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    压力,你好! 压力,再见!

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    古时候人们说“少年不知愁滋味,为赋新词强说愁”.但在压力山大的现代社会,“郁闷”却早已成了少年们的口头禅. “老师讲课好无聊,郁闷!” “回家爸爸妈妈管这管那,郁闷!” “考试没考好,郁闷!” “跟好朋友闹矛盾了,郁闷!” “喜欢的人不喜欢自己,郁闷!” 一大波郁闷向你袭来,做好准备,咱们来打一场好心情保卫战吧! 谁动了你的好心情? 就像是石子投进湖泊会引起层层涟漪,我们的心情也常常会受到外界的影响.当发生了一件好事情的时候,我们会觉得开心快乐,如果发生了一件坏事,我们则会感到忧郁和悲伤.我们的情绪时涨时落,在开心和郁闷之间来回波动,谱写出属于自己的一曲情绪乐章.当然,对于一般人来说,这个波动常常会更靠近“开心”那一端

    Relationship between Posttraumatic Growth and PostRelationship between Posttraumatic Growth and PostRelationship between Posttraumatic Growth and Post Relationship between Posttraumatic Growth and Post Relationship between Posttraumatic Growth and PostRelationship between Posttraumatic Growth and Post Relationship between Posttraumatic Growth and PostRelationship between Posttraumatic Growth and Post Relationship between Posttraumatic Growth and PostRelationship between Posttraumatic Growth and Post Relationship between Posttraumatic Growth and Post Relationship between Posttraumatic Growth and PostRelationship between Posttraumatic Growth and Post Relationship between Posttraumatic Growth and PostRelationship between Posttraumatic Growth and Post Relationship between Posttraumatic Growth and Post Relationship between Posttraumatic Growth and PostRelationship between Posttraumatic Growth and Post Relationship between Posttraumatic Growth and Post Relationship between Posttraumatic Growth and PostRelationship between Posttraumatic Growth and Post Relationship between Posttraumatic Growth and PostRelationship between Posttraumatic Growth and PostRelationship between Posttraumatic Growth and Post Relationship between Posttraumatic Growth and Post Relationship between Posttraumatic Growth and Post Relationship between Posttraumatic Growth and PostRelationship between Posttraumatic Growth and PostRelationship between Posttraumatic Growth and Post Relationship between Posttraumatic Growth and PostRelationship between Posttraumatic Growth and Post Relationship between Posttraumatic Growth and Post -Traumatic Traumatic Traumatic Traumatic Traumatic Traumatic Stress Disorder among Adolescents Three years after the Stress Disorder among Adolescents Three years after the Stress Disorder among Adolescents Three years after the Stress Disorder among Adolescents Three years after the Stress Disorder among Adolescents Three years after the Stress Disorder among Adolescents Three years after the Stress Disorder among Adolescents Three years after the Stress Disorder among Adolescents Three years after the Stress Disorder among Adolescents Three years after the Stress Disorder among Adolescents Three years after the Stress Disorder among Adolescents Three years after the Stress Disorder among Adolescents Three years after the Stress Disorder among Adolescents Three years after the Stress Disorder among Adolescents Three years after the Stress Disorder among Adolescents Three years after the Stress Disorder among Adolescents Three years after the Stress Disorder among Adolescents Three years after the Stress Disorder among Adolescents Three years after the Stress Disorder among Adolescents Three years after the Stress Disorder among Adolescents Three years after the Stress Disorder among Adolescents Three years after the Stress Disorder among Adolescents Three years after the Stress Disorder among Adolescents Three years after the Stress Disorder among Adolescents Three years after the Stress Disorder among Adolescents Three years after the Stress Disorder among Adolescents Three years after the Stress Disorder among Adolescents Three years after the Stress Disorder among Adolescents Three years after the Stress Disorder among Adolescents Three years after the Stress Disorder among Adolescents Three years after the Stress Disorder among Adolescents Three years after the Stress Disorder among Adolescents Three years after the Stress Disorder among Adolescents Three years after the Stress Disorder among Adolescents Three years after the Stress Disorder among Adolescents Three years after the Stress Disorder among Adolescents Three years after the Wenchuan EarthquakeWenchuan EarthquakeWenchuan Earthquake Wenchuan Earthquake Wenchuan EarthquakeWenchuan Earthquake Wenchuan EarthquakeWenchuan Earthquake Wenchuan Earthquake Wenchuan EarthquakeWenchuan Earthquake Wenchuan EarthquakeWenchuan

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    研究目标:(1)研究创伤后成长问卷(PTGI)在中国地震灾区青少年幸存者中的信效度;(2)探索创伤后成长和创伤后应激障碍的关系。 研究方法:以汶川大地震集中灾区绵阳市北川县两所中学的1640名初一、初二的中学生为研究对象,以创伤后成长问卷(PTGI)与加州大学创伤后应激障碍评估指数(UCLA PTSD Index)为主要评估工具,采用探索性因素分析、验证性因素分析、相关分析和多元回归分析为主要统计方法。 研究结果:(1)PTGI的因素结构效度:将总体样本随机分为两个部分进行探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析。在删除了不适用于中国文化的灵性改变维度的2个条目和具有双因素载荷的6个条目后,探索性因素分析保留了原PTGI问卷的13个条目,发现PTGI在中国青少年群体中表现出了三因素结构(个人力量,生活取向和人际关系),各条目在3个因子上的载荷在0.45-0.81之间,因子之间的相关系数为0.51-0.57;验证性因素分析在第二个独立样本中交叉验证了了该结构的稳定性。 (2)PTGI的效标效度:13项PTGI总分与心理韧性和社会支持呈现中等到高等程度的正相关(相关系数分别为0.629和0.404),与抑郁症状呈现中等程度的负相关(相关系数为-0.330),显示PTGI-13在测量地震幸存者的积极恢复情况方面是有效的。 (3)PTGI的信度:PTGI-13的内部一致性系数为0.86,个人力量、生活取向和人际关系分维度的内部一致性系数依次为0.788,0.769和0.721。 (4)通过验证性因素分析比较创伤后应激障碍的四个竞争性结构模型,发现Elhai等人(2011)提出的五因素结构模型(分别为闯入维度,回避维度,麻木维度,情绪痛苦唤醒维度和焦虑唤醒维度)拟合最优。以PTG的三因素结构模型和PTSD的五因素结构模型为基础,回归分析发现,PTSD的闯入分维度对PTG的生活取向因子有正向预测作用;PTSD的回避分维度对PTG总分、个人力量因子和人际关系因子有正向预测作用;PTSD的麻木分维度对PTG的总分及各因子有负向预测作用;PTSD的痛苦唤醒和焦虑唤醒分维度对人际关系因子有正向预测作用。 研究结论:(1)修订后的PTGI-13的信效度达到测量学要求,可以用于中国青少年群体的创伤后成长的评估。PTGI-13由个人力量、生活取向和人际关系三个维度构成。 (2)以PTSD的五因素结构模型为基础,PTSD的不同子维度与创伤后成长的关系不同,主要表现在回避分维度能促进创伤后成长,而情绪麻木分维度则不利于创伤后成长的发生。<br /


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    “你是学什么专业的?” “心理学……” “哇!好厉害!那你能不能猜出来我现在心里在想什么?” “……” 那你们毕业了是去做心理医生吗?是不是会碰到很多变态?会不会自己也变得很变态?” “……” 从我上大学开始,上述类似的对话几乎在每次寒暑假回老家的火车上或是有陌生人的饭桌上都会发生


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