7 research outputs found
Study of Glucose Sensor for Multi-Parameter Biochemical Measuring Micro System
基于生物酶催化的电化学电流检测原理对人体血液生化参数进行测试.利用MEMS技术将电极、酶、反应室以及微型流路等单片集成,研制单一生物芯片的多电极酶传感器目的是同时测定人体血液的多个生化参数.本文主要介绍传感器芯片的工作原理、结构设计、加工技术及初步实验结果,其中葡萄糖在磷酸盐缓冲盐水(PBS)中的测试范围为1~30 m*mol/L,可以满足临床血糖检测的要求
Study of Starch-base Degradable Plastics Ⅱ ──Accelerated Aging Test of PE Plastics Filled With Starch In Ultraviolet Light
[中文文摘]研究了光敏剂诱发PE光降解机理以及改性淀粉、顺丁烯二酸酐等对填充PE塑料相态结构的影响;紫外光加速老化过程中试样拉伸强度、断裂伸长率随组成、光照时间的变化关系;认为合理地协调各填充组分的用量和关系,可实现填充PE塑料紫外光降解性能的可控制性。[英文文摘]The mechanism of photodegradation induced by photosensitizer and the effect of the modified starch and maleic anhydride on the phase structure of PE plastics filled with starch were studied. The relationships of the tensile strength and elongation at rupture and with composition and lighting duration of PE plastics filled with starch were also discussed. The results suggested that the controllability of photodegradation of PE plastics filled with starch in ultraviolet light could be achieved through harmonizing the content and relation of filled components reasonably
Study of Starch- base Degradable PlasticsⅢ——Degraded Test In The Environment
[中文文摘]对所设计的可环境降解塑料进行了大量的现场环境降解实验 ,包括大气直接曝露老化试验和埋土降解试验 ,获得了许多有意义的结果 .结果表明 ,各填充组分与 PE组成的复合材料 ,经大气直接曝露老化后再埋土将使降解性能得到显著的体现 ,经对各填充组分的合理设计 ,可望获得时控光 /生物降解塑料.[英文文摘]A mass of degraded tests of the degradable plastics designed in these papers in the real environment including aging test in atmosphere and degraded test in soil were carried through, which provided a large number of first hand data, and some good degradation efficiency were observed from them. The tests indicated that the composite materials composed with various additives and PE plastics designed in this paper possessed better degradable performance when they were embedded into soil after being exposed in atmosphere than embedded into soil directly. It was achieved to control photo and biodegradable plastics through devising each filled component reasonably
Study of Starch-base Degradable Plastics I—— Physical Modification of Starch and Phase Structure of PE Filled with Starch
[中文文摘]研究了偶联剂对淀粉的物理改性 ,改性淀粉加入量对填充 PE塑料体系相态结构、力学性能的影响 ,认为偶联剂的加入量大于淀粉含量的 1.0 %时 ,可获得具有较好的对 L L DPE掺混性的疏水化改性淀粉 ;提出了物理改性淀粉、增容剂等填充 PE塑料多组份共混体系的“夹心面包”模型和Al3 + 与淀粉间的配位络合物模型.[英文文摘]Physical modification with coupling agent of starch and the effect of the content of the modified starch on the phase structures and the mechanical properties of PE Plastics filled with starch was studied.It is suggested that the hydrophobic modified starch in the nature of good compatibility with L LDPE can be obtained when the amountof coupling agent is more the1 .0% .The layer bread model of the multicomponent blended system of PE plastics filled with physical modified starch,compatilizer and so on, and the coordination complex model between Al3+ and Starch were proposed
本文报告了采用超顺排碳纳米管场发射电子源实现射频离子微推进器离子束流中和控制的研究工作。所报道的超顺排碳纳米管场发射电子源可以在400~500 V的电压下输出约数毫安的电子流,可以满足推进器的中和任务要求,在轨性能良好。具有发射电压低,发射电流大,工作稳定可靠的特点