,由此推测酚羟基对气态汞的吸附没有促进作用,而羧基有利于气态汞的吸附。活性炭表面存在适量水分有利于气态汞的吸附,当样品表面含水率为14.49%时,样品的吸附性能达到最佳。A laboratory-scale packed-bed reactor system was used to evaluate the capability of mesoporous molecular sieve(SBA-15),coal-based activated carbon(BPL),activated carbons containing different content of moisture,phenol-modified and carboxyl-modified activated carbons for mercury adsorption.The results show that compared to the mesopore structure,micropore structure on the surface of activated carbons is in favor of capturing mercury from carrier gas.The mercury adsorption capacity of carboxyl-modified activated carbons increases significantly compared to that of original carbons.And the best result obtained at the modification ratio of 28.89 mg carboxyl groups /g activated carbon.While the capacity of phenol-modified activated carbons for mercury adsorption decreases remarkably.When reaches saturation,the mercury adsorption capacity of original activated carbons is 306.55 μg/g,while the highest capacity of phenol-loaded activated carbons is 133.1 μg/g,and there is a positive relation between the amounts of phenol or carboxyl and mercury adsorption.It suggests that the phenol groups may have no effect on mercury adsorption,while the carboxyl groups are beneficial to the mercury adsorption.The presence of moisture on the surface of activated carbons can enhance their mercury adsorption capacities,and when the moisture content is 14.49%,the adsorption capacity reaches the best result.国家自然科学基金项目(20707018);福建省科技重点项目(2008I0024);福建省青年人才项目(2006F3118)---


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    Design and synthesis of hydrogenation nanocatalyst with synergetic multiple catalytic sites

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    基于催化剂多活性中心分工协同作用可活化两种或多种反应物,本研究工作以一种新的制备策略对贵金属-过渡金属-过渡金属氧化物催化剂进行合理设计,构筑金属与金属氧化物双活性中心。结果发现,贵金属负载于过渡金属/过渡金属氧化物(nM-TM/TMO)结构的催化剂在加氢反应中具有优异的催化活性。同时,热处理方法可有效调控催化剂微观结构,并对此构效关系进行了较为深入的研究。As synergic multiple active sites catalysts can theoretically activate two or more reactant or substrates simultaneously resulting in significantly increase of activity and stability of catalysts, we herein develop a novel catalysts preparation strategy to design and construct noble metal-transition metal-transition metal oxide(NM-TM/TMO) to form bi-active catalytic sites.The experimental results show that such a catalyst has excellent performance in catalytic hydrogenation, e.g.aromatic compounds hydrogenation as the case studies.It was also found that the nanostructure of catalyst can be tuned via thermal treatments, which are investigated and the relationship between structure and activity is explored to some extent.国家自然科学基金项目(20973140;201106118;21303140)~

    Effect of Flue-gas Cleaning Devices on Mercury Emission From Coal-fired Boiler

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    为研究燃煤锅炉烟气净化设施对汞排放特性的影响,采用Ontario-Hydro方法,对设有催化脱硝、静电除尘、海水脱硫的300MW燃煤锅炉排放烟气中汞的含量与形态进行分析,同时测定锅炉的煤、底渣、飞灰等固体样品以及脱硫塔前后、曝气之后海水样品中的汞含量。实验结果为:烟气中的气态汞占总汞的79.1%以上,脱硝催化剂对汞的价态具有强烈的转化作用,烟气中83.4%的气态Hg0被氧化成气态Hg2+;静电除尘对颗粒态汞的去除率几乎达到100%;在脱硫塔中,海水对烟气中汞的洗脱率高达73.6%,曝气后排放前的海水中含汞量是新鲜海水的5.5倍。研究表明锅炉烟气净化设施对汞的排放特性有着重要的影响。In order to study the effect of flue-gas cleaning devices on mercury emission from coal-fired boiler, Ontario-Hydro method had been applied to determine the mercury concentration and speciation in the flue-gas emitted from a 300MW coal-fired boiler, which was equipped with various pollution control devices, including selective catalyst reduction (SCR) De-NOx system, electrostatic precipitator (ESP), and flue-gas seawater De-SO2 system (FGD). Mercury concentration in raw coal, bottom ash and fly ash of the boiler, seawater at the inlet and outlet of SO2 absorption reactor and the drainage of aeration sink, were also analyzed. The results indicate that the percentage of gaseous mercury in total mercury discharged is more than 79.1%. De-NOx catalyst strongly affects the mercury speciation transformation, showing a conversion rate of 83.4% for Hg0 to Hg2+. The removal efficiency of particulate mercury by ESP is close to 100%. With seawater FGD, the removal efficiency of mercury is as high as 73.6%. The mercury concentration in the seawater of drainage from aeration sink is 5.5 times higher than that in fresh seawater. The study shows that the flue-gas cleaning devices in coal-fired power plant play an important role on mercury emission characterization


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