45 research outputs found

    Analysis and Design of Emergency Duty System for a District Government

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    政务值班和应急值守工作是各级政府部门十分重要的一项日常工作。当前,各级政府部门都建立健全了政务值班和应急值守工作机构,这些机构作为沟通上下、联系内外、协调左右的枢纽,在确保政令畅通、信息畅通高效传递中起着十分重要的作用,也是政府有效应对和处置突发事件、维护社会和谐稳定的重要保障。政府政务值班和应急值守工作的关键就在于“及时高效处置各类突发事件”,这就要求值班值守系统要时刻保持联络畅通,突发事件信息报送要做到及时、准确。为了实现这一目标,某区应急办借助科技手段,通过建立应急值守系统支撑值班人员方便快捷完成信息收集处理和上传下达等应急值守工作,将应急值守核心工作流程与电话、传真、短信、网络等多种信...Government affairs on duty and emergency duty work are a very important daily work of government departments at all levels. At present, government departments at all levels have established and perfected government affairs on duty and emergency duty work agencies, as the hub of communicating up and down, contacting inside and outside, and coordinating right and left, there agencies play a very imp...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323240

    Advances in Toxicity of Polychlorinated Biphenyls on Animals and Human Livers

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    多氯联苯(PCbS)是一类广泛存在于环境中的持久性有机污染物。笔者综述了PCbS的特性及其对动物和人类肝毒性影响的研究进展。已有的研究结果表明,PCbS对动物肝脏有致损害及致癌作用;但对人类而言,除在重大污染事件中发现PCbS可导致人类肝疾病,直至死亡外,职业暴露和环境中长期低剂量暴露实验均未证实PCbS暴露与人类肝脏的损伤及其致癌作用有关。但某些地区人群高肝癌发病率及其环境中PCbS的检出预示着其中有一定的关系,值得深入研究。Polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBs) is one of persistent organic pollutants which are widely exist in environment.This review described PCBs characteristics and toxicity on animals and human livers.Before now,it was identified that PCBs caused liver damage and hepatocarcinogenicity for animals.However,occupational studies and long-term,low level exposure studies to human beings have found no direct correlation between PCBs exposure and liver damage and carcinogenicity,only accidental environmental exposures have found increased mortality of liver disease.But high morbidity of human liver cancer and detected PCBs in the environment were reported in some regions.It is evident that more researches should be done.国家自然科学基金资助项目(20777062

    Direct Transformation of Amides: Reductive Cycloaddition of Secondary Amides with Danishefsky Diene

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    酰胺作为稳定的合成中间体被广泛应用于有机合成和药物化学.因此,发展通用、化学选择性的酰胺直接转化的方法十分重要.在本工作中,我们报道仲酰胺与丹尼谢夫斯基双烯的还原环加成反应,用于把仲酰胺直接转化为2-取代-2,3-二氢-4-吡啶酮.该“一瓶反应“包含酰胺通过三氟甲磺酸酐活化、部分还原、和[4+2]环加成反应3个环节.基于这一步骤经济型方法,建立了生物碱(±)-lASubInE I和(±)-MyrTInE的简便、无保护基全合成.Amides are widely used as stable synthetic intermediates in organic synthesis and medicinal chemistry.Versatile and chemoselective C—C bond forming methods for the direct transformation of amides are highly demanding.In this paper, we report the reductive cycloaddition of common secondary amides with the Danishefsky diene to produce 2-substituted 2,3-dihydro-4-pyridones.This one-pot procedure involves amide activation with triflic anhydride, partial reduction, and [4+2] cycloaddition.The synthetic utility of this step-econimical method was demonstrated by the short and protecting-group-free total syntheses of alkaloids(±)-lasubine I and(±)-myrtine.国家自然科学基金(No.21332007); 国家基础科学人才培养基金(No.J1310024); 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(No.20720150048); 教育部长江学者和创新团队发展计划的资助~

    Expression and Localization of Nucleophosmin During HMBA-induced Differentiation in Human Hepatocarcinoma SMMC-7721 Cells

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    To explore the existence and distribution of nucleophosmin in the nuclear matrix and its co-localization with the other related gene products following HMBA treatment in the human hepatocarcinoma SMMC-7721 cells,the nuclear matrix of SMMC-7721 cells was extracted pre/post HMBA induced differentiation.2D PAGE proteomics analyses showed that nucleophosmin existed in the fractions of nuclear matrix proteins and was down-regulated after HMBA treatment with further confirmation by Western blot analysis.The immunofluorescence observation revealed that nucleophosmin located in the nuclear matrix,HMBA treatment altered its expression level and distribution profile.The co-localization of nucleophosmin with cancer-related genes and the products of oncogenes or tumor repression genes,including c-fos,c-myc,p53 and Rb,using laser scanning confocal microscopy,were evaluated,and substantial differences were observed following HMBA treatment.The results implies that nucleophosmin,as a nuclear matrix protein,the level of its expression and the colocalization with cancer-related gene products may play an important role during the differentiation of SMMC-7721 cell.国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.30470877)~


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    创新社会管理是厦门全面实施综合配套改革试验的重要内容。本文探索厦门实施综合配套改革试验区在基层社区治理、基层公共服务、社会志愿参与、社会组织管理、涉台事务治理等五大领域的创新实践,总结其创新经验及特色。作者认为厦门综合配套改革试验区已经初步探索出一条以民生优先、协同治理、制度创新、技术支撑为特征的社会管理创新之路,逐步形成政府与其它社会主体协同创新的社会管理新模式。厦门大学985工程公共管理重点学科建设项目; 福建省2012年度社科规划重点项目“推进厦门综合配套改革试验区社会管理体制创新研究”(项目编号:2012A015


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    采用Ni-Mg-O复合氧化物催化剂进行了流化床甲烷催化裂解法制碳纳米管的中试实验,研究了主要操作变量对甲烷转化率、催化剂产碳率、产品团聚率及催化剂损失率的影响,得到了适宜的操作条件为:甲烷进气流速16~19 cm/s、催化剂粒径150~220μm、催化剂加入量50~60 g、反应温度650~700℃、反应时间120~140 min。多批次重复性实验表明,在选定的操作条件下,甲烷转化率约为30%,催化剂产碳率约为10 gCNTs/gCAT。对纯化后的产品进行SEM及TEM形貌表征显示,制得的碳纳米管管径均匀,中空结构明显,碳纳米管的外径为10~30 nm,内径为2~5 nm。中国海洋石油总公司科技项目(CNOOC-KJ125FZDXM00TJY001-2014


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    自本世纪中叶以来,通过三十多年的不懈努力,欧洲共同体 在政治、经济一体化方面已经取得了举世瞩目的成绩。其中,货币一体化是欧共体经济一体化贯彻始终的重要内容。从1950年秋 季建立的欧洲支付同盟,到1991年12月马斯特里赫特条约正式将 欧洲货币联盟建设提上议事日程的历史发展过程来看,欧共体经 济一体化的深入发展和最终完成将有赖于货币一体化的顺利进行 和货币联盟的最后建立。从这个意义上讲,欧洲货币联盟是未来 欧洲联盟的重要基石,它的成败与否将直接影响欧共体国家的经 济发展和欧洲未来的发展前途.基于这种认识,笔者将欧洲货币 联盟作为考察欧洲前途的焦点而单独地提出来加以研究和分析。 ...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院经济系_世界经济学号:1991060

    The atom-bond connectivityindex of chemical unicyclic graphs

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    图g的原子键连通性指数的定义如下:AbC(g)=∑uV∈E(g)((du+dV-2)dudV)(1/2).其中du、dV分别表示图g的边uV的2个端点u、V的度数.AbC指数已被证实为研究烷烃的稳定性以及环烷烃的应变能提供了一个很好的模型.讨论了n阶化学单圈图,给出了其AbC指数的可达的下界及其相应的极图The atom-bond connectivity(ABC) index of a graph G,is defined as the sum of the weights ((du+dv-2)dudv)(1/2) of all edges uvof G,where d u denotes the degree of a vertex uin G.The ABCindex provides a good model for the stability of linear and branched alkanes as well as the strain energy of cycloalkanes.The sharp lower bounds on ABCindex of chemical unicyclic graphs is obtained.SupportedbyNSFC(No.10831001;11071272;11101087;11026183);bytheFoundationtotheEducationalCommitteeofFujian(No.JA10021


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