4 research outputs found

    Development and Evolution of the Russian Sovereign Wealth Funds

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    俄罗斯是世界上第二大石油出口国,21世纪以来石油价格的不断攀升为俄罗斯带来了巨额石油出口收入,带动了国内经济的高速增长。为了平抑石油价格波动对国内经济的影响,俄罗斯于2004年成立了第一支主权财富基金——石油稳定基金。2008年,为了支持养老金体系,石油稳定基金被拆分为储备基金和国家福利基金,前者延续石油稳定基金的功能,后者承担起提升社会保障水平的重任。为尽快摆脱金融危机,俄罗斯计划通过加大国内投资带动经济发展,改善投资环境。于是,第三支主权财富基金——直接投资基金于2011年成立,通过创建一种联合投资模式吸引外资投入。至此,俄罗斯形成了颇具特色的主权财富基金体系,三支基金各司其职,从不同角度...Russia is the second largest oil exporter in the world. Since the 21st century, rising oil prices brought Russia huge oil export revenues, driving the rapid growth of domestic economy. In order to stabilize the impact of oil price fluctuations on domestic economy, Russia's first sovereign wealth fund named Oil Stabilization Fund was established in 2004. In 2008, in order to support the pension sys...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_世界经济学号:1572011115187


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    Investigation of cognitive reappraisal and life satisfaction in patients with chronic hepatitis B

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    目的探讨CHb患者认知重评策略与生活满意度的关系。方法采用情绪调节问卷(ErS)、生活满意度量表(SWlS)、心理韧性量表(Cd-rISC)对130例CHb患者进行施测。结果 CHb患者的认知重评和生活满意度、心理韧性显著相关(P<0.05),认知重评与心理韧性各维度也存在显著相关(P<0.05),且CHb患者的心理韧性在认知重评策略和生活满意度上起完全中介作用。结论CHb患者的认知重评策略通过心理韧性影响患者的生活满意度。Objective To investigate the relationship between cognitive reappraisal and life satisfaction in patients with chronic hepatitis B.Methods Total of 130 outpatients with chronic hepatitis B were consecutively recruited and completed the cognitive emotion regulation questionnaire(ERS), the satisfaction with life scale(SWLS), the connor-davidson resilience scale(CD-RISC).Results The cognitive reappraisal were more strongly correlated with life satisfaction and resilience in patients with chronic hepatitis B(P < 0.05), cognitive reappraisal were more strongly correlated with dimensions of resilience(P < 0.05), the resilience plays the mediation effect on the influences of cognitive reappraisal and life satisfaction.Conclusions Life satisfaction could be directly affected by cognitive reappraisal in patients with chronic hepatitis B by resilience.漳州市自然科学基金科技项目(ZZ2012J29

    生育酚氧化产物生育酚醌的研究进展Progress on tocopherol quinones:crucial oxidized products of tocopherols

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    植物油脂中生育酚含量较为丰富。加热是油脂食用的主要方式(微波、烘箱和煎炸等过程)之一,在此过程中油脂会发生氧化,而生育酚作为抗氧化剂参与氧化进程,生成生育酚醌(TQ),TQ是一类潜在的食品安全危害因子。为食品科研人员科学认识、评价TQ,归纳总结了TQ的检测方法、在食品加工中的生成规律影响因素、细胞毒性及抗氧化活性方面的研究,提出了目前TQ研究存在的问题,并对今后的研究重点作了展望。关于TQ的后续研究应集中于TQ单体的定量检测技术、TQ在食品加工中的迁移规律及其毒性研究等方面。 The content of tocopherols in the vegetable oils is relatively rich. Tocopherol, as an antioxidant, is involved in the oxidation process of oils that occurring during preparation of food (such as microwave heating, baking, frying etc.) to produce tocopherol quinone (TQ). TQ is a kind of potential food safety hazard factors.In order to scientificly understand and evaluate of TQ for the researchers,the detection methods of TQ, the production law factor in food processing, cytotoxicity and antioxidant activity were summarized, the problems existing in the current research on TQ were put forward, and the future research focus was prospected.Follow up studies on TQ should focus on the quantitative detection technology of TQ monomer, the migration law of TQ in food processing, and its toxicity etc