220 research outputs found


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    The comparison of several current references and a design of high precision CMOS current reference

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    本文介绍并分析了几种典型的电流源结构,并设计了一种具有良好稳定性和高精度的CMOS基准电流源。在高精度的基准电流源电路中使用了带隙电路,使电路获得一个不受电源电压、温度和工艺参数影响的基准电压,然后通过电压—电流转换电路获得稳定的基准电流。HSPICE的仿真结果表明:当温度从-55℃到125℃变化时,电流输出仅变化了0.004。This paper compared several typical current references and designed a CMOS current reference circuit with good stability and high precision. The use of bandgap circuit in the high precision current reference circuit produces a voltage reference which isn't affected by supply voltage, temperature and technology characteristics. The voltage reference is transformed into current reference by voltage to current transformation circuit. The HSPICE simulation results show that the circuit can provide an output current reference with a variation 0.004over a temperature range from -55 to 125℃

    基于PXA270嵌入式系统的Windows CE引导程序设计

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    PXA270处理器是一款Intel公司新近推出的32位微处理器,具有高性能、低功耗等优点,已开始广泛应用于以手持终端为代表的嵌入式系统开发中。Windows CE是目前手持终端等嵌入式系统主要采用的操作系统之一,要在基于PXA270处理器的手持终端产品中实现Windows CE系统的设计开发,关键在于如何设计实现Windows CE引导程序(即E-boot)。本文首先介绍基于PXA270处理器的嵌入式系统开发板(ARM-XMU)的基本架构和引导程序启动的基本原理、流程,分析该嵌入式系统启动所需的E-boot代码及其关键技术问题,并根据PXA270处理器的频率配置及存储器控制等特性,通过移植及优化,设计出适用于ARM-XMU开发板的引导程序,验证实现了一种基于Windows CE的手持终端系统

    Abundance and production of bacteria and their correlations with environmental factor

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    以2014年8月南海北部海水样品为研究对象,利用平板计数法和流式细胞仪计数法对南海北部表层和垂直海域可培养细菌和细菌总数分布状况进行研究,对细菌; 生产力进行测定,并结合环境因子进行相关性分析。结果表明:珠江口到南海北部海域,水平方向可培养细菌总数变化范围是3.70*10~2 ~; 1.42*10~3 CFU/mL,细菌总数变化范围是5.12 * 10~5 ~1.61 * 10~6; cells/mL,细菌生产力的变化范围是0.03 ~0.40 mg/m~3/h;垂直方向上可培养细菌变化范围是1.08 *10~3 ~9.00; *10~3 CFU/mL,细菌生产力变化范围是0.01 ~0.08; mg/m~3/h,其中表层海水中的细菌生产力明显高于底层。与环境因子相关性分析表明,水平方向上,影响南海北部表层海水细菌总数和细菌生产力的主要因; 素是温度、盐度、硝酸盐(NO_3-N)、硅酸盐(SiO_3-Si)、亚硝酸盐(NO_2-N)和磷酸盐(PO_4-P)(P<0.05);垂直方向上; ,影响南海北部可培养细菌总数的主要因素是NO_2-N(P<0.05),影响细菌生产力的主要影响因素是温度和盐度(P; <0.05)。可见,南海北部表层海水中细菌总数高于可培养细菌总数2; ~3个数量级,表明该海域表层海水存在大量不可培养细菌;细菌的生命活动在海水表层相较底层更为活跃。Distribution of abundance and production of bacteria and their; correlations with environmental factor were investigated, using plate; count method and flow cytometry, in the surface and vertical waters of; the northern south China sea in August 2014. The cultivable bacterial; abundance ranged from 3.70 * 10~2 CFU/mL to 1.42 * 10~3 CFU/ mL, the; total bacterial abundance ranged from 5.12 * 10~5 cells/mL to 1.61 *; 10~6 cells/mL and the bacterial productions varied from 0.03 mg/m~3/h to; 0.40 mg/m~3/h in horizontal distribution. In vertical distribution, the; cultivable bacterial abundance ranged from 1.08 * 10~3 CFU/mL to 9.00 *; 10~3 CFU/mL and the bacterial productions varied from 0.01 mg/m~3/h to; 0.08 mg/m~3/h, respectively. The correlation analysis results showed; that the environmental factors affecting the abundance of total bacteria; and bacterial productivity included temperature, salinity,; nitrate(NO_3-N),silicate (SiO_3-Si), nitrite (NO_2-N),and phosphate; (PO_4-P) (P<0.05). NO_2-N was the main influencing factor to cultivable; bacteria abundance (P < 0.05), while bacterial productivity was highly; correlated with temperature and salinity in vertical distribution of; northern south China sea (P < 0.05). The total bacterial abundance was 2; ~ 3 orders of magnitude higher than cultivable bacteria, suggesting that; there were many uncultured bacterium in surface water of northern south; China sea and bacterial activities in the surface maybe more active than; in the bottom.全球变化与海气交互作用; 国家重点研发计划全球变化及应对专项; 海洋公益性行业科研专

    Proteomic Analysis of Rice Cultivar Jiafuzhan in the Responses to Xanthomonas campestris pv.oryzicola Infection

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    作者简介: 陈芳育(1978-) , 男, 讲师。E-mail : cfy307@ sohu. com * 通讯作者(Corresponding author) : 陈亮( 1963-) , 男, 教授, 博士生导师, 研究方向: 细胞与分子生物学。E-mail: chenlg@ xmu. edu. cn[中文文摘]运用双向电泳分析高抗水稻品种“佳辐占”受强毒力细菌性条斑病病原菌侵染2d后的叶片蛋白质组变化,共发现38个蛋白质发生差异表达,其中32个上调,5个下调,1个新增。用MALDI-TOF-MS分析和数据库检索鉴定出其中的33个差异表达蛋白质,并将它们分为4个功能类群,即信号转导相关蛋白、防卫相关蛋白、代谢相关蛋白和蛋白质稳定相关蛋白。这些蛋白分别参与了信号识别、信号传递、抗氧化、糖代谢、细胞壁加固、植保素合成等抗病生理反应。研究表明,水稻对细菌性条斑病病原菌的侵染存在着一个复杂的抗病信号应答和代谢调控网络,其作用机理可以通过差异表达的蛋白质(酶)反映出来,其中差异表达的8个R蛋白和3个PR蛋白可能与水稻对细菌性条斑病的抗病性密切相关。本研究为进一步揭示水稻对细菌性条斑病的抗性机理及相关抗病基因的功能克隆提供了依据。[英文文摘]Rice bacterial leaf streak( BLS) caused by the pathogen Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola ( Xooc) is one of the major rice diseases in South China. Here we focus on proteomics as a tool for the discovery of differentially expressed proteins closely related to the disease resistance. The leaves of rice cultivar Jiafuzhan (Oryzae sativa L. ) highly resistant to the disease, were infected by"89773-1- 1" strain of the Xooc with strong pathogenicity. Total proteins were extracted from the leaves sampled at two days after inoculation, and separated by two- dimensional electrophoresis. It was found that there were thirty- eight proteins expressed differentially, of which thirty-two were up-regulated, five down-regulated and one was "new". Of the thirty- eight responsive proteins, thirty-three were identified by MALD-I TOF-MS and database searching.Based on the predicted function, we grouped them into four clusters: signal transduction, defensive responses, substance metabolism and protein stabilization, which were involved in many resistant physiological react ions, including signal recognition and transduction, antioxidant react ion, carbonhydrate metabolism, cel-l wall reinforcement and phytoalexin biosythesis. In turn a complex signal transduct ion and metabolic regulative network in the resistant responses to the infection of Xooc was outlined in this work, and the molecular mechanism was revealed by differentially expressed protein/enzyme patterns during Xooc infection. In this study, eight R proteins and three pathogenesis- related(PR) proteins which might relate closely to the disease-resistance were found. This result provides us the basic information to further reveal the resistant mechanism and conduct functional cloning of the resistan-t related genes in rice to BLS.生物农药与化学生物学教育部重点实验室( 福建农林大学) 开放课题基金项目( KF0411


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    不良资产的存在已日益成为引发我国金融风险的导火索 ,我国新近成立的资产管理公司的初衷也正是为此。但我国国内资本市场的滞后使得资金的瓶颈无法冲破 ,这也直接地影响到不良资产处置的顺利进行。文章旨在对外资参与过程中可能出现的一些问题予以揭示 ,并提出相关立法建议以期对之加以保障

    Design of a Fully Differential CMOS Switched-capacitor Integrator for Temperature Sense IC

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    设计了一种应用于温度传感芯片的全差分开关电容积分器.在温度传感芯片中,Δ-Σ调制器接收温度传感模块输出电压信号,并将模拟的电压信号转换成对应的数字信号.全差分开关电容积分器是Δ-Σ调制器中最核心的元件,它把接收到的温度传感器模块输出的模拟信号转换为数字信号.在开关电容积分器的实际设计中,存在MOS开关的导通电阻和电荷注入、时钟溃通、采样尖峰等非理想因素.本文对这些非理想因素做了详细的分析,设计了一种全差分的开关电容积分器,可以抵消开关电容中电荷注入和时钟溃通带来的电压误差.同时,本文设计了一种全差分共源共栅放大器,可以很好的满足积分器的要求,从而提高整个系统的性能.A fully differential CMOS switched-capacitor integrator for temperature sense IC is proposed and analyzed.In the temperature sense IC,Δ-ΣA/D modulator receives the voltage signal from the temperature sensor,and transforms the analog signal to digital signal.Fully differential CMOS switched-capacitor integrator is the main part of the Δ-ΣA/D modulator.It can realize to transform the analog signal received from the temperature sensor to digital.In the practical design process,there are some non-ideal elements with switched-capacitor integrator,such as non-zero Ron,charge injection error,sampling spike and clock feed-through,etc.All of these non-ideal elements were analyzed in this paper and a fully differential was then presented,which can reduce the charge injection error of MOS switches,clock feed-through and non-ideal performance of operational amplifier.The realization of fully differential folded-cascode operational amplifier can improve the performance of the integrator by which the high performance of the whole system can be achieved

    An Improved Bandgap Voltage Reference with High PSRR

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    设计了一种具有良好稳定性和高精度的带隙基准电压源电路。通过启动电路和提高电源抑制比电路的加入,使得带隙基准电压具有较高的电源电压抑制比和较小的温度系数。HSPICE仿真结果表明,在电源电压V_(DD)=3.3V时,在-55℃~125℃的温度范围内,电路得到一个温度系数仅为17×10~(-6)/℃,电源抑制比(PSRR)为79dB的带隙基准电压输出。A bandgap voltage reference circuit with good stability and high accuracy is designed in this pa- per.The inclusion of the start up circuit and PSRR enhancement circuit enables it to achieve a low temperature coefficient and high PSRR.The HSPICE simulation results show that the circuit can obtain a stable output volt- age with a PSRR of 79 and a temperature coefficient of 17×10~(-6)/℃over the temperature range from-55 to 125℃when the supply voltage is 3.3 V

    核物质状态方程中动量相关作用可能的探针;Possible probe on the momentum dependent interaction in the equation of state of nuclear matter

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