15 research outputs found


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    Cohort Effect and Factors Influencing Urban Seniors' Desire for Aged Support in Tianjin

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    通过分析天津城区老年人和准老年人养老意愿的调查数据,揭示出队列效应和年龄效应在养老意愿中起的不同作用。由于受重大社会变迁影响,“五零队列“在子女数目、受教育水平、是否下岗等生存状态上与“四零队列“显著不同。这些差异会影响他们未来的养老意愿和养老模式,政府应该针对“五零列队“的实际需要制定有效的养老政策。By analyzing the survey data to see seniors' and quasi-seniors' desires for aged support in Tianjin urban areas,the paper indicates that cohort effect and age effect have different influences on the desire.Due to the impact of major social changes,the "1950s Cohort" is remarkably different from the "1940s Cohort" in such aspects as the number of children,the level of education,whether being laid off,etc.These differences will affect their future mode of endowment and pension,so the government should base its endowment policies on the practical need of the "1950s Cohort".国家社会科学基金资助项目(12BRK009); 教育部重点研究基地基金资助重大项目(11JJD840012

    a case study in implementing j2ee specification based on model checking

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    J2EE规范描述了当前开发应用服务器和分布式多层应用所遵循的技术蓝本.然而,它所使用的自然或半自然语言描述方式并不严格,易产生二义性,会影响J2EE应用服务器实现的正确性和应用服务器之间的兼容性.针对这一问题,本文以EJB2.1规范中的Timer Service为例,研究了一种基于模型检查技术设计与实现规范方法.首先根据规范的描述提出Timer Service的形式化模型,定义了Timer Service的行为;然后使用模型检查工具SPIN对模型进行分析与验证,不仅证明了模型符合规范要求,而且发现并修正

    Distribution of heavy metals speciation and pollution in surface sediment from typical ecologically regions of Yantai coastal zone

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    CoastalWetlands in the Yellow River Delta

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    运用Tessier连续提取法,对烟台海岸带3个典型生态敏感区表层沉积物重金属Cr、Cu、Cd、Pb、Zn、Ni的形态分布和污染状况进行了分析研究。结果表明,研究区域中河口区与排污口区重金属Cr、Cu、Cd、Zn和Ni的含量较高,尤其是Cd污染严重。养殖区基本符合海洋沉积物质量第1类标准; 重金属Cr、Cu、Pb、Zn和Ni主要以残渣态为主,Cu和Pb的酸溶态所占比例较高,而Cd的可提取态比例较高,在河口区与排污口区高达90%,生物有效性最高。

    Harnessing instability for work hardening in multi-principal element alloys

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    The strength-ductility trade-off has long been a Gordian knot in conventional metallic structural materials and it is no exception in multi-principal element alloys. In particular, at ultrahigh yield strengths, plastic instability, that is, necking, happens prematurely, because of which ductility almost entirely disappears. This is due to the growing difficulty in the production and accumulation of dislocations from the very beginning of tensile deformation that renders the conventional dislocation hardening insufficient. Here we propose that premature necking can be harnessed for work hardening in a VCoNi multi-principal element alloy. Luders banding as an initial tensile response induces the ongoing localized necking at the band front to produce both triaxial stress and strain gradient, which enables the rapid multiplication of dislocations. This leads to forest dislocation hardening, plus extra work hardening due to the interaction of dislocations with the local-chemical-order regions. The dual work hardening combines to restrain and stabilize the premature necking in reverse as well as to facilitate uniform deformation. Consequently, a superior strength-and-ductility synergy is achieved with a ductility of similar to 20% and yield strength of 2 GPa during room-temperature and cryogenic deformation. These findings offer an instability-control paradigm for synergistic work hardening to conquer the strength-ductility paradox at ultrahigh yield strengths