5 research outputs found

    Enhancing the execution of low-carbon economic policy from policy formulation perspective:Based on the research of Xiamen City

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    十七届五中全会公报明确提出,把建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会作为加快转变经济发展方式的重要着力点,其核心是低碳经济。我国许多省份和城市已开始制定低碳经济政策,如何能够能够提高低碳经济政策的执行力是一个值得深入研究的问题。理论和实践证明,政策制定是影响低碳经济政策的执行力的重要因素。本文从分析政策制定与低碳经济政策执行力的相互作用关系入手,结合案例,分析低碳经济政策制定的成效以及所面临的问题,最后提出改善措施。本文将从以下几个部分展开论述: 第一部分为绪论,指出了本文的选题背景、研究目的、研究的理论及现实意义;对低碳经济政策、公共政策制定以及政策执行力等基本概念进行了界定;对近年来的国内外相关...The seventh session of the Fifth Plenary Session communique clearly stated, the construction of a resource-saving and environment-friendly society as an important focal point to accelerate the transformation of economic development, which is the common pursuit of the development of human civilization, its core is low-carbon economy. Low-carbon run into the basic requirements of the development mod...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:公共事务学院公共管理系_行政管理学号:1392009115046


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    Surveillance on Waterfowl Avian Influenza

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    本計劃依各縣市水禽飼養比率及不同季節採集統計上足量之水禽血清樣品,分別以ELISA、AGP及HI tests測定禽流感抗體抗體並做亞型鑑定,抗體陽性場追蹤採糞材行反轉錄鋂禽流感之病毒檢測及亞型鑑定。Sera samples will be collected seasonally from all over the country. Avian influenza antibody of ELISA, agar gel precipitation (AGP), and hemagglutination inhibition (HI) test. Fecal samples will be collected from the antibody positive flocks, and then subjected to RT-PCR for AIV detection and subserotype determination


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    Sera samples will be collected seasonally from all over the country. Avian influenza antibody of ELISA, agar gel precipitation (AGP), and hemagglutination inhibition (HI) test. Fecal samples will be collected from the antibody positive flocks, and then subjected to RT-PCR for AIV detection and subserotype determination. Domestic turkeys will detects for serological antiboies to avian influenza virus in Taiwan, sampling 20 from each group or farm to testing with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The antibody prevalence will be analyzing as a data for prevention of AI. The turkey farms showed positive reaction after serum detection will be test to viral isolation and sub-serotyping, this farm will going to sera monitoring.對水禽類動物鴨、鵝.雞及火雞共計265場,6000支肛門拭子或血清分別以應用反轉錄聚合

    Surveillance on Turkey, Ostrich and Waterfowl Avian Influenza

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    對水禽類動物鴨、鵝.雞及火雞共計265場,6000支肛門拭子或血清分別以應用反轉錄聚合鋂鏈進行檢測病毒核酸,而血清則以免疫酵素分析法及AGP等方法進行禽流感抗體之監測,如為陽性反應之檢體病進行亞型之鑑定,陽性率過高之場別,擬進行現場採集檢體進行病毒分離及以應用反轉錄聚合鋂鏈進行檢測,以早期發現未曾在台灣發生者,或者在台灣已成為地方性疾病,但有爆發成流行之趨勢者。透過台灣區人工飼養鴕鳥協會及專業獸醫師,進行鴕鳥之死亡及飼養失敗病例之收集。並進行病理之解剖、病因之探討及病原分離與鑑定。並就環境、病理學、病原所得之資料進行分析,提出解決之建議方案。Sera samples will be collected seasonally from all over the country. Avian influenza antibody of ELISA, agar gel precipitation (AGP), and hemagglutination inhibition (HI) test. Fecal samples will be collected from the antibody positive flocks, and then subjected to RT-PCR for AIV detection and subserotype determination. Domestic turkeys will detects for serological antiboies to avian influenza virus in Taiwan, sampling 20 from each group or farm to testing with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The antibody prevalence will be analyzing as a data for prevention of AI. The turkey farms showed positive reaction after serum detection will be test to viral isolation and sub-serotyping, this farm will going to sera monitoring. In this project, we will cooperate with Taiwan Domestic Ostrich Association and employ a professional veterinarian to propagate the important of monitoring disease. We will collect clinical case ofostrichs and analysis the aetiology to establish the disease database of ostrich in Taiwan