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    [中文文摘]福建有丰富的瓷土资源和悠久的制陶历史。长久以来,福建在艺术陶瓷、日用陶瓷、建筑卫生陶瓷和普通电瓷等传统陶瓷行业,在国内占有重要地位。近年来,产品升级的需求、世界金融危机引发的陶瓷产品市场的变化、闽清瓷土资源的逐渐枯竭,给福建传统陶瓷业带来了冲击,面临着优化和升级。基本上不需要瓷土资源、有高附加值、有可能得到国家长期支持的精细陶瓷产业,在福建有着发展的机遇。[英文文摘]Fujian province, in the southeast China, has a long history in ceramics with plenty of Kaolin resource. For a long time, it plays an important role in Chinese industry in the area of traditional ceramics such as artistic ceramics,daily -use ceramics,building and sanitary ceramics and general electrical ceramics.In recent years, however, the development and pgrading in technology, the product market' change being caused by worldwide financial crisis, and the use-up in Kaolin resource have brought a shock to the traditional ceramic industry in Fujian, which have to, herefore, be optimized and upgraded. Consequently, the fine ceramic industry in Fujian, which needs less or nearly no Kaolin resource and has a high added-value and can be likely to obtain a long-term support from the government,may have a potential opportunity for further development

    Preparation and Characterization of Agglomerate-free YAG:Ce~(3+) Phosphor by Co-precipitating and Spray Drying

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    作者简介: 郜盛夏(1985- ) ,男,河南商丘人, 主要从事固体发光材料方面的研究。 E-mail: gao_shengxia@hotma i.l com, T e:l ( 0592) 2184419 通讯联系人; E-mail:[email protected],Te:l ( 0592 ) 2184419[中文文摘]采用共沉淀-喷雾干燥法制备YAG∶Ce3+荧光粉。前驱体经热处理、研磨、酸洗碱洗后形成荧光粉。研究了前驱体料浆浓度、热处理条件、研磨、酸洗碱洗对粉末晶相、颗粒形貌、粒度和发光性能的影响。研究发现:料浆浓度为0.2,0.4,0.6 mol/L时,前驱体颗粒形貌分别呈碎屑、光滑和褶皱状球形;无团聚光滑球形前驱体经1 100℃热处理4 h后,XRD未检测到杂相;继续升温至1 550℃,荧光粉相对亮度随之提高;酸洗碱洗能够去除碎屑,获无团聚荧光粉,提高相对亮度。[英文文摘]Co-precipitation together with spray dry processing was introduced to prepare YAG∶Ce3+ precursor first time.YAG∶Ce3+ phosphor could be obtained after heat-treating,milling and further acid and alkali washing.Effects of spray suspension concentration,heat treatment temperature and the acid and alkali washing on particle morphology,type of crystal phase and photoluminescence(PL) intensity of the powder were investigated.The precursor particles appeared nearly spherical balls with fragments in the surface,smoo or rugged ones when the concentration of spray suspension w as 0. 2, 0. 4 and 0. 6 mo l/L, respectively. YAG phase could be obta ined by heattreating the smooth spherical precursor at 1 100℃ for 4 h. The PL intensity of the powder raised w ith heattreating temperature increased up to 1 550℃ . Agglomeratefree YAG:Ce3+ phosphor with good preferences could be obtained by acid and a lkaliw ashingw hich could remove scraps adhering on particles and break aggregates between them.福建省科技重大专项(2005HZ02-2)资助项

    YAG:Ce~(3+) phosphor prepared by spray drying then heat treatment at high temperature

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    通讯作者:曾人杰 作者简介:陈少云(1985-),女,福建漳州人,在读硕士,师承曾人杰教授,主要从事发光材料的研究。[中文文摘]以喷雾干燥-高温热处理两步法,由含聚合铝阳离子的前驱体悬浊液,制得了YAG∶Ce3+荧光粉。用XRD、SEM、荧光光谱等研究了热处理温度、前驱体悬浊液浓度对YAG晶相的形成、粉末颗粒形貌及发光性能的影响。发现前驱体悬浊液浓度由0.03mol/L提高到0.09mol/L时,热处理后所得荧光粉颗粒尺寸增大,并趋近球形;前驱体悬浊液浓度为0.09mol/L,热处理温度从1300℃提高到1500℃时,荧光粉相对亮度提高。YAG∶Ce3+粉末900℃热处理2h可获YAG相;所制备的YAG∶Ce3+荧光粉颗粒无空心,团聚程度低。[英文摘要]YAG:Ce3+ phosphor was prepared by spray drying and then heat treatment at high temperature from a suspension including aluminum polycation.Effects of the heat treatment temperature and the suspension concentration on YAG phase formation,the particle morphology and the luminescence properties of the phosphor were analyzed by XRD,SEM and fluorescence spectra.Results showed that the particle size increased and the morphology tended to spherical when the suspension concentration increased from 0.03mol/L to 0.09m0l/L.The relative brightness of phosphors increased when the heat treat temperature increased from 1300℃ to 1500℃ for 2h at the suspension concentration of  0.09mol/L.The YAG phase could be obtained after heat treatment at 900℃ for 2h.No hollow had been observed inside the particle of YAG∶Ce3+ phosphor and the powder was low aggregation.福建省科技重大专题资助项目(2005HZ02-2