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    [[abstract]]摘要 利用磁力法探測地下構造或目標物時,環境存在著許多雜信,常見者如:遠處長波雜信、隨機無序分布之雜信以及背景磁力的變化等等,所以其所量測到的磁力數據往往都必須經過濾波的步驟後,方能初步判讀出目標物位置或地下構造。 本研究的模型測試證實小波多層次分析與適性濾波(本文意指維那與中值濾波兩者)對雜信濾除的可行性後,將野外1D和2D磁力數據透過小波多層次分析與適應性濾波將野外雜信濾除,並將信號加以重組分析,爾後,再進行信號分析以辨識地下構造(地層層面)。 本研究測區地下構造為砂頁岩互層之傾斜地層,測區內除上述野外常見的雜信外,還有來自側向岩壁效應的雜信。經濾波分析結果顯示適應性濾波可有效濾除隨機無序的雜信;而小波多層次分析則有助於信號重組時的對於高低頻雜信的篩選,因此在本研究中成功的強調出地下淺層構造信號並得以辨識出地層層面位置。

    Design and Implementation of a Stateful High Speed Intrusion Detection System

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    隨著網路的普及,許多個人生活及企業運作都與網路息息相關。然而,近年來系統弱點突破以及攻擊行為都有日益增多的現象,使得網路安全越來越受到重視。 入侵偵測系統(IDS)因為能夠即時偵測攻擊行為以及做出適當的防範措施,在網路安全領域具有相當高的重要性。在現行的系統中,規則式(Rule-based)技術最為常見。然而傳統的規則式入侵偵測系統將每個封包視作獨立個體,分別比對每條規則來偵測攻擊行為。此種不記憶狀態(stateless, memoryless)的偵測方式已無法偵測今日越來越複雜的攻擊行為。 因此,我們設計了狀態化高速入侵偵測系統。針對日益普遍的狀態化的應用層協定(stateful application protocol),我們提出了狀態化應用層檢測(application layer stateful inspection)來完整瞭解網路行為及偵測複雜的攻擊行動。此外,我們也觀察到今日的攻擊行為大多採取多步驟的攻擊方式。為了能夠瞭解此種攻擊的行為模式,以及提供有效的偵測,我們設計了多步驟事件關聯(Multi-staged Event Correlation)。並且我們將此雛形系統實作在系統單晶片(SoC)的環境下,利用硬體加速字串比對模組功能以提高整體系統效能。根據實驗評估,我們系統不論在處理速度以及偵測能力上都超越Snort的表現。As technologies are greatly advanced, more and more individuals and companies rely on Internet for communication and business. However, with the continuous disclosure of vulnerabilities associated with computers and network systems, network security has become an increasing important issue. Intrusion Detection System (IDS) plays an important role in addressing these security problems by providing timely identification of potential attacks and effective responses. Among IDSs currently available, rule-based technique is most popular due to the convenience in inserting or modifying rules incrementally for newly discovered intrusions. However, traditional IDS used a stateless approach in which network traffic is inspected packet by packet and compared with numerous rules to identify possible attacks. With the growing popularity and variety of intrusions, these simple pattern-matching techniques may not be sufficient to detect sophisticated attacks. Thus, we consider that there is a need to develop a stateful IDS for high speed network. We adopt the idea of stateful inspection that continuously inspects content of packets with memory of related ones and maintains the current “state” information to detect and analyze intrusions in an integrated way. Besides stateful TCP inspection, we also provide application layer stateful inspection to understand the complete network behavior. Moreover, we thoroughly study on multi-staged event correlation and proposed an approach to fully realize and effectively detect multi-stage attacks. Furthermore, we implement the prototype system on a System-on-a-Chip (SoC) and offload CPU-intensive string matching function to the FPGA based hardware component to boost the performance. Through intensive evaluations, our designed IDS is shown outperforming snort in terms of effective and efficiency.謝詞 I 論文摘要 II THESIS ABASTRACT III Contents IV List of Tables VII List of Figures VIII Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1. Intrusion Detection System 1 1.2. Motivation 2 1.3. Goal 6 1.4. Thesis Organization 6 Chapter 2 Literature Survey 7 2.1 Stateful Intrusion Detection System 7 2.1.1. Snort 7 2.1.2. State Transition Analysis Technique (STAT) 9 2.1.3. Bro 10 2.2 Hardware-based Intrusion Detection System 12 2.2.1. Hardware-based TCP/IP Content Scanning System 12 2.2.2. Hardware-based Network Node IDS (NNIDS) 14 2.3 Event Correlation 15 2.3.1. Alert Correlation by Similarity 16 2.3.2. Alert Correlation by Prerequisites and Consequences 17 2.3.3. Alert Correlation by Attack Graphs 18 2.3.4. Active Event Correlation 20 Chapter 3 Design of Stateful High Speed Intrusion Detection System 22 3.1 Stateful Inspection 22 3.2 Efficient Rule-matching 26 3.3 Event Correlation 27 Chapter 4 Multi-staged Event Correlation 29 4.1 Lifespan of Correlated Intrusion Events 29 4.2 Example Attacks 32 4.2.1. Sadmind DDoS 32 4.2.2. Sasser Worm 33 4.2.3. Netsky Worm 35 4.3 Characterization of Multi-stage Attack 36 4.4 Multi-staged Event Correlation 38 Chapter 5 Prototype Intrusion Detection System 40 5.1 Development Environment 40 5.2 Software Architecture 41 5.2.1. Cooperation of Rule-matching, State Transition Update, and Event Correlation 44 5.2.2. Implementation of Rule Matching Module 45 5.2.3. Protocol Finite State Machines 52 5.3 Hardware Architecture 59 5.3.1. Block RAM Design 60 5.3.2. String Matching Procedure 62 5.3.3. Performance Evaluation of Hardware Implementation 63 Chapter 6 Performance Evaluation 65 6.1 Evaluation Environment 65 6.2 Evaluation of Efficiency 66 6.2.1. UDP Throughput 66 6.2.2. TCP Throughput 69 6.2.3. FTP Throughput 71 6.3 Evaluation of Effectiveness 71 6.3.1. LLDOS 1.0 72 6.3.2. LLDOS 2.0.2 75 Chapter 7 Conclusion and Future Work 76 References 78 簡歷 8


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    [[abstract]]雖然台灣目前經濟持續低靡使得經濟生態以及各大行業陷入困局,然而根據經濟部統計處相關資料顯示,台灣在零售業各方面仍然維持正成長,其中以量販店最為明顯,因此本研究希望藉由問卷調查,希望能夠探討出再購意願是否與商品促銷、品牌形象及知覺價值有相當程度的關係;本研究使用SPSS軟體進行分析,將問卷之結果進行分析後,所得到結論為: 商品促銷對於消費者的再購意願有顯著性的正向影響 品牌形象對於消費者的再購意願有顯著性的正向影響 知覺價值對於消費者的再購意願有顯著性的正向影響 不同的人口統計變數對於量販店消費者的再購意願、商品促銷、品牌形象及知覺價值有顯著性的差異存在