8,968 research outputs found

    Research on the Supervision Mechanism of Community Care for the Aged Purchased by the Local Government——Based on H County

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    人口老龄化的不断加速和老年人口规模的迅速扩大,使我国面临的老龄化形势越来越严峻。养老服务需求量持续增加与有限的养老资源,养老需求多元化与单一地由政府直接提供服务的方式之间的矛盾逐渐加剧。政府购买居家养老服务以政府出资、社会组织提供服务的形式,将市场机制引入居家养老服务领域,达到满足养老服务需求和转变政府职能的目的。由于我国的政府购买居家养老服务实践时间较短,体制规范尚未健全,尤其是监督机制方面处于缺失状态,存在较大的理论研究空间。建立政府购买养老服务监管机制,保证政府购买养老服务持续健康发展,不仅是完善社会养老服务供给体制的必然要求,也是政府转型过程中提高治理能力的重要体现。 本论文从政府购...As population aging speed accelerating, and elderly population continuously expanding, contradiction between dramatically growing elderly care demands and limited elderly care resources has increased, so as that between diversified elderly care demands and the single way of care providing. Community care for elderly purchased by government introduces market mechanism into the field of government p...学位:公共管理硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_公共管理硕士学号:1392013115039

    A preliminary study on Wee1 kinase protein stability in fission yeast

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    Wee1作为真核生物中调控细胞有丝分裂G2/M期过渡的重要激酶,它的功能可以被Cdc25磷酸酶所拮抗。如果细胞中的Wee1蛋白水平或者活性过高,细胞进入有丝分裂期延迟;而反之则G2期缩短,细胞提前进入有丝分裂期,因此在整个细胞周期中Wee1受到了非常精细地调控。高等生物中的研究表明,Wee1蛋白水平和稳定性受到了SCF的调控。为了研究裂殖酵母中参与调控Wee1激酶蛋白水平的细胞因子,本研究以裂殖酵母这一经典的单细胞真核生物为模式生物,开展了对有丝分裂G2/M过渡时期参与调控Wee1蛋白水平的因子的研究。 首先,我们研究了目前已知的裂殖酵母中的F-box蛋白对于Wee1激酶蛋白水平的影响。通过...Wee1 is an important kinase in the eukaryotes and plays a vital role in mitosis G2/M transition. Its effect is counteracted by phosphatase Cdc25. When the cellular Wee1 protein level or activity is high, mitotic entry is delayed. Conversely, when Wee1 is lower, G2 phase is shortened and M phase is prematurely initiated. So Wee1 kinase is accurately regulated in the whole cell cycle. The studies in...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院_生物化学与分子生物学学号:2162013115260

    Design and Implementation of Students' Psychological Problems Communication System Based on Android

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    随着无线通信技术和互联网的发展,智能终端发展迅速,特别是基于 Android操作系统的系统更是与当前的社会经济相互渗透,这也为学生心理问题 交流的发展奠定了基础,在这种背景下,本系统结合当前社会学生心理问题现状, 利用互联网技术和学生心理问题相关理论以及学生心理问题定律技术实现了对 当前学生心理问题的多项指标的远程实时监控,同时,本系统依托Android操作 系统UI界面人性化、源码开放、使用十分广泛以及封装良好等优势,利用Android 操作系统在系统领域的绝对权威,推广和普及该系统,对于我国学生心理问题交 流系统的发展,缓解社会学生心理问题难题具有重要的理论和现实意义。 本...With the development of wireless communication technology and Internet, mobile intelligent terminal development rapidly, especially based on the mobile platform Android operating system is more in-depth into all areas of economic and social life, which also laid the foundation for the development of mobile communication forum, the psychological quality of the students, in this context, the cu...学位:工学硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323073

    Analysis and Design of E-government System of Legal Supervision for a City National People's Congress

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    我们对于政府信息化、电子政务等名词,可以说早已经耳熟能详,但时至今日,这些技术在我国中小城市的运用,仍然还据有很大的待完善空间。电子政务中最重要的政务,即政府及相关部门在处理各种政务的过程中涉及到的有关政府内部的公务性和私人性工作的关系模式,在此过程中运用的信息化、电子网络为基础的实施方法和手段。而在实现中要求做到——无缝隙的政府(Seamlessgovernment)、扁平化网络结构、参与互动。相对政府系统,人大系统在法律监督上的电子政务方面应用依然存在较大的空缺。本课题基于我国某市人大法律监督电子政务平台系统的分析与设计,是在对我国和发达国家电子政务方面大量相关内容的详细分析与全面考量基础...We respect the government information technology, e-government and other terms, we can say already familiar, but today, in the use of these technologies in small and medium cities, still has to be improved, according to a great space. E-government is the most important government, namely the government and relevant departments involved in the processing of a variety of government within the govern...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323115

    Structure and function research of the nuclear receptor PPARγ and its novel selective regulator

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    过氧化物酶体增殖剂激活受体家族(PPARs)是一类配体依赖型的激活因子,它们是核受体超家族中的重要成员。PPARs是机体调节新陈代谢平衡的关键转录因子,因此PPARs也成为了研发治疗糖尿病,心血管疾病等代谢相关疾病药物的热门分子靶标。 糖尿病是困扰现代人健康的一组常见代谢性疾病,但是目前临床上仍然缺乏安全且有效的糖尿病治疗药物。噻唑烷二酮(Thiazolidinedione,TZD)类药物是经典的PPARγ完全激动剂,由于它能够改善由糖尿病引起的胰岛素耐受等症状,目前已经运用于临床治疗Ⅱ型糖尿病。但是TZDs在发挥抗糖尿病功效的同时也伴有严重的副作用,比如肝毒性、水肿、体重增加、骨质疏松和心...The PPARs belong to the nuclear receptor superfamily, a kind of transcription factors which most are ligand-inducible. PPARs are the most important regulators of the metabolic homeostasis, and they have gained a lot of interest as drug targets for cardiovascular disease, diabetes and so on. Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a prevalent metabolic syndrome that is characterized by insulin resista...学位:理学博士院系专业:生命科学学院_生物化学与分子生物学学号:2162013015413

    Analysis and Design in an Intelligent Home Appliances Control System

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    随着计算机技术、通信技术和电子技术的发展,人们生活水平的提高和生活节奏的加快,对家居环境的舒适性、高效性和节能环保的要求不断提高,传统的家用电器控制方法已无法满足生活的需求。本文主要在传统家电的基础上,分析基于Android平台的家电智能控制系统的体系结构、家庭网关服务器和客户端软件的设计。 本文的主要研究内容是:首先,详细分析家电智能控制系统国内外研究情况、系统的可行性、功能性需求和非功能性需求。其次,设计了家电智能控制系统的总体结构。硬件方面选用了三星的S3C6410作为核心处理器,ZigBee无线网络技术为家庭内部网络,CC2530处理器为ZigBee的协调器和家电设备终端节点的核心模...With the development of computer, communications, and electronic technologies, the living standard becomes higher, and the pace of life becomes faster. In the view of an ever-increasing demand for a comfortable, efficient, energy-saving, and green home environment, traditional household appliances control can no longer make people satisfied. This dissertation mainly analyzes the design of the arch...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323214

    To Explore the Stagnation and Perfection of Supervision at Stationary Points System in China

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    我国现阶段检察机关侦查监督工作的监督方式和力度相当有限,其开展存在许多困难,这使得侦查权在实施过程中存在的问题无法得到及时有效监督。同时,现有法律关于侦查监督的法律规定过于笼统,操作性不强,导致监督不到位,这些都在很大程度上影响了公正执法。因此,在我国目前的法律框架内,要提高诉讼效率,实现司法公正、亟需一种新型的工作模式来解决目前的困境。而驻点监督联络员工作,即是近年来检察机关针对该问题尝试的一种新型工作模式。本文通过对驻点监督工作开展的现状进行分析,借鉴国际上先进的国家立法经验,对我国驻点监督工作的开展作进一步的完善。 本文由前言、正文、结论三大部分组成,其中正文分四章:第一章是驻点监督的...There are quite a few limitations on the manner and magnitude of supervision in procuatorial organs of China at this stage, so there are many difficulties in implementing supervision, which makes it impossible to exercise timely and effective supervision over the problems existing in implementing investigation power. Meanwhile, the existing laws on investigation and supervision are too general and...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院_法律硕士学号:X201212003

    The Empirical Research on the Relationship between Private Equity Placements and the stock price performance of the listed companies in China Growth Enterprise Market

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    定向增发作为我国上市企业股权再融资的一种重要手段,是面对较为少数的投资者,其发行门槛相较低,且在操作上较为简便迅速,成为我国资本市场逐渐完善以来(2008年股权分置改革为起点)上市公司再融资的首选工具。创业板市场作为中国的“NASDAQ”,在中国的资本市场扮演着“二板市场”的角色,其上市条件要求较松、公司具有较高的成长性、科技创新实力强、公司规模相对较小以及退市风险较大等特点。这就共同决定了创业板上市公司的定向增发发行新股带来的效应会与主板有所差异,这也就是本文研究的重要切入点。 国内外已经有很多学者对定向增发发行进行了相关研究,主要是从公司选择定向增发发行的原因、宣告效益、发行折扣率和定向...Private Equity Placements plays an important role in Chinese Listed Companies Seasoned Equity Offerings,and has a lower threshold and easy operation. China ' s capital market has gradually improved(with the non-tradable shares reform finished in 2006),PE placements gradually becomes the first preferred tool of refinancing for businesses. China Growth Enterprise Market is called“Chinese NASDAQ”,and...学位:保险硕士院系专业:经济学院_保险硕士学号:1562013115215

    Seniority, Analyst Coverage and Agency Costs——Evidence from China

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    自1976年以来,代理成本问题始终吸引着学者们的强烈关注。许多学者认为研究公司治理水平的根本目的在于通过降低代理成本从而减小代理成本带来的负面影响。可能由于以前学者难以在公开市场上获得关于上市公司内部情况的信息,因此较多学者关注股权集中程度、股权制衡情况和外部监管环境等问题,而较少学者从公司内部的文化、制度安排、竞争机制和管理层的管理能力等角度出发考虑其对代理成本的影响。 本文基于委托代理理论、高层梯队理论、非正式制度理论、行为科学理论和逆向选择理论,以涵盖2004年至2013年中国沪深A股1,588家民营上市公司10年数据的6,627个样本观测值为基础,以公司论资排辈现象作为切入点,研究了...Agency costs has been attracting strong focus by lots of scholars since 1976. Many scholars believe that the fundamental purpose of the study of corporate governance is to reduce agency costs and reduce the negative effects of agency costs. Maybe due to the difficulties in getting the internal information of listed companies in the open market, a lot of scholars’ study on agency costs gathered in ...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_会计学学号:1752014115112