15 research outputs found

    Heavy metals contamination in fish from coral reef ecosystem and ecology risk evaluation

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    为研究海南珊瑚礁区重金属的污染现状,选择鱼类为污染指示物,测定珊瑚礁区的5种鱼体中Cr、Mn、Cu、zn、AS、Pb和Hg 7种重金属的含量,并采用单因子污染指数法(PI)对重金属的污染状况进行了风险评价。研究结果显示,不同鱼类对同种重金属元素的富集能力存在较大差异,同种鱼对不同重金属元素的富集能力也存在差异。珊瑚礁区鱼类重金属的污染程度由强到弱的顺序为:Cr>AS>Mn>Hg>zn>Cu>Pb;鱼类的鳃和内脏器官比肌肉更容易蓄积重金属。珊瑚礁区生物富集作用最明显的为Cr和AS。PI结果表明海南珊瑚礁区鱼体重金属Cr的污染严重,AS中度污染,其他重金属基本无污染或轻度污染。To study the pollution status quo of heavy metals in coral reef ecosystem in Hainan Island,concentrations of heavy metals including Cr,Mn,Cu,Zn,As,Pb,and Hg in wild fish were determined.Single factor pollution index(Pi) was employed to evaluate the heavy metal pollution level.The results showed that enriched degree of the heavy metals in fish can be ranked from high to low as Cr>As>Mn>Hg>Zn>Cu>Pb;heavy metals prefer to be accumulated in gill and viscera.Obvious bioaccumulation of Cr and As in fish of coral reef ecosystem was observed.Pi indicated that coral reef ecosystem in Hainan Island has been heavily polluted by Cr and moderately polluted by As.Other metals have shown no pollution or slight pollution.中国博士后科学基金(2012M510201); 中国科学院百人计划资助项目(2060299); 中国科学院南海海洋研究所知识创新工程领域前沿项目(50601-31); 王宽诚教育基金会对本工作的资


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    There is a marked comorbidity between alcohol abuse and eating disorders, especially in the young population. We have previously reported that bingeing on fat during adolescence increases the rewarding effects of ethanol (EtOH). The aim of the present work was to study if vulnerability to EtOH persists after cessation of binge eating. OF1 mice binged on fat (HFB: high-fat binge) during adolescence (PND 25-43) and were tested for 15 days after the last access to HFB (on PND 59) using the self-administration paradigm, the conditioned place preference (CPP) and locomotor sensitization to ethanol. Our results showed that after 15 days of cessation of fat ingestion, mice increased their consumption of ethanol and showed greater motivation to obtain ethanol. On the other hand, no effects were observed in the CPP, while an increased locomotor response to ethanol was detected. The present results confirm and extend our previous study demonstrating that the compulsive intake of fat induces long-lasting effects on the reward system that lead to an increased consumption of EtOH


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