15 research outputs found

    Empirical Research on Competitiveness of Listed Banks of China

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    随着经济全球化进程的加快,金融领域的竞争日趋激烈。与欧美发达国家的商业银行相比,我国商业银行的竞争力有待提高。如何正确评价竞争力,并在此基础上找到影响竞争力的主要因素及其对竞争力的影响程度,是提升我国商业银行竞争力的一个必不可少的基础环节。 限于数据的可得性,本文仅选取截至2009年4月底我国已上市的14家商业银行作为研究对象。通过综合已有的研究成果,建立银行竞争力评价指标体系。再运用统计分析模型,从实证出发,对我国上市银行的竞争力情况做出研究,在此基础上分析其原因并提出政策建议。 首先,在导论部分介绍对商业银行竞争力进行研究的背景及本文的研究角度,并简介本文的理论工具与结构安排。之后,介...With the acceleration of the process of economic globalization, the international competitiveness, especially the financial competitiveness, has become increasingly intensively. Compared with commercial banks in developed countries such as Europe and the United States, competitiveness of our commercial banks needs to be improved. However, research in this area has just begun in China. How to evalu...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院金融系_应用经济学学号:1562006115106

    Performance Study of Cloud Testing Platform Based on OpenStack

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    云测试是基于云计算的软件测试新模式。在传统的软件测试中,当测试任务高并发、原有的硬件资源无法满足测试时间要求时,需要更换硬件资源、重新配置测试环境。使用云测试可以实现按需分配硬件资源、无需重新配置测试环境,因而比传统软件测试更能节省测试成本。介绍了如何在OPEnSTACk云平台上配置和运行软件代码覆盖率测试工具SAT。实验表明,当测试任务高并发时,所搭建的云测试平台可以在不用重新配置环境的情况下满足用户对测试时间的要求,降低了用户测试成本。Cloud testing is a new method based on cloud computing to test software.In traditional methods, the original hardware resource may be inadequate when a large amount of concurrent test requests occur.In such case, the hardware resource should be redistributed to establish the needed test environment.However, the cloud testing can achieve distributing the hardware resource on-demand and need not to re-establish the test environment.Consequently, the test cost can be reduced.This paper presents how to combine Open Stack and SAT in order to build a cloud testing platform.The experiment validates that the established platform could both meet the demand on test time and reduce the test cost when massive concurrent test requests occur.国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.61274133); 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助项目(No.20090121110019


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    Design and verification of FPGA-based key modules in multi-standard audio decoding

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    在分析音频解码标准MP3和AAC及其实现方案基础上,提出了基于fPgA的支持多制式的音频解码算法设计方案。将分步查表法引入霍夫曼解码,并提出了无乘法器的反量化变换及可兼容的IMdCT变换算法的fPgA实现方案。板上测试验证表明,该方案可准确完成多制式音频的解码,并提高解码速度与精度。The audio encoding standards(MP3and AAC)and their implementation schemes are analyzed.The FPGA design scheme is proposed to support the audio decoding algorithm with multi-standards.The substep lookup table algorithms introduced to implement Huffman decoding on hardware.A FPGA-based scheme,supporting multiplier-less inverse quantization and configurable IMDCT,is proposed.The experiments on demo board show that proposed scheme finish the decoding tasks with higher speed and accuracy.国家自然科学基金资助项目(61274133); 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助项目(20090121110019

    Design and validation of SoC media player based on multichannel DMA controller

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    提出了一种基于多通道直接内存存取dMA(dIrECT MEMOry ACCESS)控制器的媒体播放器片上系统SOC(SySTEM On CHIP)设计方案,不仅实现了内外部存储空间和I/O器件之间的数据直接传输,而且实现了多通道数据的片上并行交换。仿真验证表明,该SOC设计方案在提高片上总线通信效率及减轻处理器负担的同时,还可提升系统在媒体播放方面的整体性能。We propose the design of a new media player SoC based on multichannel DMA controller,which cannot only realize direct data transmission between I/O devices and the internal and external storage,but can also achieve the multichannel data parallel transmission at the same time.Verification shows that our design can improve the efficiency of on-chip bus communication and reduce the burden of the micro processor,and at the same time improve the overall performance of the media player application.国家自然科学基金资助项目(61274133); 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助项目(20090121110019


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    脂肪酸作为一种重要的生物标志物,已被广泛用于沉积物和土壤中有机质来源的示踪.青藏高原是世界上海拔最高的高原,也是亚洲许多大河沉积物的主要源.本研究在青藏高原高寒草地选择17个采样点,采集不同土层深度的土壤样品,通过测定土壤样品中总有机质参数和生物标志物脂肪酸的含量与组成,并结合环境要素(气温、降水和土壤理化性质)数据,阐明了青藏高原高寒草地不同土层深度脂肪酸的组成、来源和分布特征.结果表明:脂肪酸呈双峰型分布,以C_(16)和偶碳长链脂肪酸(C_(20)~C_(30))为主,表明土壤微生物和高等植物的混合输入源.源解析结果显示高等植物对青藏高原土壤中脂肪酸含量的贡献至少达40%.脂肪酸的含量随土层深度增加而降低,最大值为(1.08±0.09)mg/g OC(以OC计)出现在0~10cm层,最小值为(0.46±0.12)mg/g OC出现在50~70cm层,植物组织的输入在深层土壤中急剧减少是导致此现象的主要原因.与环境因子的相关性分析表明,脂肪酸总含量与年平均气温(P<0.05),表明降水有助于新鲜有机质来源的脂肪酸在青藏高原土壤中的累积.此外,其他环境因素,如土壤矿物含量(铁、铝氧化物)、微生物群落组成、枯落物的质量和数量等,对青藏高原土壤中脂肪酸保留所起的作用亟待进一步研究,以便更好理解青藏高原高寒草地土壤中脂肪酸的保留机理

    The Design of Data Acquisition Card of New Spectrometer Based on USB Bus

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    为了解决传统分光光度计分析速度慢、体积大、成本高的问题,设计了一种基于uSb接口的新型紫外分光光度计的数据采集卡.该采集卡采用带uSb内核的芯片Cy7C68013,集成了串行口引擎、从属fIfO等模块;以CPld芯片IS-PMATCH4064V作为时钟同步接口,产生CCd驱动时序,满足了数据采集的高频要求;AdC采用AdS803,具有12位精度与5 MHz的采样率.开发的软件主要包括固件下载驱动、封装好的上下层接口功能函数、CPld固件.实验结果表明,该采集卡稳定可靠、接口函数简单通用,采集卡速率达到16 Mb/S.A novel data acquisition card,based on USB bus,is proposed to resolve the disadvantages of the traditional spectrometer,such as low efficiency,poor portability,and so on.In the article,the design of hardware is described first.In the data acquisition card,chip CY7C68013 is utilized which includes Serial Interface Engine and Slave FIFO.The CPLD ISPMATCH4064V being used as Synchronous Clock will drive the CCD.ADS803,which has 12 bit and 5 MHz Sample Rate,is utilized to the A/D converter.And then the development of software is discussed.The software includes firmware、the interface functions between application and driver、the circuit function model of CPLD.It is shown that the speed of the data acquisition can attach to 16 Mb/s,and the card is stable and reliable

    Data Acquisition and Communication System of Spectrophotometer Based on USB Bus

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    为解决传统分光光度计采集速率低、体积大、成本高、信噪比差等问题,本文设计了一种基于uSb总线的新型紫外分光光度计的数据采集及传输系统.该系统采用2048线阵CCd与12位Ad转换器,实现了对190--780 nM波长范围的光谱信号的采样;采用了带uSb内核的芯片,实现对传输数据的uSb协议打包与解析;设计了动态链接库,开发了软硬件接口;编写了测试程序.以MATlAb为工具通过数理统计方法对采集卡进行了信噪比测试.结果表明该数据采集及传输系统稳定性好,具有较高的信噪比.A novel data acquisition and communication system based on USB bus is proposed to resolve the disadvantages of traditional spectrometer for low efficiency,poor portability and bad SNR(Signal/noise ratio).In this system,A 2048-Pixel CCD is selected as photo-electronic detector and ads803 as A/D converter which sample spectrum signal between 190--780 nm wavelength range.The chip embed with USB core is utilized which includes Serial Interface Engine and Slave FIFO,and data can be coded or decoded under USB protocol.The software mainly includes dynamic link library(DLL).On the base of interface of software and tool MATLAB,some experiments are completed,and the performance of acquisition card is tested.The result shows that the system is reliable


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