52 research outputs found

    Study on Varing-Frequency Alternating Current Etching of Low Voltage Anode Foil for Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor

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    铝电解电容器具有容量大、工作电压高、价格低廉等优点,是各类电容器产品中需求量最大的一种,被广泛地应用于各种电子整机系统中。铝电解电容器主要由腐蚀铝箔构成,高比容的铝箔是实现铝电解电容器小型化的关键。本文从提高铝电极箔电蚀扩面倍率和提高介质膜介电常数两个不同的角度出发,对低压铝腐蚀箔的增容工艺进行了研究,所取得的主要结果如下:1.在国内首次开展变频交流预处理工艺研究。在低酸度电解液中对低压电子铝箔进行电化学预布孔处理,产生较为均匀的初期蚀孔,使得后段腐蚀过程铝箔表面溶解减少,比容提高。具体分析了预处理交流电电源频率、电流密度、处理时间、槽液温度以及CAl3+/CH+值对比容的影响。获得了最佳交流...Aluminum electrolytic capacitors have excellent properties such as huge capacitance,high working voltage and preponderant price. As the rapid development of electronic technologies, now they have been in the most demand in all kinds of electrolytic capacitors and widely applied in many systems of electronic machines. Aluminum electrolytic capacitor is made by aluminum foils. The etched aluminum fo...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_物理化学(含化学物理)学号:1912005130187

    An Investigation on the Arrangement of Annual Training Load of Women Marathon Athletes in China

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    通过多种研究方法和视角,初步形成了对我国女子马拉松训练负荷安排特点的基本认识和了解:我国女子马拉松队伍整体的较大负荷年、周、日训练量分别集中在7 000~9 000 kM、160~250 kM和30~45kM之间,日负荷基本没有超过50 kM的,优秀选手年度训练量相对偏小;强度训练课安排的周期一般为3~4 d,两个相类似的大强度训练课的间隔则更长;持续训练中,教练员通常以400 M和1 000 M分段速度来控制训练强度。强度间歇训练一般以400 M间歇跑为主,文章也对我国优秀选手训练强度控制情况进行了实际的分析和研究。By multiple methods and views,the basic knowledge and understanding of characters of Chinese women's marathon training load is initially formed: the comparatively heavier yearly,weekly,daily training burdens of holistic Chinese women's marathon team are respectively centralized at 7000-9000km,160-250km,30-45km,and the daily training burden basically stays no more than 50km,and the yearly training burden of excellent athletes is less than normal.Generally,3-4days make an intensity training arrangement cycle;the interval is longer for two similar heavy intensity training.During the continuous training,the coaches usually use the sectioned speed of 400m and 1000m to control the intensity.High intensity interval training usually focuses on 400m interval running mainly.The paper gives conclusion of the situation of training intensity control for excellent athletes.国家科技支撑计划项目(2006BAK37B01

    Injection and Mixing Performance in an Elliptical Scramjet Combustor

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    为了优化超燃燃烧室的工作效率和性能,针对椭圆形超燃燃烧室内的燃料壁面垂直喷射方案,通过求解雷诺平均Navier-Stokes方程的数值模拟方法对不同燃料喷射方案进行研究,着重分析了不同喷注位置的壁面曲率值、喷嘴直径以及反射激波干扰对流场特征及燃料掺混特性的影响。研究表明,喷注位置的壁面曲率对燃料掺混的影响程度与喷嘴直径相关。当喷嘴直径较大时,壁面曲率值越小,燃料的掺混效率越高,但总压恢复系数越低;当喷嘴直径较小时,壁面曲率的改变对燃料横向喷流方案的掺混效率和总压恢复影响很小。在相同喷射动压比下,不同喷嘴直径方案的流场特征以及燃料喷射掺混特性均存在相似性,缩小喷嘴直径能够提高燃料的掺混效率。就本文的研究状态,喷嘴直径为4mm的方案在燃烧室出口处的掺混效率比直径为10mm方案的高出约46.7%。此外,通道中的激波/掺混层相互干扰会大幅降低燃料穿透深度,但产生的剧烈剪切运动能够提高燃料掺混效率。In order to optimize operating efficiency for a scramjet combustor, different injection cases in an elliptical scramjet combustor were numerically investigated by using Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS), and effects of wall curvature of different injection positions, injector diameters and reflected shock interaction on injection and mixing performance of transverse jet were analyzed. Results show that effects of wall curvature of injection positions on mixing performance are highly related to injector diameters. For the case with larger injector diameter, decreasing the wall curvature enhances mixing efficiency of the fuel, but damps out the total pressure recovery. However, for the smaller diameter case, variation of wall curvature rarely affects the mixing performance and total pressure recovery. At the same momentum ratio condition, similarities of different diameter cases are found regarding the flow characteristics, injection and mixing performance of different diameter cases. To reduce the injector diameter can effectively improve mixing efficiency of the fuel. For the cases studied in this paper, the mixing efficiency at the combustor outlet of 4mm injector diameter case is higher than that of 10mm case by 46.7%. Additionally, interaction between reflected shock and mixing layer in the combustor substantially reduces penetration height of the jet, but enhances mixing efficiency due to the intense shearing motion induced by the interaction. © 2017, Editorial Department of Journal of Propulsion Technology. All right reserved.国家自然科学基金(51276151;91441128); 国防基础科研项目(B1420133058); 中央高校基本科研业务费(20720140540); 福建省自然科学基金杰出青年科学基金(2016J06011

    A New Understanding of Hypersonic Inlets' Startability Criterion

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    为了判断进气道起动马赫数,基于Kantrowitz起动判据,联系激波关系式和流量连续方程得到一系列等值线,将等值线推广到有入射激波和低马赫数溢流的情况。结果表明这些等值线具有以下特性:等值线连接进气道的内收缩比和总收缩比;等值线是等总压恢复线和等流量线;等值线可由Isentropic曲线方程乘于进气道内收缩段自起动时总压恢复的倒数得到;存在入射激波的起动等值线在设计状态等值线的右侧;有低马赫数溢流的起动等值线在设计状态等值线的左侧;等值线提供了一种联系Kantrowitz和Isentropic曲线的方法。根据以上特性,将等值线应用于高超声速进气道起动问题,并通过实例应用文中的理论判据评估无粘条件下混压式多楔二元进气道来流起动马赫数理论值,与CFD结果吻合较好,误差小于2%,初步探索了理论快速估算进气道起动马赫数的可行性。A series of isolines combining total compression ratio with starting Mach number were acquired by the shock conditions and the continuity equation,based on studies of two-dimensional hypersonic inlet starting mechanism and Kantrowize criterion. These isolines have the following characteristics: The isolines provide a connection between internal compression ratio and total compression ratio. Each isoline has equivalent value of total pressure recovery and mass flow. The isolines can be easily gained by using isentropic criteria equation times the reciprocal of critical starting total pressure recovery of internal duct. The isolines move rightwards because of the incident shock wave and walk leftwards owing to the mass spillage. The isolines provide a mechanism for associating Kantrowitz with isentropic criterion. Conclusively,using these isolines rapidly estimates the inviscid starting Mach number of a two-dimensional mixed-compression multi-wedge hypersonic inlet. The prediction results are in good agreement with the CFD results. The errors are less than 2%,demonstrating the feasibility of this method.国家自然科学基金(51276151;91441128);; 国防基础科研(B1420133058);; 中央高校基本科研业务费(20720140540


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    [中文摘要]依据相平衡理论,有机溶剂在聚合物膜中达到溶解平衡时,组分i在液相中化学势应等于其在聚合物膜相中的化学势。文中用UNIQUAC活度系数模型计算组分在液相中的活度,UNIFAC+FV基团贡献法关联有机溶剂在聚合物膜中的活度,理论预测了聚丙烯(PP)膜在正戊烷和正己烷中的溶胀行为。与文献实测值进行比较,一定程度上二者能够吻合。若考虑聚合物膜粘弹性的影响,计算结果有所改进。鉴于UNIFAC+FV法无需组分间交互作用参数,值得推荐。[英文摘要]Within the frame of phase equilibrium the chemical potential of component i in liquid phase equals that in polymer when sorption-desorption equilibrium was reached in the solvent/polymer mixture system. The sorption behavior of hexane, pentane and hexane/pentane mixture was estimated in this article, respectively. The activity coefficient of solvent was calculated by the UNIQUAC+FV group contribution method in this paper, and the calculations were roughly consisted with the experimental results. Calculation was improved with taking the elastic effects of the polym ericm embranes in to account. Since the UN IFAC+ FV method doesn′t need the binary interaction parameters that originated from experiments, it is convenient for prediction when needed.国家自然科学基金(No.50243014); 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金资助项目

    Summary on Female Marathon Training Theory in China

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    中国女子马拉松运动近年来发展迅速,队伍不断壮大,训练研究也日益受到重视。对目前我国女子马拉松训练的一些研究成果进行了分析总结,归纳出了7个较大的研究方面,即训练现状、训练周期安排、力量训练、全程速度分配、训练负荷与监控、营养与恢复研究、环境与训练比赛。In recent years,Chinese female marathon sport is developing quickly and the team al- so becomes bigger and stronger,and the training theory research is also to be more valued.But in all,the theory research of marathon training still seems not to be completely,which even take the marathon training research of the super long as the medium long train research,and it has no good to research the event deeply.This paper has refined and classified some research results of our woman marathon training,and including seven major research direction,which is the present condition,a period arrangement of training,muscle strength training,compete speed allotment of the whole distance,training load and training monitor,environment and training, recovery


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    1 引言 人们同顾半个世纪以来人类社会的进步,无不对技术和科学研究作为国家和国际事务的一个决定性的冈素的重要性,所受到重视程度的巨大提高有深刻的印象

    Research on the Annual Training Cycle Arrangement Characteristic of Female Marathon Athletes in China

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    在女子马拉松训练中,年度周期安排是其训练计划的核心内容。对于一个跨度较大的时间周期,马拉松运动员需要通过合理的周期安排来逐步培养起竞技状态,使之在比赛中呈现出最佳竞技状态。中国女子马拉松是一支较有国际影响力的队伍,通过对该队伍训练周期安排的研究,可以从中发现和探索马拉松训练周期安排中一些规律性的东西。通过对我国女子马拉松教练员和运动员的调查了解,结合优秀运动员重要比赛年度周期安排的实例分析,逐步勾勒出女子马拉松训练周期安排的一些主要特点。这将有助于提升我国女子马拉松训练过程安排的科学性和规范性。In the female marathon training,the annual cycle arrangement is the core content of the training program.For a span large time cycle,marathon athletes need a reasonable cycle of arrangement to bring up a competitive condition gradually,in order to present an optimal competitive state in the competition.The Chinese female marathon is a team of having much international influence.Through the study of the team training cycle arrangement,we can discover and explore some regular thing of marathon training cycle in the arrangement.This paper mainly gradually draw the outline of some main characteristic arrangement of the female marathon training cycle by investigating Chinese female marathon athletes and coaches and combining with the example analysis of the excellent athletes in the important game's annual cycle arrangements.This will help to improve the scientific and normative arrangement of female marathon training process in China.国家科技支撑计划项目(2006BAK37B01