2 research outputs found

    A Study of the Strategy and Tactics for Translating Children’s Literature from English into Chinese: Based on the Translation of Chapters 11 and 12 of A Summer of Horses

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    本论文参考了大量的期刊杂志、学位论文以及一些关于翻译的研究著述,通过实际的项目操作,笔者探析了儿童文学翻译中遇到的问题,并就应该采用什么策略和技巧的问题提出了自己的见解。 本论文先是对一些国内外的相关研究进行简单的综述,分析国内外的研究状况,从前人的研究中寻找有助于本文写作的重要资料;通过翻译实践项目,对《马背上的夏天》第十一、十二章的原文进行探索并做出中文译文;然后对翻译实践中遇到的问题和采用的策略、技巧进行总结归纳,对作家和作品进行简单的介绍。从理论入手探讨了翻译儿童文学作品所需采用的翻译策略,探究了句法和词义的翻译技巧。最后,是对此次翻译项目实践的总结和不足之处的探讨。This thesis draws on a great number of journal articles, dissertations, textbooks and monographs on translation. It aims at exploring and analyzing the problems that are commonly encountered in real practice as well as the strategies and skills that should be adopted. This thesis consists of four chapters, including an introduction and a conclusion. Chapter One briefly introduces previous studies...学位:翻译硕士院系专业:外文学院_翻译硕士学号:X200811002

    A Business Plan for TSC Economic Hotel

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    厦门的旅游住宿是一个非常庞大的市场。随着厦门市政府对“海峡旅游”品牌建设的不断推进,以及动车开通和航空、铁路、公路加大运力投放和“大厦门”的逐步成形,厦门加大力度推进旅游资源的重视、开发和城市品牌的建设,越来越多周边地区的游客选择在周末及节假日、甚至平时来到厦门观光旅游。而住宿是大家外出旅游不可缺少的一个部分,而随着大众化旅游时代的到来,经济型酒店越来越受到市场青睐。在这个大趋势下,厦门的经济型酒店逐渐生根发芽,笔者与亲戚也是创业大军中的一员。但由于规模太小,扩张势在必行。本文的数据就是在原有经济型酒店的基础上进行预测、分析得出的,而本文的理论研究也将对扩张后的经济型酒店有一定的指导和借鉴作用...Travelling market is a huge market. The municipal government is making great efforts in promoting the tourist industry of Xiamen . Meanwhile, the market is blooming as a result of the increasing Chinese consumption ability. More and more people choose to spend their holidays or weekends in Xiamen. And the economic hotels in Xiamen are greatly pushed forwarded by this trend. The writer has been run...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792008115101