9 research outputs found


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    The Application of Classification Structures in Knowledge Organization and Representation

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    分類是吾人看待世界的視角,亦反映出類表編輯者的世界觀。編輯者將其感興趣的現象與現象間彼此的關係呈現在情境脈絡中,以提供描述、解釋、預測、美學、以及產生新知識等功能。本文在文獻組織不等於知識組織的前提下,首先闡明分類的意義與知識組織的意涵,之後述及分類與知識的呈現和組織之關係,接著比較圖書資訊學界多年來所發展出的各種圖書資訊分類架構呈現知識之能力。唯有了解各種分類架構的特性,才能在知曉其缺點的前提下善用其優點。Classification is a way of seeing the world. In a classification scheme, phenomena of interest are represented in a context of relationships that provide description, explanation, prediction, heuristics, and the generation of new knowledge. Knowing that information organization isn’t equal to knowledge organization, the author first defines the scope of classification and knowledge organization, and then describes the relationship between the classification and the representation and organization of knowledge. At the end, four kinds of classification structures are compared to show their abilities in representing knowledge. In order to utilize these classification structures, it is very important to understand their advantages and disadvantages

    The Application of Citation Analysis to Budget Allocation in Health Science Collection: A Case Study of the Taipei Medical University Library

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    本研究以臺北醫學大學90與91學年度的碩博士論文為對象,分析其文末的參考文獻,計算期被引用的文件之資料類型、語文別、文獻篇數,以探索健康科學相關學科引用文獻之模式,並比較期與國外相關研究之異同。研究結果發現,臺北醫學大學各學院的學位論文,在引用各資料類行文縣的模式上相當一致,引用次數都是依序為期刊、圖書、其他、網路資源;而在引用文獻的語文別方面,亦都是偏好使用外文資料。另外,在圖書館資料類型可得性方面,臺北醫學大學圖書館的期刊資料可得性,在中文與外文期刊方面都是六成左右,而圖書資料方面,中文(46.77%)與外文(29.14%)就有近18個百分點的差異。最後在期刊與圖書資料之經費分配方面,本次研究結果發現,北醫大的各學院學位論文的期刊與圖書資料的引用比為88.5:11.5,而圖書館的實際執行採購經費亦是接近此比例。This study explores the citation pattern of health science related subjects, using the theses and dissertations in 90 and 91 academic years of TMU as the research samples. Findings of this study can not only provide information for decision making of budget allocation in TMU, but also serve as the reference for other medical universities and colleges in Taiwan. Findings of this study has found that the theses and dissertations of colleges in TMU present identical citation patterns, following the order of “journal-monograph-others internet resources” as well as preferring foreign languages as the language used in agitations. Furthermore, in the terms of the availability of library materials, the availability of Chinese and foreign language journals in TMU library is about 60% whereas there is 18% difference between Chinese (46.77%) and foreign language (29.14%) monograph collection. Finally, in the terms of the budget allocations for journals and monograph collection, the results from this study reveal the percentages of the use of theses and dissertations of colleges in TMU are 88.5:11.5. The actual execution of purchase budget in TMU library is about this percentage

    The comparison between LAC and ALA

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    圖書館學會的主要功能在結合圖書館及圖書館從業人員的力量,促進圖書館事業之發展,並在體制外協助圖書館機構達成任務。本文首先列舉臺灣和美國兩地在大環境上的差異,接著由歷史發展、宗旨與任務、組織架構、會員的招募、經費的來源、專業活動、出版品、全球資訊網網站內容等方面分別介紹中國圖書館學會及美國圖書館學會,之後試從大環境的角度來分析比較兩者之異同,文末並對中國圖書館學會提出四項建議。A good library association serves its members, improves the librarianship, and helps library institutions achieving their missions. This article describes the history, missions and goals, organization structure, membership, financial sources, professional activities, publication, and website of the Library Association of China (LAC) and American Library Association (ALA), respectively. Considering social / cultural / political differences between Taiwan and the United Sates, the author then compares these two library associations from the eight factors mentioned above. At the end, suggestions for the LAC are proposed

    Marketing Library and Its Information Services : A Review of Literature

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    本文以文獻分析的方法,研究三十年來行銷概念應用到圖書館及其資訊服務的情況,並將其分為萌芽時期、認知時期、接受時期及普遍時期四個階段。最後筆者提出圖書館行銷相關研究的問題,及其未來的研究發展趨勢做為本文的總結。In this paper, the author tries to investigate the progress of applying marketing concepts to libraries in the past three decades. The author divides the progress into four periods, namely, period of emergence, awareness, acceptance, & pervasion. The final part of this paper is an analysis of the problems involved in this research


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