13 research outputs found


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    在长江三峡地区古代历史人文发展、变迁的过程中,先秦时期的土著 巴蜀文化向汉唐以来的汉民文化的更替是最重要的民族史事件,汉民人口的大量迁 入与郡县级群落的形成、扩张是这一过程的主要内容。在峡江地区最新考古调查与 发掘资料中,重庆万州区武陵、朝阳38处汉唐居址、墓地所构成的两个相对独立的群 落单位,就是武宁、源阳两故县人文聚落发展的考古学反映,为揭示峡江地区早期汉 民人文聚落的成长提供了一个典型个案


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    佘家嘴遗址位于重庆市云阳县巴阳村,处在长江北岸的一、三级台地上,地理坐标为东经108°35′16″、北纬30°55′53″。2003年9月,厦门大学三峡考古队对该遗址进行第五次发掘,其中发掘了一座西汉墓葬,编号为 M22(图一)。现介绍如下

    The Features of the Primitive Religions of Fujian:A Perspective of Tanshi Hill Culture

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    宗教是一种特殊的社会意识形态。在原始时代,人们往往把自然现象超自然化,迷信万物有灵,崇拜自然万物,并且支配着人们的各种活动。在福建的考古发现中,远古时代昙石山文化的拔牙、割体葬仪、原始巫术与图腾崇拜的内涵,透露出福建史前原始宗教的基本特点。Religion is a special type of social ideology. The primitive religion in the prehistoric society is characterized by animism and nature worship. The primitive horde believed that everything in the natural world was spiritual and it could control their social-cultural activities. The intention of pulling out a tooth, funeral rites of cutting limbs, primitive magic and totem symbol discovered in Tanshi Hill Culture of the lower reach of Min River, reflect the contents and features of the primitive religion of the prehistoric Fujian

    A Comparative Study of Late Neolithic Cultures in the Lower Min-jiang River Valley and the Ganjiang-Poyanghu Region

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    地处武夷山脉东西两侧的闽、赣两地地域相连,又相对独立,史前文化各成体系,但又关系密切。尤其是进入新石器时代晚期以来,以闽江下游为中心的壳丘头—昙石山下层文化、昙石山文化等,与赣鄱地区的山背、樊城堆、拾年山、社山头等不同时空内的文化发生了不同程度的文化交流,文化因素互动频繁,成为东南地区龙山时代区域文化交流的一个典型环节。对于这一重要的学术课题,在一些相关文章中很少涉及,更未见有专门的论述,一般只是笼统认为它们有较密切的关系,并认为是共同受到来自黄河下游The late Neolithic cultures established in the Minjiang River valley and the Gan- jiang-Poyanghu region are two important links in the Neolithic local cultural system of southeastern Chi- na.They developed independently and either has its own sequence,though they shared much common- ness with each other in the course of prehistoric cultural development.The present paper makes a com- parative study of their objects,sums up differences and similarities of the late Neolithic cultures in the two regions and analyzes the effects of their natural environments as well as cultural exchange and spread.The author believes that their difference was due to their disparity in natural geography and cultural setting,and their identity resulted from their common stage attribution and cultural exchange and spread

    Brief Discussion on the Relationship of Tanshishan Culture and Liangzhu Culture

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    探讨昙石山文化与良渚文化的关系,从器物类型剖析看有同有异,其相同因素与交流有关,考古发现迹象推测,浙南是它们交融的联结地;其不同特征,体现了各自的土著性,彼此文化来源不同。This article discussed the relation between Tan-Shi-Shan culture and Liang-Zhu culture.As far as the appliance's style are concerned,there are some similarities and differences.The similar factors relate to the communion.It is inferred from the evidence by archaeological discovery that the south-zhe province is linking them.The different factors incarnate the respective aboriginality and the different cultural origin

    A New Field of Vision in Cultural History across the Zhujiang Delta

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    由李世源、邓聪先生主编的《珠海文物集萃》(以下称《珠》书),已于2000年末出版。《珠》书不仅是最近几年来出版的区域性考古文物图录中最精美的一本,而且在内容上也已超越了一般的文物图录规范。本书以珠海考古文物为基础、结合精细的专题研The book Select Cultural Relics from Zhuhai compiled-in-chief by Profs. Li Shiyuan and Deng Cong is an extremely exquisite album of regional archaeological relics published in recent years. Moreover, its content exceeds the conventional standard of ordinary cultural relic albums. This is achieved by carrying out elaborate monographic studies based on Zhujiang cultural relics. With a completely new field of vision, the work exhibits faithfully changes of the regional history around the mouth of the Zhujiang River from the prehistoric period to recent times