7 research outputs found

    Ultrastructural localization of ATPase Activity in Anther of Photoperiod-sensitive genic male-sterile rice(Oryza sativa L. Japonica)

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    光敏核不育水稻(OryzasativaL.Japonica)是一种花药育性受光照调控的特殊水稻种质,具有重要的育种实用价值与光调节的雄性不育机制研究价值,受到高度的重视。本论文采用磷酸铅沉淀法研究光敏核不育水稻可育和不育花药发育过程中ATPase的分布动态,以求探索该种水稻花药育性转换受光周期调节的机理。主要实验结果如下:在可育花药的小孢子母细胞时期,花药维管束中的导管与筛管刚开始分化,维管束细胞中的ATPase很少;组成花药药壁的四层细胞已分化,ATPase主要集中在表皮细胞中;绒毡层细胞的ATPase主要分布于细胞核与其外切向壁上;小孢子母细胞中的ATPase主要分布于细胞核中。小孢子母细...Fertility of photoperiod-sensitive genic male-sterile rice (PGMR) is controlled by daylength. Because of its great potential economic value in rice breeding and the significance of exploring the mechanism of photoperiod- regulated male-sterility, PGMR has received a great deal of concernment. In this study, lead nitrate was used to locate ATPase in fertile and sterile anthers of PGMR (Oryza sativa...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_细胞生物学学号:20012602

    A Review of Advances in Signal Transduction in Pollen Tubes during the Self-incompatibility Response of Higher Plants

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    高等植物自交不亲和反应是由基因控制、避免发生自花授粉的一种机制。本文介绍以虞美人为主的高等植物在自交不亲和反应中肌动蛋白骨架的动态变化及Ca2+的时空变化,着重阐述花粉管生长被抑制的最初信号传导。Self-incompatibility (SI) is a genetically control mechanism that regulates the rejection of itself pollen to germinate. Some studies on the actin cytoskeleton and Ca2+ alterations in pollen tube of Papaver rhoeas during SI response are reviewed in this paper. The signal transduction mediating the inhibition of pollen tube growth is also described.国家自然科学基金(30170060)资

    In vitro Fertilization as a Technique Platform Used in the Research of Sexual Reproduction of Angiosperms

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    被子植物的离体受精10a前在玉米中已获得成功,尽管目前只在玉米获得完全成功和小麦获得部分成功,但离体受精技术的研究成果非常显著。目前离体受精技术已被用于其他的研究,如用分离的精细胞和卵细胞筛选配子细胞的特异基因和蛋白质;研究合子细胞被激活的机理;用不同种植物的精、卵细胞体外融合进行新的远缘杂交尝试;利用合子细胞易分裂和胚胎发生特征探索用其作为转基因研究的受体细胞等。以离体受精技术为基础在高等植物发育生物学和生殖生物学领域的基础研究和应用探索显示了巨大潜力。介绍了离体受精技术在被子植物有性生殖的研究成果和应用前景,为研究和利用被子植物有性生殖过程中的生殖细胞特征提供线索。In vitro fertilization technique using male and female gametes completely isolated from their paternal and maternal structures has been developed for ten years. Using electric fusion, zygote, embryo and fertile plants of maize can now be produced in vitro from individual fusions of pairs of sperm and egg cells. The culture conditions allow control of the parameters of fertilization and early steps of zygote development. Although this technique was successfully performed only in maize it helped us to understand a lot of information about fertilization mechanism of higher plants. Following successful isolating male and female gametes and culturing artificial zygote, in vitro fertilization as a research platform can be extended to more purposes in the research of sexual reproduction in higher plants. We knew the phenomenon of sperm dimorphism in many plants and also confirmed the preferential fertilization of both sperm cells in Plumbago zeylanica since 1985. We, however, know nothing for molecular mechanism of gamete recognition in higher plants. Now the special genes of male and female gametes, and zygote can be screened out using isolated gametes, which changes the research method from cell structure to molecular level. Zygote activation is a very interesting topic in plant developmental biology. But it is difficult to probe the mechanism of zygote activation because egg cell and zygote are imbedded deeply in ovules. Using microculture of zygote from both in vivo and in vitro created, the zygote can be observed on schedule and manipulated usingmodern biological techniques. The first confirmed zygote activation was free calcium change at the beginning of development after fusion of both male and female gametes of maize. Fertile plants can be easily developed from few zygotes under in vitro condition by means of embryogenesis, which is greatly interested in transgenic study in higher plants. In vitro fertilization and zygote culture also have great potential in overcoming incompatibilities of interspecies barriers in creating new hybrid plants. The fusion of isolated gametes from different plants can create a artificial hybrid zygote which can not be obtained from normally sexual crossing. This review describes the significant advances in in vitro fertilization in the research of sexual plant reproduction of angiosperms and discusses its use in plant improvement in higher plants.国家自然科学基金(30170060)

    Determination of Humidity of Particulate Materials by the Method of Coaxial Cavity Perturbation

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    导出开路端外导体加长的λ/4同轴腔受颗粒状介质微扰的频偏近似计算公式,并在实验上测出不同湿度不同颗粒大小黄豆的频偏值.理论计算及实验均表明,如用上述腔体的过极限圆波导段做容器,由于过极限圆波导中电磁场沿纵向按指数率衰减,当选择合适的衰减系数α,在通常的黄豆等粮食颗粒的线度变化范围内,填充一层颗粒状介质所产生的频偏值随颗粒半径r的变化不大.应用此种腔体测量颗粒状介质湿度,可以在一定范围内消除粒度大小和形状的影响.The approximate Formula For calculating Frequency shiFt by the perturbation method of coaxial cavity ,which has a extended outer conductor,is deduced ,and the experimental results For Frequency shiFt measurement of soybeans with diFFerent radii under with diFFerent levels of humidity are presented.IF the section of cut ofF circular waveguide above mentioned is used as a vessel,the electromagnetic Field in it would attenuate exponentially along the longitudinal direction.When the attenuation constant is selected suitably ,the Frequency shiFt caused by Filling a layer of particulate material in it has little to do with the measured object′s radius R iF soybeans,peanuts and so on were used as sample.For this reason,such a cavity can be used For measuring humidity of some particulate material ,which can eliminate the inFluence of its size and shape to some extent.福建省自然科学基

    The Primary Observation of Calcium Distribution During the Anther Development of Tobacco

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    在烟草花药发育过程中,用焦锑酸钾沉淀的松弛结合钙显示出了一个与花药发育事态有关的动态:在孢原细胞时期的花药中几乎看不到钙颗粒.但到小孢子母细胞时期,花药中开始有钙颗粒沉淀,而且显示出向花药室中流动的迹象.当花粉母细胞进行减数分裂时,花药绒毡层细胞和花粉母细胞中出现了许多的细小钙颗粒.在小孢子发育时期,在绒毡层细胞解体之前,细胞中的钙被集中到小液泡中.在小孢子细胞质中仍有较多的钙颗粒,同时在花粉壁上也有钙颗粒沉积在外壁的基部.到小孢子分裂形成二胞花粉后,细胞质中的钙明显减少.当二胞花粉中的大液泡消失,细胞质中积累淀粉粒以后,花粉中可看到的钙颗粒很少.同时,在花药维管束周围的薄壁细胞中,又出现了较多的钙颗粒,表明花粉对钙离子的需求可能已降低.烟草花药发育过程中钙的动态分布特征暗示着钙参与了调控花粉发育过程,尤其是与小孢子转变过程中的重要事态有密切关系.The feature of calcium distribution during anther development of tobacco was investigated by using potassium antimonate to precipitate "exchangeable cellular Ca~(2+)".Before microspore mother cell,no calcium-induced precipitates were found in sporogenous cells and the cells of anther wall.When microspore mother cell preparing meiosis,abundant calcium precipitates appeared in cytoplasm of tapetal cells and microspore mother cells,and in callus wall surrounding the cells.After the meiosis of microspore mother cell,some calcium grains were first deposited on the surface of early microspores,and many calcium precipitates still located in the tapetum and microspore cells.During the late microspore stage,a big vacuole forms and the nucleus was forced to move to peripheral region.Numerous calcium precipitates were still in cytoplasm and the exine of microspores,but calcium grains in tapetal cells decreased and concentrated in some small vacuoles following tapetum degenerating.After microspore mitosis,bicellular pollen contained a large vegetative cell and a small generative cell,and then the big vacuole disappeared.The precipitates of calcium in cytoplasm of pollen decreased with the cytoplasm becoming densel and the storage materials accumulating.When pollen accumulated starches,only some calcium precipitates were still located on the pollen wall,but a few in cytoplasm.In the meanwhile,some precipitates were accumulated in parenchymatous cells outside the vascular.The feature of calcium distribution during anther development of Nicotiana tabacum meaned that played some biological significance during microspore development.教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金;; 国家自然科学基金(30170060)资

    Ash Content and Caloric Value in Leaves of Garden Bamboo Species

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    [中文文摘]对21种园林竹类植物叶的灰分含量、干重热值和去灰分热值进行研究.结果表明:竹类植物叶的灰分含量较高,在10.02% ~23.02% 之间;竹类植物叶的干重热值在16597.1~19199.0J/g之间,去灰分热值在20352.0~22361.6J/g 之间,刺竹竹属的大佛肚竹(Bam busa vulgaris CV.Wam inii)干重热值和去灰分热值均是最低.竹类植物叶的干重热值(Y)与灰分含量(X)有极显著的线性相关,相关方程为:Y=-209.24X+ 21145, r=0.8917,df=19.[英文文摘] Ash content, gross caloric value and ash free caloric value in leaves of garden bamboo species were discussed in this paper. The results were shown as follows: ash content , gross caloric value and ash free caloric value in leaves of these bamboo species was from 10.02 % to 23.02 % , from 16 597.1 J/g to 19 199.0 J/g and from 20 352.0 J/g to 22 361.6 J/g, respectively. Gross caloric value and ash free caloric value in Bambusa vulgaris cv. waminii leaves were both the lowest. Gross caloric values( Y )were correlated remarkably with ash contents(X) , the regression equation was Y=-209.24X+21145,r=0.8917 ** , d f=19.作者简介: 林益明(1967-) , 男, 副研究员